Agostino Tomasello

Area Marina Protetta Isole Egadi: Percorsi Naturalistici ed archeologici

research product

Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in Mediterranean transition zone

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Nouvelles connaissances sur les herbiers tigrés de Méditerranée.

International audience; Les herbiers à Posidonia oceanica présentent plusieurs types morpho-structuraux généralement conditionnés par les conditions de milieu (profondeur, hydrodynamisme, substrat, pente, turbidité, sédimentation). Du fait de leur rareté, deux structures particulières, les récifs barrière et les herbiers tigrés, sont considérées depuis une vingtaine d'années comme des paysages marins menacés. Initialement décrits dans le golfe de Gabés, à proximité des îles Kerkennah, les herbiers tigrés se présentent sous forme " de rubans assez étroits qui se développent entre 0.5 et 3 m de profondeur sur matte ". La mise en place de nouveaux programmes d'études …

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Growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis (mollusca, bivalvia) close to fish farms: a case of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture within the Tyrrhenian Sea

A current practice of marine aquaculture is to integrate fish with low-trophic-level organisms (e.g. molluscs and/or algae) during farming to minimise effects of cultivation on the surrounding environment and to potentially increase economic income. This hypothesis has been tested in the present article experimentally, by co-cultivating fish and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in the field. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) experiments were started in July 2004 by transplanting mussel seed at two depths (-3 and -9 m) within 1,000 m downstream to fish cages and at 1,000 m upstream from cages. Mussels were cultured in nylon net bags for 12 months and the growth recorded biometri…

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Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)

Underwater photogrammetry provides a means of generating high-resolution products such as dense point clouds, 3D models, and orthomosaics with centimetric scale resolutions. Underwater photogrammetric models can be used to monitor the growth and expansion of benthic communities, including the assessment of the conservation status of seagrass beds and their change over time (time lapse micro-bathymetry) with OBIA classifications (Object-Based Image Analysis). However, one of the most complex aspects of underwater photogrammetry is the accuracy of the 3D models for both the horizontal and vertical components used to estimate the surfaces and volumes of biomass. In this study, a photogrammetry…

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The Stagnone of Marsala lagoon

The Stagnone of Marsala is an oligotrophic lagoon situated on the western coast of Sicily. The area has been under study since the mid-nineteenth century. Research has focused on its physiographic, chemical-physical, biological, ecological features and, particularly, on submerged vegetation. Its main biotic component, a meadow of Posidonia oceanica, is distributed among peculiar reef formations inside and outside the lagoon, which are extremely interesting from an ecological and environmental point of view. The seagrass grows near to its thermal and salinity tolerance level in the inner lagoon, where it is partially replaced by Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera meadows. Algal assembla…

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Cultivable Fungal Endophytes in Roots, Rhizomes and Leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile along the Coast of Sicily, Italy

The presence of endophytic fungi in the roots, rhizomes, and leaves of Posidonia oceanica was evaluated in different localities of the Sicilian coast. Samples of roots, rhizomes, and leaves were submitted to isolation techniques, and the obtained fungal colonies were identified by morphological and molecular (rRNA sequencing) analysis. Fungal endophytes occurred mainly in roots and occasionally in rhizomes and leaves. Lulwoana sp. was the most frequent of the isolated taxa, suggesting a strong interaction with the host. In addition, eight other fungal taxa were isolated. In particular, fungi of the genus Ochroconis and family Xylariaceae were identified as endophytes in healthy plants at al…

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Vulnerability of Posidonia oceanica meadow inside a coastal lagoon (Stagnone di Marsala – Western Sicily)

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Reference growth charts for assessing growth performance of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

Posidonia oceanica is considered a key species due to its different roles as primary producer, substrate for many species, shoreline erosion protector and long-term carbon store (1).The importance of P. oceanicahas stimulated several studies aimed at quantifying its status. In particular growth performance of rhizomes has become among the most used descriptors for monitoring changes of P. oceanicameadows induced by human or naturalexogenous factors (2). However, ability to detect any change of growth in space or in time is often confounded by natural age-induced variations, which involves serious interpretation problems (3). A general approach adopted to overcome this problem is to build gr…

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Climate change and Mediterranean seagrass meadows: a synopsis for environmental managers

12 páginas, 3 figuras

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Uso di sistemi acustici ad alta risoluzione nel monitoraggio del limite inferiore di Posidonia oceanica nel Golfo di Palermo

