Francesca Scalisi


C'è stato un interesse crescente per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale e archeologico e un corrispondente aumento del numero di turisti che hanno interesse a questi settori. Di conseguenza, ciò ha comportato strategie di intervento più attenti che mirano alla conservazione, all'apprezzamento, al godimento e allo sfruttamento del nostro patrimonio storico e artistico. Il ponte pedonale è strettamente legato agli aspetti museologici, architettonici e archeologici. Questo documento descrive alcune richieste da parte del visitatore, gli elementi essenziali che devono essere specificati nel progetto e i risultati che questi particolari manufatti, ovvero le passerelle, devono fornire per …

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Earth Bricks with Halloysite Nanoclay: Research and Experimentation for the Sustainability of Materials

The paper illustrates the experimentation activities on rammed earth and nanotechnologies conducted by the authors. The experimental research was carried out with the aim of improving the performance of rammed earth bricks with clay nanotubes, creating a ‘new material’ with reduced embodied energy and low CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Specifically, the analysed performances are related to the compressive strength that expand their area of use as a building material.

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Materials for sustainable architecture in the Mediterranean region

There has been recent increased use of earth for construction of buildings in developed countries, largely because of concerns with the environmental impact and embodied carbon from fired bricks and cement based products. Of all forms of earth construction, the widest impact on modern construction is likely to come from commercially produced unfired earth masonry where large scale production can significantly reduce costs. The use of traditional materials in the Mediterranean area needs to be reassessed with a thought given to environmental sustainability, but also with an eye to the reappropriation of the predominantly massive nature of Mediterranean architecture. This article contemplates…

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Trasformazione e riuso dei vuoti urbani: quattro casi studio

Il saggio indaga su contesti urbani consolidati che contengono tracce appartenenti a preesistenze industriali oggi in disuso, ma che costituiscono originali trame urbane da reinterpretare, riqualificare e riutilizzare in alternativa alle nuove espansioni. Il progetto della trasformazione/cambiamento diviene una metodologia d’intervento che richiede approcci, sensibilità e strumenti adeguati, che vanno dal controllo urbanistico a quello architettonico, dalla verifica tecnologica e strutturale a quella sociale e fruitiva. Sono presentate alcune ipotesi progettuali che illustrano come la valorizzazione delle aree industriali possa contribuire alla rigenerazione urbana di interi quartieri o por…

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Measure the Embodied Energy in Building Materials: An Eco-Sustainable Approach for Construction

This paper highlights how the use of materials and building components often implicates the growth of embodied energy necessary to their construction, which is not always adequately compensated by a decrease of operational energy because incorporated energy can be almost half of the total energy used in a building’s life cycle and, sometimes, it even exceeds operational energy. The paper highlights how searching only for “operational” energy efficiency does not sufficiently guarantee environmental sustainability of the intervention. The intervention is heavily influenced by embodied energy whose knowledge must drive, since the beginning, the decision-making process towards more sustainable …

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Le industrie

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I materiali nanostrutturati nel settore edilizio

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Nanotechnology in restoration: cleaning and consolidation of stonework

Nanotechnology is a science that utilises methods and techniques to manipulate material on a size-scale smaller than a micrometre (normally between 1 and 100 nanometres) and has the aim of producing materials with particular chemical-physical characteristics. It constitutes a true multi-disciplinary sphere of investigation, involving numerous areas of research, ranging from molecular biology to chemistry, from the science of materials to (applied and basic) physics, to mechanical and electronic engineering. Nanotechnology’s present and future applications render this an issue of great current interest, bearing in mind not only its innovative character, but also its possible impact on indust…

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Nanotecnologie in Edilizia. Innovazione tecnologica e nuovi materiali per le costruzioni

La presente pubblicazione esplora il tema dell'innovazione edilizia confrontandosi con una questione complessa, quale quella rappresentata dalla nanotecnologia, indagando sul rapporto tra innovazione tecnologica e architettura dalla fine del sec. XIX sino ai nostri giorni, sottolineando soprattutto il forte legame tra l'uso di materiali innovativi e la progettazione architettonica, un filo che lega l'architettura all'avvento del ferro, del vetro, del cemento armato, per introdurre al tema delle nanotecnologie in edilizia, forse, la nuova frontiera dell'innovazione.

