Dace Rudzīte
Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Using Gastrin- and Pepsinogen-Based Tests
Abstract Gastrin-17 (G-17), pepsinogen-1 (Pg1) and pepsinogen-2 (Pg2) reflect the functional state of gastric mucosa and are used for non-invasive diagnosis and screening of atrophic gastritis. The aim of the study was to clarify if erosive reflux disease (ERD) or non-ERD (NERD) can be distinguished from other dyspeptic conditions in patients, in a non-invasive manner using specific biomarkers. Levels of G-17, Pg1, and Pg2 were measured in 141 ERD patients (median age 48 years, males — 68), 122 NERD patients (median age 45 years, males — 32) and 410 control patients (median age 50 years, males — 97). Levels of biomarkers in ERD and NERD groups were compared to controls. Median levels of G-1…
Krāsu nosaukumu lietojums O.Vailda romānā "Doriana Greja ģīmetne"
Parasti cilvēki runā par dažādām krāsām, krāsu toņiem un kombinācijām saistībā ar vizuālajām mākslām, taču krāsas ir ļoti nozīmīgas arī literatūrā. Bakalaura darbs ”Krāsu nosaukumu lietojums O. Vailda romānā ”Doriana Greja ģīmetne”” parāda krāsu lietojuma nozīmi. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir uzskatāmi parādīt O. Vailda romānā izmantoto krāsu un krāsu toņu dažādību, kā arī parādīt, ka vairumā gadījumu krāsu izvēle nav nejauša: autors ir izvēlējies noteiktas krāsas, apzinoties konkrēto krāsu nozīmi un iespējamos efektus. Bakalaura darba autore ir izmantojusi analītiskās un salīdzināšanas metodes, lai sasniegtu bakalaura darba mērķi. Veiktais pētījums pierāda, ka krāsu lietojumam romānā „Doriana …
Associations of epstein-barr virus-positive gastric adenocarcinoma with circulating mediators of inflammation and immune response
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive gastric adenocarcinoma exhibits locally intense inflammation but systemic manifestations are uncertain. Our study examined whether circulating mediators of inflammation and immune response differ by tumor EBV status. From a Latvian series of 302 gastric cancer cases, we measured plasma levels of 92 immune-related proteins in the 28 patients with EBV-positive tumors and 34 patients with EBV-negative tumors. Eight markers were statistically significantly higher with tumor EBV positivity: chemokine C-C motif ligand (CCL) 20 (Odds Ratio (OR) = 3.6; p-trend = 0.001), chemokine C-X-C motif ligand 9 (OR = 3.6; p-trend = 0.003), programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1; OR…