Matias Kaukolinna
Exploring Kaleidocycles with LUX
Participants can experiment with building a series of dynamic linkages, mainly triangular and cubic kaleidocycles with the LUX construction system. In order to make the required movements with LUX, a new LUX module has been developed. The new module will be introduced in the workshop, and participants will be asked to assess the further educational, artistic and creative potentials this module offers to the LUX system. After the introductory activities, participants will experiment on how to study these topics in multidisciplinary settings by using LUX in the mathematics classroom. The workshop combines hands-on geometry learning with other subjects, like arts, engineering and design. peerR…
Environmental Problem-solving and Hands-on Geometry Learning through Storytelling inside a Geodesic Dome : Ice, Honey and Stardust
In this workshop, we introduce a STEAM learning activity based on the construction of geodesic domes. This workshop will engage participants in various preliminary and exploratory constructions, while also applying the geometry of geodesic domes to approximate hemispheres. Various storytelling, role-playing, and environmental connections that can provide needed context for learners of all ages are explored. peerReviewed