P. Pirazzini
Variability of Apricot Cultivar traits inside the 'List of recommended fruits varieties' project
Plum Production in Italy: State of Art and Perspectives
New low-vigour apricot rootstocks compared
About ten years ago nurseries began to test several novel apricot stocks developed either to reduce plant vigour and boost early as well as high cropping or as a more suitable replacement for Myrabolan (Prunus cerasifera) and Apricot seedling in water-logged or chlorotic soils. These stocks were the Italian bred selections of Prunus domestica Penta and Tetra, the P. cerasifera Adara and the Prunus insititia Adesoto® 101, both Spanish-bred seedlings, and Plumina@, a Prunus bessey × P. cerasifera hybrid developed in France. Performance testing was carried out under a national project. The trials were set up in 2001 in plots of pilot orchards at Imola in Bologna Province, Ancona, Caserta, Pale…