Jukka Törnroos

Miten matematiikkaa ja luonnontieteitä osataan suomalaisessa peruskoulussa : kolmas kansainvälinen matematiikka- ja luonnontiedetutkimus TIMSS 1999 Suomessa

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Opetussuunnitelma, oppikirjat ja oppimistulokset : seitsemännen luokan matematiikan osaaminen arvioitavana

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Tulevaisuuden osaajat : Pisa 2000 Suomessa

research product

Mathematics textbooks, opportunity to learn and student achievement

Abstract Opportunity to learn is considered an important contributing factor in learning outcomes. In some of the latest international comparative studies of mathematics achievement, such as SIMS and TIMSS, painstaking efforts have been made to find out what the participating students' opportunities to learn mathematics had been. However, there have been problems with relating the findings to student outcomes. This article approaches opportunity to learn in three different ways. Among these approaches, an item-based analysis of textbook contents resulted in fairly high correlations with student performance at the item level in TIMSS 1999. This implies that even a quite simple analysis of te…

research product

Osaaminen kestävällä pohjalla : PISA 2003 Suomessa

research product

The Finnish success in Pisa - and some reasons behind it : 2 Pisa 2003

The success of Finnish students in PISA has been a great joy but at the same time a somewhat puzzling experience to all those responsible for and making decisions about education in Finland. At a single stroke, PISA has transformed our conceptions of the quality of the work done at our comprehensive school and of the foundations it has laid for Finland's future education and development of knowledge. Thanks to PISA, Finnish schools and school practices have suddenly been brought into the focus of international attention. Why are Finnish students performing so well? What is the secret behind the Finnish success? In this publication, we as the researchers responsible for the implementation of…

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