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Tecnologie per il risparmio energetico degli edifici

L’obiettivo di questo volume è la definizione di strategie progettuali e tecnologiche per il risparmio energetico degli edifici. A seguito di un’ampia fase esplorativa sulle questioni energetiche e tecnologiche, ci si è voluti soffermare su alcune strategie per il risparmio energetico, supportate da esempi progettuali e simulazioni energetiche effettuate con software adeguati.

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Poggioreale di Sicilia: an emergency in real opportunity: model research for eco-sustainable planning

Poggioreale is a small town located in the inland portion of western Sicily. The project proposes to utilize climatic and physics elements how tools of sustainable development

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Nanotechnology in construction: the new means for the sustainable development

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La nanotecnologia per l'innovazione architettonica

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Le modalità di esecuzione dei mattoni in terracruda

The article describes the operation carried out for the production of samples in unfired clay. Starting from the analysis of the materials used in the execution of the mixture, shaping and drying. The first group of samples, includes three types: clay and water; clay, water and sand; clay, water, sand and straw. In the second group of samples was added 5% of nanodiscs of clay.

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I settori di applicazione delle nanotecnologie

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The appropriate choice of building materials can contribute decisively to reduce the energy consumption of the building sector. The increasing worries for the environmental impact of construction materials is witnessed by a lot of studies The mentioned worries has brought again the attention towards natural materials. The use of more sustainable construction materials and construction techniques represent a major contribution to the eco-efficiency of the construction industry and thus to a more sustainable development. Within this frame the renewed interest for a natural material such as the rammed earth is included; the interest has been in continuous growth from the 80s till today. The ra…

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Nanotecnology in restoration: cleaning and consolidation of stonework

This paper describes a project using nanotechnology to improve the characteristics of reliability, compatibility and resistance over a period of time, of products for the restoration and conservation of structures of historic-artistic value, through experimentation with nano-structured materials. The research project specifically tackles two issues, with regard to cleaning and consolidation, testing the new products on samples of stone material taken from the archaeological site at Morgantina (in the centre of Sicily).

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Il programma di ricerca, partendo dalla terracruda, mira a creare dei materiali nanocompositi, una nuova classe di materiali, caratterizzati da una dispersione delle fasi ultra ne, tipicamente dell’ordine di pochi nanometri; in virtù di questa dispersione, i nanocompositi possiedono proprietà uniche, non condivise dai convenzionali compositi o microcompositi. in altri termini, la ricerca mira a potenziare la terracruda con rinforzi nanostrutturati, allo scopo di migliorare le prestazioni chimico-fisiche e meccaniche del prodotto finale. La proposta di ricerca investe aspetti che riguardano la tradizione culturale e materiale e l’in- novazione come criterio per rinnovare la prassi costruttiv…

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Sostenibilità e Social Housing: alcuni modelli di riferimento

La crisi economica e sociale degli ultimi anni non ha risparmiato il settore delle abitazioni e i gruppi più deboli di utenti. L'abitazione sociale sembra offrire soluzioni adeguate all'emergenza che stiamo vivendo, soprattutto se gli interventi sono caratterizzati dalla sostenibilità ambientale. L'articolo mostra alcuni dei progetti residenziali più interessanti realizzati in Europa. The economic and social crisis of recent years has not spared the housing sector and the weaker groups of users. social housing appears to offer adequate solutions to the emergency we are experiencing, especially if interventions are environmental sustainability characteristics. the article shows, in the resid…

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Orientamenti per il progetto di protezione delle strutture archeologiche

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Technological features in greek fortifications in Sicily

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Esigenze conservative e prestazioni tecnologiche: classificazione e requisiti per i sistemi di protezione dei beni archeologici

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Architettura d'acqua. Water in innovtion building

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Nanotechnology and earth construction: the mechanical properties of adobe brick stabilized by Laponite nanoparticles

The contribution describes the experimental analysis for the improvement of the mechanical properties of samples of earth with the addition of Laponite nanoparticles. Were made two types of samples: the first consisting of soil, sand and water; the second consisting of soil, water, sand and Laponite nanoparticles. The operations performed were: chemical analysis of soil and sand; preparation of samples; Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observation of samples for the distribution of the elements, especially the Laponite nanoparticles; testing of compression strength and flexural strength of two types of samples; comparisons of the resulted of the mechanical tests. The improvement of the me…

