T. Poxon-pearson
Measurement of key resonance states for the P30(p,γ)S31 reaction rate, and the production of intermediate-mass elements in nova explosions
We report the first experimental constraints on spectroscopic factors and strengths of key resonances in the P30(p,γ)S31 reaction critical for determining the production of intermediate-mass elements up to Ca in nova ejecta. The P30(d,n)S31 reaction was studied in inverse kinematics using the GRETINA γ -ray array to measure the angle-integrated cross-sections of states above the proton threshold. In general, negative-parity states are found to be most strongly produced but the absolute values of spectroscopic factors are typically an order of magnitude lower than predicted by the shell-model calculations employing WBP Hamiltonian for the negative-parity states. The results clearly indicat…
Single-particle shell strengths near the doubly magic nucleus Ni and the Ni( , ) Cu reaction rate in explosive astrophysical burning
Angle-integrated cross-section measurements of the $^{56}$Ni(d,n) and (d,p) stripping reactions have been performed to determine the single-particle strengths of low-lying excited states in the mirror nuclei pair $^{57}$Cu−$^{57}$Ni situated adjacent to the doubly magic nucleus $^{56}$Ni. The reactions were studied in inverse kinematics utilizing a beam of radioactive $^{56}$Ni ions in conjunction with the GRETINA γ-array. Spectroscopic factors are compared with new shell-model calculations using a full pf model space with the GPFX1A Hamiltonian for the isospin-conserving strong interaction plus Coulomb and charge-dependent Hamiltonians. These results were used to set new constraints on the…
Single-particle shell strengths near the doubly magic nucleus 56Ni and the 56Ni(p,γ)57Cu reaction rate in explosive astrophysical burning
Angle-integrated cross-section measurements of the $^{56}$Ni(d,n) and (d,p) stripping reactions have been performed to determine the single-particle strengths of low-lying excited states in the mirror nuclei pair $^{57}$Cu-$^{57}$Ni situated adjacent to the doubly magic nucleus $^{56}$Ni. The reactions were studied in inverse kinematics utilizing a beam of radioactive $^{56}$Ni ions in conjunction with the GRETINA $\gamma$-array. Spectroscopic factors are compared with new shell-model calculations using a full $pf$ model space with the GPFX1A Hamiltonian for the isospin-conserving strong interaction plus Coulomb and charge-dependent Hamiltonians. These results were used to set new constrain…