Kari Törmäkangas
Nuorten yhteiskunnalliset tiedot, osallistuminen ja asenteet : kansainvälisen ICCS 2009 -tutkimuksen päätulokset
Kansainvälisen ICCS-tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaiset valmiudet nuorilla on toimia ja osallistua aktiivisina kansalaisina 21. vuosisadan yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 38 maata eri puolilta maailmaa. Julkaisu kertoo tutkimuksen ensimmäisistä tuloksista. Millaiset ovat peruskoulun 8.-luokkalaisten yhteiskunnalliset tiedot ja miten ne ovat muuttuneet 10 vuoden aikana? Kiinnostavatko politiikka ja yhteiskunnalliset asiat nuoria? Millaista on nuorten osallistuminen koulussa ja vapaa-ajalla? Aikovatko he osallistua yhteiskunnallisesti aikuisina? Entä millaiset ovat nuorten yhteiskunnalliset asenteet? Kirjan kautta ei voi suoraan ennustaa millaiseen yhteiskuntaan olemme men…
Advantages of the Rasch measurement model in analysing educational tests:an applicator's reflection
Educational achievement is a very important issue for parents, teachers, and the government. An accurate measurement plays a very important role in evaluating achievement fairly, and, therefore, analysis methods have been developed considerably in recent years. Education based on long-time learning processes forms a fruitful base for item tests, as it opens up possibilities to design a nearly unlimited number of items. There are several methods available to analyse such tests, but which method is the most useful and in which situation? The Rasch measurement from the Institute for Object Measurement (IOM) has pointed out to be the most useful in evaluating individual items and their function…
Measuring the financial capability of investors
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide further understanding of the financial capability of mutual fund investors, and compare internet and branch office investors. It seeks to examine mutual fund investors' abilities and awareness of the terms and risks of mutual fund investments using a novel measurement instrument.Design/methodology/approachAbility measurement techniques adapted from educational and psychological studies were applied in the paper. Empirical survey data were collected in Finland.FindingsThere were differences between different types of investors in terms of financial knowledge. The channel used by the investors in making investments differentiated the more knowled…
Validity of the Play Assessment for Group Settings: An evaluation of differential item functioning between children with specific language impairment and typically developing peers
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity evidence based on internal structure of the Play Assessment for Group Settings (PAGS). Methods: The study was conducted in day care centres by comparing observations of the free play performance of two groups of children: those with specific language impairments (SLIs) (n = 55) and those with typical language development (n = 55). The participating children were 3 to 6.5 years of age. Data were subjected to many-faceted Rasch analyses and differential item functioning analysis was conducted to identify possible group-specific items in the PAGS. The effect of differentially functioning items on mean play performance measurements b…
Nuorten yhteiskunnalliset tiedot, osallistuminen ja asenteet : kansainvälisen ICCS 2009 -tutkimuksen ensituloksia
Kansainvälisen ICCS-tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaiset valmiudet nuorilla on toimia ja osallistua aktiivisina kansalaisina 21. vuosisadan yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 38 maata eri puolilta maailmaa. Julkaisu kertoo tutkimuksen ensimmäisistä tuloksista. Millaiset ovat peruskoulun 8.-luokkalaisten yhteiskunnalliset tiedot ja miten ne ovat muuttuneet 10 vuoden aikana? Kiinnostavatko politiikka ja yhteiskunnalliset asiat nuoria? Millaista on nuorten osallistuminen koulussa ja vapaa-ajalla? Aikovatko he osallistua yhteiskunnallisesti aikuisina? Entä millaiset ovat nuorten yhteiskunnalliset asenteet? Kirjan kautta ei voi suoraan ennustaa millaiseen yhteiskuntaan olemme men…
Beliefs affecting additional investment intentions of mutual fund clients
In this article, we aim to examine mutual fund investors’ behaviour in decision-making situations and to analyse future investment decisions via a path model approach. Investors were divided into different groups based on the risk and distribution channel used, and the differences in their investment intentions were examined. The study used empirical survey data collected from the clients of a mutual fund company owned by a Finnish banking group. Loyalty to the common banking group dominated the explanation in the whole model. The safety of the investment was important for branch office investors, whereas obtaining a good return was important for internet investors. Ultimately, explanatory …