Hyam I. Levitsky
T cell assays and MIATA: the essential minimum for maximum impact.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA*Correspondence: cedrik.britten@tron-mainz.dehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2012.07.010The field of immunology has recentlyexperienced enormous advances fromwhich most have so far not been incorpo-rated into standard medical practice (Da-vis, 2008). One approach to fully exploitthe existing wealth of knowledge is toimplement a systematic strategy to eval-uate the immune system. The potentialbenefit of such an approach is that itmay lead to results that can be translatedinto the rational development of diagnos-tics and therapeutics (Hoos et al., 2011).Two prerequisites for its application ar…
The role of the reporting framework MIATA within current efforts to advance immune monitoring
“MIATA”—Minimal Information about T Cell Assays
Immunotherapy, especially therapeutic vaccination, has a great deal of potential in the treatment of cancer and certain infectious diseases such as HIV (Allison et al., 2006; Fauci et al., 2008; Feldmann and Steinman, 2005). Numerous vaccine candidates have been tested in patients with a variety of tumor types and chronic viral diseases. Often, the best way to assess the clinical potential of these vaccines is to monitor the induced T cell response, and yet there are currently no standards for reporting these results. This letter is an effort to address this problem.