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The use of very high resolution images for studying Posidonia oceanica reefs

Posidonia oceanica is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass that forms wide and dense meadows from the surface up to about 40 m depth. This species can develop a biogenic structure called matte, a typical terraced formation built up by itself, consisting of intertwined rhizomes, roots and sediment, which may allow shoots to reach the sea surface forming reefs (récif barrière), considered natural monuments. Posidonia oceanica reefs are particularly exposed to the ongoing increase in temperature and in storm frequency and intensity due to climate change, with negative repercussions on their conservation. Much more attention must be paid to the implementation of monitoring tools able to detect ear…

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Lavori per il potenziamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Castellammare del Golfo (ai sensi del’art. 5 della L.R. 21/98) riguardante i lavori di prolungamento della diga foranea e delle opere interne d’accosto e di arredo portuale.

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The use of high-resolution seismo-acoustic echosounder imaging for estimation carbon sink in P. oceanica dead matte

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Stato di Qualità Ecologica (EcoQ) delle acque costiere in Mediterraneo mediante l’indice biotico POSIX (POSidonia IndeX)

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Serie storiche della composizione isotopica (δ13C e δ15N) di Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) in un’area interessata da emissioni idrotermali

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Osservazioni sugli endofiti fungini in Posidonia oceanica

La presenza di funghi endofiti in rizomi radici e foglie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delille è stata valutata nell’ambito di uno studio morfologico ed ecologico condotto in differenti ambienti mediterranei. In particolare, su individui prelevati in 5 diversi siti costieri siciliani, sono state effettuate osservazioni mirate alla visualizzazione di strutture miceliari nei tessuti dell’ospite, all’isolamento di colonie fungine su substrati artificiali agarizzati e alla loro identificazione su basi morfologiche e molecolari. Le indagini, sebbene tuttora in corso, rilevano la costante presenza di microrganismi fungini endofiti negli organi saggiati sia pure con differenti valori di frequenza d’i…

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Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile come indicatore di impatto urbano nel Golfo di Palermo (Sicilia)

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Biodegradable anchor modular system for transplanting Posidonia oceanica cuttings

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Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of d13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). 2. Hydro…

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Posidonia oceanica living in enclosed coastal lagoon as model for testing the effect of climate change on organism near their limit of thermal tolerance

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Modeling Posidonia oceanica growth data: from linear to generalized linear mixed models

The statistical analysis of annual growth of Posidonia oceanica is traditionally carried out through Gaussian linear models applied to untransformed, or log-transformed, data. In this paper, we claim that there are good reasons for re-considering this established practice, since real data on annual growth often violate the assumptions of Gaussian linear models, and show that the class of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) represents a useful alternative for handling such violations. By analyzing Sicily PosiData-1, a real dataset on P. oceanica growth data gathered in the period 2000–2002 along the coasts of Sicily, we find that in the majority of cases Normality is rejected and the effect of …

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Influence of hydrothermal vents on phytobenthic communities in the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea): preliminary results

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Transplantation assessment of degraded Posidonia oceanica habitats: site selection and long-term monitoring

A model developed for Zostera marina was adapted and used to select suitable areas for Posidonia oceanica transplantation in the Gulf of Palermo, where recent rehabilitation programmes have reduced human pressure. This model consists of three steps: (1) habitat selection, by calculation of the Preliminary Transplant Suitability Index (PTSI); (2) field assessments and test-transplanting, to evaluate the site suitability and to estimate the effects of tearing on transplant units (about 50%); (3) identification of suitable restoration sites, by calculation of the Transplant Suitability Index (TSI). A new parameter was added to the literature model: the number of grids detached, which is linked…

research product

Le macroalghe bentoniche di substrato duro del mesolitorale e dell’infralitorale superiore del Golfo di Palermo: prime considerazioni

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Stakeholders’ Attitudes about the Transplantations of the Mediterranean Seagrass Posidonia oceanica as a Habitat Restoration Measure after Anthropogenic Impacts: A Q Methodology Approach

