Structural photoactivation of a full-length bacterial phytochrome
Time-resolved x-ray solution scattering reveals the conformational signaling mechanism of a bacterial phytochrome.
On the (un)coupling of the chromophore, tongue interactions, and overall conformation in a bacterial phytochrome
Phytochromes are photoreceptors in plants, fungi, and various microorganisms and cycle between metastable red light-absorbing (Pr) and far-red light-absorbing (Pfr) states. Their light responses are thought to follow a conserved structural mechanism that is triggered by isomerization of the chromophore. Downstream structural changes involve refolding of the so-called tongue extension of the phytochrome-specific GAF-related (PHY) domain of the photoreceptor. The tongue is connected to the chromophore by conserved DIP and PRXSF motifs and a conserved tyrosine, but the role of these residues in signal transduction is not clear. Here, we examine the tongue interactions and their interplay with …
Photoactivation of Drosophila melanogaster cryptochrome through sequential conformational transitions
Time-resolved x-ray scattering reveals light-induced signal transduction in insect cryptochromes.
Sequential conformational transitions and α-helical supercoiling regulate a sensor histidine kinase
Sensor histidine kinases are central to sensing in bacteria and in plants. They usually contain sensor, linker, and kinase modules and the structure of many of these components is known. However, it is unclear how the kinase module is structurally regulated. Here, we use nano- to millisecond time-resolved X-ray scattering to visualize the solution structural changes that occur when the light-sensitive model histidine kinase YF1 is activated by blue light. We find that the coiled coil linker and the attached histidine kinase domains undergo a left handed rotation within microseconds. In a much slower second step, the kinase domains rearrange internally. This structural mechanism presents a t…