Ville Sarpo
English and marketing : A study of marketing students’ English language needs and skills
HUMANISTINEN TIEDEKUNTA KIELTEN LAITOS Ville Sarpo ENGLISH AND MARKETING: A study of marketing students English language needs and skills Kandidaatintutkielma Englannin kieli Huhtikuu 2009 22 sivua + 1 liite Jatkuvasti muuttuvassa ja laajenevassa maailmassa viestinnän merkitys kasvaa huomattavasti. Yhteisen äidinkielen löytäminen ei aina ole mahdollista, joten jokin yhteinen kieli tarvitaan helpottamaan kommunikointia. Tällä hetkellä tämä yhteinen kieli on englanti. Englanti on eniten levinnyt kieli maailmassa, joten ei ole suurikaan yllätys, että se on usein se kieli, jolla kommunikoidaan. Markkinointi alana perustuu hyvinkin vahvalti viestintään ja sen onnistuneeseen toteuttamiseen. Engla…
Entrepreneurial leadership and familiness as resources for strategic entrepreneurship
PurposeThis paper seeks to investigate how familiness and entrepreneurial leadership are related to each other in family firms. Familiness and entrepreneurial leadership are viewed as resources for strategic entrepreneurship. The aim of the paper is to shed light on familiness in three family firms and contribute to the field's growing body of work.Design/methodology/approachThe paper employs a case study method. The interviewees were interviewed by theme questions and secondary information was gathered to strengthen the empirical section. Qualitative interpretation of empirical data was used.FindingsThe findings demonstrate the variety of familiness and entrepreneurial leadership within fa…
Architecture of dissonance : a study on the strategic management process of higher education internationalization
In this study I analyze the neglected notion of organizational architecture in the strategic process of internationalization in the context of higher education. I examine the internationalization process through the development and management of international master’s degree programmes and their relation to the broader strategy of one particular Finnish university. I interviewed acting coordinators and directors of the programmes regarding their view on the administrative work, as well as the structures and resources, related to the programmes. Strategy documents, internal evaluations, and statistics were also analyzed. The omission of an explicit strategy and strategic program for internat…