Anthropogenic impacts on Posidonia oceanica meadows have led to a decline of this ecosystem throughout the Mediterranean. Transplantations have often been prescribed as a compensation measure to mitigate the impacts caused by coastal maritime works. Here a Q methodology approach was used to investigate the stakeholders’ attitudes in four case studies of P. oceanica transplants realized in Italian waters. Twenty-two respondents were asked to score 37 statements, and the resultant Q-sorting was analyzed via an inverse PCA using the KADE software. Four discourses, corresponding to the significant axes in the factorial analysis were identified: science and conservation (F1), oriented at a rigor…

research product

Detection and mapping of Posidonia oceanica dead matte by high-resolution acoustic imaging

A high-resolution echosounder was used to acquire seismo-acoustic records of P. oceanica dead matte patches in the Gulf of Palermo. Seismo-acoustic profiling enabled detection of dead matte structures that are invisible to visual inspection, being hidden by variable layers of sandy sediment. The thickness of the dead matte measured reaches a maximum of 2.2 m. The mean volume of the matte per unit area of seabed surface (MEIx) varies from 0.2 to 2.2 m 3 /m 2 , with an average value of 1.6 m 3 /m 2 and a total volume estimated at 73,000 m 3 . From literature data and from the volume of dead matte calculated in the present work we estimated that total carbon accumulated in the matte is about 2…

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Uso del Sistema Sonar Multi-Beam (MBSS) per la cartografia delle comunità bentoniche

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Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia.

research product

Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

Summary 1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of δ13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). …

research product

Seagrass meadows at the extreme of environmental tolerance: the case ofPosidonia oceanicain a semi-enclosed coastal lagoon

Atoll-like structures of the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica were encountered in the innermost area of the Stagnone di Marsala, a semi-enclosed coastal lagoon along the western coasts of Sicily. The area is characterized by limited water exchange with the open sea and by a marked seasonal variation of water salinity and temperature, reaching beyond the theoretical tolerance limits of the species. In the present study we determined the genetic composition of the atoll-like structures, as well as the growth performance and flowering rate of these stands. We also assessed whether and to what extent the atoll-like structures are genetically isolated from plants growing in mead…

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Recupero di fondali a matte morta nel Golfo di Palermo mediante riforestazione con Posidonia oceanica

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Effects of shallow hydrothermal vents on macroalgal communities

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Elementi in tracce in Posidonia oceanica in un’area fortemente industrializzata.

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Le aree di transizione siciliane: stato dell’arte e sviluppi futuri

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Spatial and temporal distribution of Posidonia oceanica flowering in Sicilian and surrounding islands coasts.

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Sicilian transitional waters: Current status and future development

To appraise the current knowledge of Sicilian transitional waters (TWs), a review was undertaken of the information available on these ecosystems. In detail, a synthesis of the current status is reported, highlighting for each area the ecological features and status, historical data, conservation regime, environmental emergencies and anthropic pressures to which they are subject. The Sicilian TWs reviewed include coastal ponds and lakes, mires and areas with active and nonactive saltworks. Almost all of these ecosystems are affected by several protection regimes because of their high naturalistic value, although current knowledge is limited and fragmented. A few areas have received more att…

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Studio della comunità associata allo strato fogliare di Posidonia oceanica in sorgenti sottomarine superficiali di CO2

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Letter to the editor regarding the article “Taking advantage of seagrass recovery potential to develop novel and effective meadow rehabilitation methods” by Alagna et al., published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149: 2019 (110578)

Alagna et al. (2019) suggest new transplantation methods for Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, inspired by its natural recovery process after disturbance due to dredging operations for gas-pipelines. They observe that P. oceanica vegetative fragments naturally settled only on loose calcareous stones deployed to fill the trenches of the gas-pipeline. No recovery was noted on dead matte, sand and large calcarenitic boulders. Following a new pilot restoration project currently ongoing in the same area, we demonstrate that natural recovery also occurs on dead matte. After examining other alternative transplantation methods for P. oceanica, the Authors suggest using their "habitat enhancemen…

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Caratterizzazione morfologica preliminare di fasci abortiti in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica meadow inside the Stagnone di Marsala lagoon.