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I prodotti nanostrutturati esistenti sul mercato

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La Seconda Vita dell'Ambiente Costruito

Il contributo inquadra i saggi, gli studi, le ricerche e progetti pubblicati sul numero 9 di AGATHÓN su ‘La Seconda Vita dell’Ambiente Costruito’, tema di interesse per il mondo accademico, delle professioni e dell’industria. Cambiamenti climatici, eccessivo consumo di suolo e di risorse non rinnovabili, produzione sempre crescente di rifiuti, emergenza pandemica e crisi socio-economica globale sono entrati di fatto nel nostro quotidiano: seppur drammatiche, per certi versi, tali questioni possono essere colte come un’opportunità per ripensare il modo e il mondo in cui viviamo. In questo contesto di ‘rivoluzione’(Floridi, 2020) e di ‘policrisi’ (Losasso, 2020), e con riferimento specifico a…

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Nanotechnology: revolution in architecture

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Sperimentazione di materiali nanostrutturati in ambito archeologico

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Riflessioni e traiettorie di ricerca interdisciplinari sulla transizione ecologica

Il volume 13 di AGATHÓN segue il precedente sulla Innovability©® | Transizione Digitale e raccoglie saggi e ricerche su Innovability©® | Transizione Ecologica, consapevole della sua incalzante attualità, ma anche del portato che la proposta di una doppia chiave di interpretazione suggerisce. I contributi del volume ci consegnano riflessioni e traiettorie di ricerca basate sulla necessità di una natura multiscalare degli interventi, che garantisca effetti indotti a un contesto ambientale più ampio di quello di riferimento, e di team che affrontino le criticità con un approccio collaborativo inter e transdisciplinare olistico e sistemico, in una sorta di speciazione delle discipline che ne mo…

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AMBIENTE COSTRUITO E SOSTENIBILITÀ – Materiali riciclati e Design for Disassembly tra ricerca e buone pratiche

In the context of environmental emergency of which the construction sector is one of the main causes – since it consumes 40% of the (embodied and operational) energy and produces about a third of the total waste – and due to the ambitious objectives set by the international community and by many countries to reduce the environmental impact of buildings during their whole life cycle, this paper wants to make a contribution to the understanding of the state of the art on cycle-based research activities, sustainable experiments and good practices that the building industry and the academy have implemented in recent years. In particular, it refers to cycle-based theoretical and experimental act…

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Innovation and future framework for building material: nanotechnology for concrete

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Problematiche conservative del Castello Aragonese di Piazza Armerina

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Performance of Earth Bricks Supplemented by Nanoparticles and their Application in Architecture

The potential for architecture offered by natural materials in terms of comfort, reduction of embodied energy and energy-saving in the operational phase, dictates in-depth research that might highlight advantages and contribute to improving their characteristics. This research focuses on earth bricks and, in particular, a type of brick made from unfired clay, known as adobe. The aim of the research is to verify improvements in performance of adobe with the aid of nanotechnology. The adobe mixture was prepared with water, soil (from Sicily) and LAPONITE® as a stabilizer. The adobe bricks were subjected to tests of resistance to compression and flexion, resistance to abrasion, capillary absor…

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PRO.ME.TE.O - Piano strategico per lo sviluppo sostenibile della Valle del Belice

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Prove di resistenza a compressione e a flessione dei campioni in terracruda

The article presents the results of tests of compressive strength and flexural strength under concentrated load of samples in unfired clay with and without the addition of nanodisks of clay studied for the PRIN 2008 entitled Nanotechnology for bricks earthen: tradition, innovation and sustainability.

