Ludwig Serge Aho
Pulse wave transit time measurements of cardiac output in septic shock patients: a comparison of the estimated continuous cardiac output system with transthoracic echocardiography
Pôle EAMERSCT3Hors Enjeu; Background We determined reliability of cardiac output (CO) measured by pulse wave transit time cardiac output system (esCCO system; COesCCO) vs transthoracic echocardiography (COTTE) in mechanically ventilated patients in the early phase of septic shock. A secondary objective was to assess ability of esCCO to detect change in CO after fluid infusion. Methods Mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the ICU, aged > 18 years, in sinus rhythm, in the early phase of septic shock were prospectively included. We performed fluid infusion of 500ml of crystalloid solution over 20 minutes and recorded CO by EsCCO and TTE immediately before (T0) and 5 minutes after (T1) …
Impact économique de la chimioembolisation avec microsphères chargées dans le traitement du carcinome hépatocellulaire
Resume La chimioembolisation est le traitement de premiere ligne pour les patients atteints d’un carcinome hepatocellulaire (CHC) non resecable, non metastatique. Les microspheres chargees d’anticancereux recemment commercialisees ont pour objectif d’augmenter l’efficacite de la chimioembolisation en permettant un relargage controle et prolonge de l’anticancereux au plus proche de la tumeur. Notre etude monocentrique compare selon deux methodes de valorisation, les couts medicaux hospitaliers directs d’une premiere cure de chimioembolisation conventionnelle et d’une premiere cure de chimioembolisation avec microspheres chez 30 patients atteints de CHC. Le cout moyen valorise par la comptabi…
Predictive factors of transarterial chemoembolisation toxicity in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
Abstract Background Transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) is an effective treatment for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but can cause severe toxicity. Aim To identify predictive factors of severe TACE-related toxicity in patients with unresectable HCC. Methods All HCC patients who underwent TACE at the Dijon University Hospital between 2008 and 2011 were included in this retrospective study. Severe TACE-related toxicity was defined as the occurrence of any adverse event grade ≥4, or any adverse event that caused a prolongation of hospitalisation of >8 days, or any additional hospitalisation within 1 month after TACE. Factors predicting toxicity were identified using a logistic…