M.d. Soriano-piñol
Archaeometrical study of paleometallurgical materials from the archaeological site “Cerro de las Balsas — Chinchorro” (La Albufereta, Alacant, Spain)
An Iberian archaeological site located in the east of Spain is one of the most important cupellation centers found in the 4th century b.c. Different metallurgical materials were found in the archaeological site as minerals, cast slags, forged slags, metallic lead, cupella fragments and bronzes. Also was found reverbs remains used for cupper-based materials and cupellation procedure, and hearth forge remains for obtained iron material. The recuperated samples were studied by comparing samples of the same type of material by macroanalysis and microanalysis. The microanalysis and quantitation of the different archaeological materials was carried out by SEM/EDX. The information provides about t…
Analytical Study of a Resinous Material Used as Sealing in Ancient Pottery Found in an Archaeological Site by Thermally Assisted Hydrolysis Methylation–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Light Microscopy
Abstract A resin sample was found in the archaeological site of Lixus (Morocco), belonging to the second century BC. The resinous material was found inside an amphora containing iron remains used in the plug as sealing material to hermetically close the pottery. The resinous sample was studied by several analytical techniques, as thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (THM–GC–MS), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and light microscopy. The material was identified as a Pinaceae resin. Therefore, a modern pine resin was also analyzed to consider the influence of aging in the archaeological sample. The ancient material was found not t…
Archaeopolymetallurgical study of materials from an Iberian culture site in Spain by scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis, chemometrics and image analysis
Abstract Archaeometallurgical materials from “La Bastida de Moixent”, a site in Valencia (Spain), from the second Iberian iron age (4th Century B.C.) have been studied using metallographic techniques, microanalysis, chemometrics and image analysis. The materials come from various phases of iron production and cupellation of argentiferous lead to obtain silver. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to determine the morphological, microstructural and topographic characteristics of the samples. Image analysis was used to obtain a numeric estimate of the main components in these materials. X-ray microanalysis (SEM/EDX) provides qualitative and quantitative information about the elements in…