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Le strutture difensive delle colonie greche di Sicilia. Storia, tipologia, materiali

Il presente Volume si propone di approfondire la conoscenza storica, tipologica e materica delle strutture difensive presenti nei maggiori siti archeologici siciliani di fondazione greca, premessa indispensabile per un qualsiasi tipo di intervento di recupero e fruizione. Il Volume affronta, innanzitutto, il tema della colonizzazione greca in Sicilia, in quanto la nascita delle fortificazioni è strettaente correlata alla necessità di difendersi dalle popolazioni indigene, e indaga sulle relazioni esistenti fra fortificazioni e tipologie insediative, soffermandosi, in seguito ad analizzare i vari subsistemi (fondazioni, muri, coronamenti, smaltimento delle acque) e componenti (porte e torri)…

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Le strutture difensive nelle colonie greche di Sicilia. Il recupero dell'identità perduta

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Il fabbisogno energetico di un edificio è la somma dell’energia necessaria per il riscaldamento, il raffrescamento, la ventilazione e l’illuminazione. La somma di tali consumi incide fortemente sul bilancio energetico nazionale e, alla riduzione di tale incidenza, sono dedicate numerose ricerche. Alcune di queste sono tese all’individuazione di nuove fonti energetiche rinnovabili, altre alla riduzione dei consumi attraverso l’efficientamento dell’involucro degli edifici e al miglioramento degli impianti. Tutte queste ricerche sono tese all’efficientamento del consumo energetico in fase d’uso degli edifici, l’energia che si va a misurare è dunque detta Operating energy. La progettazione di u…

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I nanocompositi

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Earth Bricks with Halloysite Nanoclay: Research and Experimentation for the Sustainability of Materials

This paper illustrates the experimentation activities on rammed earth and nanotechnologies. The experimental research was carried out with the aim of improving the performance of rammed earth bricks with clay nanotubes, creating a ‘new material’ with reduced embodied energy and low CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Specifically, the analysed performances are related to the compressive strength that expand their area of use as a building material.

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Earth Construction: The Mechanical Properties of Adobe with the Addition of Laponite

The contribution describes testing of compression strength, flexural strength and abrasion resistance of adobe made up of soil, water and sand (AS), soil, water, sand and straw (ASP), soil, water, sand and laponite nanoparticles (ASN). Embodied energy in materials presents an increasingly high percentage of the energy spent in the whole life cycle of a building. The same applies for carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, the development of new sustainable construction materi- als with lower embodied energy and lower CO2 emissions is needed. The use in construction of the brick made from soil, water and sand or straw, called adobe, boasts a millenary tradition and in recent years there has been re…

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Schedatura dei reperti architettonici nel sito di Solunto

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I siti archeologici: dal paesaggio naturale al paesaggio artificiale

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The impact of the nanotechnology in the existing and new building

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Patrimonio culturale in generale e dei beni archeologici in particolare, in ragione della loro duplice natura (materiale e immateriale) e coerentemente con l’interesse della Cultura tecnologica per la centralità di quegli aspetti di processo che sono determinanti per una loro adeguata valorizzazione e ampia fruizione, il presente contributo propone un modello di valutazione per capire ‘cosa’ conservare e ‘per- ché’ nell’ottica di uno sviluppo sostenibile, ancor prima di ‘come’ farlo, consentendo una più chiara lettura e una più agevole interpretazione delle complesse relazioni esistenti fra le preesistenze archeologiche, il contesto naturale e i sistemi antropici aggiunti. Il modello di val…

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Nano-structured materials in new and existing buildings: to improved performance and saving of energy

Improving well-being in buildings, in relation to energy conservation, represents a great challenge. In southern Italy a basic problem is that of keeping buildings cool in the summer months. This problem affects not only newly-erected buildings, but also the large number of existing buildings, some of which are of historical importance. Nano-technology represents an excellent opportunity to harness the salvage of existing buildings to the living requirements of contemporary society. The use of nano-structured materials in newly-erected buildings will lead to improved performance and a considerable saving of energy. Above all, the use of nano-structured materials in existing buildings will p…

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Architettura contemporanea in terra cruda

It is estimated that between a third and a half of the world's population, approximately three billion people on six continents, lives in building constructed of earth. Earth building are commonly perceived to be used only by the poor or found only in developing countries, but there are earth buildings of almost every architectural type in use by every economic and social class in both the industrialized and non-industrialized worlds.

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The beginning of the third millennium has marked a period of unprecedented change for cities, architecture and product/visual design. Over the last two decades, economic, social and environmental causes have stimulated and conditioned research and production, directing them towards substantial paradigm changes, proposing new challenges to create more smart, more resilient, more responsive and adaptive, more efficient and more sustainable urban systems, buildings and objects – from nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) to Positive Energy Architecture (PEA) – designed and built faster, with lower costs and with a positive effect on the environment, society, health and productivity: more innovat…

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