Teemu Paajanen

Cognitive behavioural therapy interventions for insomnia among shift workers: RCT in an occupational health setting

Abstract Introduction The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy interventions for insomnia (CBT-I) to that of a sleep hygiene intervention in a randomized controlled design among shift workers. We also studied whether the features of shift work disorder (SWD) affected the results. Methods A total of 83 shift workers with insomnia disorder were partially randomized into a group-based CBT-I, self-help CBT-I, or sleep hygiene control intervention. The outcomes were assessed before and after the interventions and at 6-month follow-up using questionnaires, a sleep diary, and actigraphy. Results Perceived severity of insomnia, sleep-related dysfunction…

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Innovatiiviset etäkuntoutuspalvelut

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää etäteknologian käyttöä Kelan laitoskuntoutuksessa ja työhyvinvointipalveluna toteutetussa etäkuntoutuksessa. Kuntoutusryhminä olivat sydänkuntoutukseen osallistuneet, tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksia sairastavat ja ammatillisen työkyvyn tuen tarpeessa olevat asiakkaat. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli arvioida eri kuntoutusmallien vaikuttavuutta asiakkaiden fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja koettuun elämänlaatuun sekä etäteknologiaa hyödyntävän kuntoutuksen osallistumiseen. Toisena tavoitteen oli kartoittaa asiakkaiden ja henkilökunnan kokemuksia etäteknologiasta osana tavanomaista kuntoutusta ja etäkuntoutusta. Lisäksi tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan tu…

research product

Biopsychosocial Profiles of Patients With Cardiac Disease in Remote Rehabilitation Processes : Mixed Methods Grounded Theory Approach

Background: Digital development has caused rehabilitation services and rehabilitees to become increasingly interested in using technology as a part of rehabilitation. This study was based on a previously published study that categorized 4 groups of patients with cardiac disease based on different experiences and attitudes toward technology (e-usage groups): feeling outsider, being uninterested, reflecting benefit, and enthusiastic using. Objective: This study identifies differences in the biopsychosocial profiles of patients with cardiac disease in e-usage groups and deepen the understanding of these profiles in cardiac rehabilitation. Methods: Focus group interviews and measurements were c…

research product

The Added Value of Remote Technology in Cardiac Rehabilitation on Physical Function, Anthropometrics, and Quality of Life: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) cause most deaths globally and can reduce quality of life (QoL) of rehabilitees with cardiac disease. The risk factors of CVDs are physical inactivity and increased BMI. With physical activity, it is possible to prevent CVDs, improve QoL, and help maintain a healthy body mass. Current literature shows the possibilities of digitalization and advanced technology in supporting independent self-rehabilitation. However, the interpretation of the results is complicated owing to the studies’ high heterogeneity. In addition, the added value of this technology has not been studied well, especially in cardiac rehabilitation. Objective We aimed to examine the…

research product

CERAD neuropsychological battery total score in multinational mild cognitive impairment and control populations: the AddNeuroMed study.

An important focus in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research is the development of methods for early diagnosis. Despite progress with some other biomarkers, sensitive and specific neuropsychological measures for identifying subjects in the prodromal phase of AD remain the most promising early diagnostic tool. We evaluated the value of the composite score for the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's disease Neuropsychological Battery (CERAD-NB) in Europeans with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and in control populations. Baseline clinical data were analyzed from 223 healthy elderly and 224 subjects with MCI from the prospective AddNeuroMed study carried out in Finland, France, Greec…

research product

Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study.

Background and objectivesChoir singing has been associated with better mood and quality of life (QOL) in healthy older adults, but little is known about its potential cognitive benefits in aging. In this study, our aim was to compare the subjective (self-reported) and objective (test-based) cognitive functioning of senior choir singers and matched control subjects, coupled with assessment of mood, QOL, and social functioning.Research design and methodsWe performed a cross-sectional questionnaire study in 162 healthy older (age ≥ 60 years) adults (106 choir singers, 56 controls), including measures of cognition, mood, social engagement, QOL, and role of music in daily life. The choir singers…

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Multinomiaalisen logistisen regression sovellus vuoden 2014 EVAn kansalliseen asennetutkimukseen

Kun vastemuuttuja on luokiteltu ja siinä on enemmän kuin kaksi luokkaa, niin mallinnusta voidaan tehdä multinomiaalisen logistisen regression avulla. Tämän alaluokka on nominaalinen logistinen regressio ja sitä käytetään, kun vasteen luokkia ei saada perustellusti yhteen tiettyyn järjestykseen. Siinä yksi vasteen luokka valitaan referenssiluokaksi, johon muita vasteen luokkia verrataan. Parametrit estimoidaan suurimman uskottavuuden menetelmällä. Malleja vertaillaan uskottavuusosamäärätestin ja AIC:n avulla. Mallin sopivuutta aineistoon tarkastellaan Pearsonin jäännöksillä. Nominaalista logistista regressiota sovelletaan Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunnan (EVA) vuoden 2014 kansalliseen asennetut…

research product

Effectiveness of Distance Technology in Promoting Physical Activity in Cardiovascular Disease Rehabilitation : Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, A Pilot Study

BackgroundPhysical activity is beneficial for cardiovascular rehabilitation. Digitalization suggests using technology in the promotion of physical activity and lifestyle changes. The effectiveness of distance technology interventions has previously been found to be similar to that of conventional treatment, but the added value of the technology has not been frequently studied. ObjectiveThe aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether additional distance technology intervention is more effective in promoting physical activity than non-technology–based treatment in 12 months of cardiac rehabilitation. MethodsThe cardiovascular disease rehabilitation intervention consisted of three 5-day…

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Ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid and carnosine supplementation's effects on cognitive, behavioural and psychophysiological parameters on healthy young subjects double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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