Isabel Guillamón
Low-Frequency Imaginary Impedance at the Superconducting Transition of 2 H - Nb Se 2
3D superconducting hollow nanowires with tailored diameters grown by focused He+ beam direct writing
Currently, the patterning of innovative three-dimensional (3D) nano-objects is required for the development of future advanced electronic components. Helium ion microscopy in combination with a precursor gas can be used for direct writing of three-dimensional nanostructures with a precise control of their geometry, and a significantly higher aspect ratio than other additive manufacturing technologies. We report here on the deposition of 3D hollow tungsten carbide nanowires with tailored diameters by tuning two key growth parameters, namely current and dose of the ion beam. Our results show the control of geometry in 3D hollow nanowires, with outer and inner diameters ranging from 36 to 142 …
Low-Frequency Imaginary Impedance at the Superconducting Transition of 2H-NbSe2
The superconducting transition leads to a sharp resistance drop in a temperature interval that can be a small fraction of the critical temperature T$_c$. A superconductor exactly at T$_c$ is thus very sensitive to all kinds of thermal perturbations, including the heat dissipated by the measurement current. We show that the interaction between electrical and thermal currents leads to a sizeable imaginary impedance at frequencies of order of tens of Hz at the resistive transition of single crystals of the layered material 2H-NbSe$_2$. We explain the result using models developed for transition edge sensors. By measuring under magnetic fields and at high currents, we find that the imaginary im…
Scanning tunneling measurements of layers of superconducting 2H-TaSe2: Evidence for a zero-bias anomaly in single layers
This work was supported by the EU (ERC Advanced Grant SPINMOL and COST MP-1201), the Spanish MINECO (Consolider-Ingenio in Molecular Nanoscience, CSD2007-00010 and projects FIS2011-23488, MAT2011-25046, MAT2011-22785 and ACI-2009-0905, co-financed by FEDER), by the Comunidad de Madrid (program Nanobiomagnet) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Programs Prometeo and ISIC-NANO)
Field dependence of the vortex core size probed by scanning tunneling microscopy
We study the spatial distribution of the density of states (DOS) at zero bias N(r) in the mixed state of single and multigap superconductors. We provide an analytic expression for N(r) based on deGennes' relationship between DOS and the order parameter that reproduces well scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) data in several superconducting materials. In the single gap superconductor β-Bi2Pd, we find that N(r) is governed by a length scale ξH=φ0/2πH, which decreases in rising fields. The vortex core size C, defined via the slope of the order parameter at the vortex center, C (dΔ/dr|r→0)-1, differs from ξH by a material dependent numerical factor. The new data on the tunneling conductance and…
Three-Dimensional Superconducting Nanohelices Grown by He+-Focused-Ion-Beam Direct Writing
Novel schemes based on the design of complex three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale architectures are required for the development of the next generation of advanced electronic components. He+ focused-ion-beam (FIB) microscopy in combination with a precursor gas allows one to fabricate 3D nanostructures with an extreme resolution and a considerably higher aspect ratio than FIB-based methods, such as Ga+ FIB-induced deposition, or other additive manufacturing technologies. In this work, we report the fabrication of 3D tungsten carbide nanohelices with on-demand geometries via controlling key deposition parameters. Our results show the smallest and highest-densely packed nanohelix ever fabricated s…
Zero-bias conductance peak in detached flakes of superconducting 2H-TaS2probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
We report an anomalous tunneling conductance with a zero-bias peak in flakes of superconducting 2$H$-${\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ detached through mechanical exfoliation. To explain the observed phenomenon, we construct a minimal model for a single unit cell layer of superconducting 2$H$-${\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ with a simplified two-dimensional Fermi surface and a sign-changing Cooper-pair wave function induced by Coulomb repulsion. Superconductivity is induced in the central $\ensuremath{\Gamma}$ pocket, where it becomes nodal. We show that weak scattering at the nodal Fermi surface, produced by nonperturbative coupling between tip and sample, gives Andreev states that lead to a zero-bias peak in the…
Disordered hyperuniformity in superconducting vortex lattices
Particles occupying sites of a random lattice present density fluctuations at all length scales. It has been proposed that increasing interparticle interactions reduces long range density fluctuations, deviating from random behaviour. This leads to power laws in the structure factor and the number variance that can be used to characterize deviations from randomness which eventually lead to disordered hyperuniformity. It is not yet fully clear how to link density fluctuations with interactions in a disordered hyperuniform system. Interactions between superconducting vortices are very sensitive to vortex pinning, to the crystal structure of the superconductor and to the value of the magnetic …
Scanning tunneling measurements of layers of superconducting 2H-TaSe 2: Evidence for a zero-bias anomaly in single layers
We report a characterization of surfaces of the dichalcogenide TaSe2 using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at 150 mK. When the top layer has the 2H structure and the layer immediately below the 1T structure, we find a singular spatial dependence of the tunneling conductance below 1 K, changing from a zero-bias peak on top of Se atoms to a gap in between Se atoms. The zero-bias peak is additionally modulated by the commensurate 3a0 × 3a0 charge-density wave of 2H-TaSe2. Multilayers of 2H-TaSe2 show a spatially homogeneous superconducting gap with a critical Temperature also of 1 K. We discuss possible origins for the peculiar tunneling conductance in single layers
Simplified feedback control system for scanning tunneling microscopy
A Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) is one of the most important scanning probe tools available to study and manipulate matter at the nanoscale. In a STM, a tip is scanned on top of a surface with a separation of a few \AA. Often, the tunneling current between tip and sample is maintained constant by modifying the distance between the tip apex and the surface through a feedback mechanism acting on a piezoelectric transducer. This produces very detailed images of the electronic properties of the surface. The feedback mechanism is nearly always made using a digital processing circuit separate from the user computer. Here we discuss another approach, using a computer and data acquisition thr…
Long-range vortex transfer in superconducting nanowires
Under high-enough values of perpendicularly-applied magnetic feld and current, a type-II superconductor presents a fnite resistance caused by the vortex motion driven by the Lorentz force. To recover the dissipation-free conduction state, strategies for minimizing vortex motion have been intensely studied in the last decades. However, the non-local vortex motion, arising in areas depleted of current, has been scarcely investigated despite its potential application for logic devices. Here, we propose a route to transfer vortices carried by non-local motion through long distances (up to 10 micrometers) in 50nm-wide superconducting WC nanowires grown by Ga+ Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition.…
Zero-bias conductance peak in detached flakes of superconducting 2 H - TaS2 probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
We report an anomalous tunneling conductance with a zero-bias peak in flakes of superconducting 2H-TaS2 detached through mechanical exfoliation. To explain the observed phenomenon, we construct a minimal model for a single unit cell layer of superconducting 2H-TaS2 with a simplified two-dimensional Fermi surface and a sign-changing Cooper-pair wave function induced by Coulomb repulsion. Superconductivity is induced in the central Γ pocket, where it becomes nodal. We show that weak scattering at the nodal Fermi surface, produced by nonperturbative coupling between tip and sample, gives Andreev states that lead to a zero-bias peak in the tunneling conductance. We suggest that reducing dimensi…
Coherent coupling between vortex bound states and magnetic impurities in 2D layered superconductors
Bound states in superconductors are expected to exhibit a spatially resolved electron-hole asymmetry which is the hallmark of their quantum nature. This asymmetry manifests as oscillations at the Fermi wavelength, which is usually tiny and thus washed out by thermal broadening or by scattering at defects. Here we demonstrate theoretically and confirm experimentally that, when coupled to magnetic impurities, bound states in a vortex core exhibit an emergent axial electron-hole asymmetry on a much longer scale, set by the coherence length. We study vortices in 2H-NbSe2 and in 2H-NbSe1.8S0.2 with magnetic impurities, characterizing these with detailed Hubbard-corrected density functional calcu…
Low-Frequency Imaginary Impedance at the Superconducting Transition of 2H - NbSe2
The superconducting transition leads to a sharp resistance drop in a temperature interval that can be a small fraction of the critical temperature ${T}_{c}$. A superconductor exactly at ${T}_{c}$ is thus very sensitive to all kinds of thermal perturbation, including the heat dissipated by the measurement current. We show that the interaction between electrical and thermal currents leads to a sizable imaginary impedance at frequencies of the order of tens of hertz at the resistive transition of single crystals of the layered material $2H$-${\mathrm{Nb}\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$. We explain the result using models developed for transition-edge sensors. By measuring under magnetic fields and at high cu…
Chiral charge order in the superconductor 2H-TaS(2)
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