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Study of the community of Cystoseira brachycarpa J. Agardh emend. Giaccone of a shallow hydrothermal vent area of the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian sea): preliminary results

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Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia.Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia

research product

Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia. Stato ecologico delle coste siciliane e inquinanti inorganici ed organici nei sedimenti delle aree a rischio ambientale (D. Lgs. 152/99).

research product

Influence of hydrodynamic conditions on the production and fate ofPosidonia oceanicain a semi-enclosed shallow basin (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily)

An integrated approach using hydrodynamic and transport numerical models, lepidochronology and stable isotope analysis was used to investigate how local hydrodynamic conditions influence the primary production and fate of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system (Stagnone di Marsala). The water mass exchange aptitude of different sectors of the basin was analysed, and data collected were used to select two sectors (colonized by Posidonia oceanica showing the lowest and highest water exchange values) for biological analyses. According to the mean dispersal coefficient differences simulated by the hydrodynamic model, growth rate and primary production of …

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Discriminating between Posidonia oceanica meadows and sand substratum using multibeam sonar

Abstract Di Maida, G., Tomasello, A., Luzzu, F., Scannavino, A., Pirrotta, M., Orestano, C., and Calvo, S. 2011. Discriminating between Posidonia oceanica meadows and sand substratum using multibeam sonar. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 12–19. High-resolution, multibeam sonar (MBS) (455 kHz) was used to identify two typologies of seabed 8 m deep: Posidonia oceanica meadow and sandy substratum. The results showed that the heterogeneity of the architecture of the P. oceanica canopy and the relatively simple morphology of a sandy substratum can be detected easily by statistical indices such as standard deviation or range-of-beam depth. Based on these indices, an automated classification…

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Impatto dell’urbanizzazione costiera sulla distribuzione batimetrica di Posidonia oceanica.

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Un sistema integrato per ottimizzare le operazioni di monitoraggio e verità-mare

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Analisi delle performance di crescita di Posidonia oceanica attraverso l’uso di modelli lineari generalizzati misti (GLMM)

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Seagrasses along the Sicilian coasts

All seagrass species known from the Mediterranean basin have been recorded along the Sicilian coast, where studies have been carried out at a very local scale and information is fragmented or confined to the grey literature. The objective of this article is to summarise and evaluate current knowledge on seagrass species on the Sicilian coasts, providing an overview of species distribution, genetic diversity, biology and ecology, based on the literature and unpublished data. Most literature studies have been carried out on Posidonia oceanica meadows because of their wide distribution, complexity and ecological importance. In this study, the analyses carried out on P. oceanica structural and …

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Tecnica di reimpianto mediante supporto biodegradabile.

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Study of Cystoseira brachycarpa J. Agardh emend. Giaccone of a shallow hydrothermal vent area of the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea): preliminary results

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Geospatial modelling and map analysis allowed measuring regression of the upper limit of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows under human pressure

Abstract Marine coastal ecosystems are facing structural and functional changes due to the increasing human footprint worldwide, and the assessment of their long-term changes becomes particularly challenging. Measures of change can be done by comparing the observed ecosystem status to a purposely defined reference condition. In this paper, a geospatial modelling approach based on 2D mapping and morphodynamic data was used to predict the natural position of the upper limit (i.e., the landward continuous front) of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows settled on soft bottom. This predictive model, formerly developed at the regional spatial scale, was here applied for the first time at the Medit…

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Criteri di posizionamento delle stazioni per il monitoraggio del limite inferiore delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.

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Indici ed indicatori biotici in Posidonia oceanica nella valutazione e controllo degli habitat marini costieri.

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Attività di supporto per la redazione del piano di Tutela della Acque (di cui all’art. 44 del D. Lgs. 11 maggio 1999 n. 152 e s.m.i.). Fase di analisi: classificazione dello Stato Ecologico e dello Stato Ambientale dei corpi idrici superficiali. Corsi d’acqua

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Influenza del substrato su crescita dei rizomi e biometria fogliare di Posidonia oceanica

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Sincronizzazione spaziale di serie storiche di crescita in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Lulwoana sp., a dark septate endophyte (DSE) in roots of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile seagrass

Posidonia oceanica is the most common, widespread and important monocotyledon seagrass in the Mediterranean Basin, and hosts a large biodiversity of species, including microorganisms with key roles in the marine environment. In this study, we ascertain the presence of a fungal endophyte in the roots of P. oceanica growing on different substrata (rock, sand and matte) in two Sicilian marine meadows. Staining techniques on root fragments and sections, in combination with microscope observations, were used to visualise the fungal presence and determine the percentage of fungal colonisation (FC) in this tissue. In root fragments, statistical analysis of the FC showed a higher mean in roots anch…

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Mapping Posidonia oceanica lower limit combining high resolution instruments (SSS and MBS)

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3D-Reconstruction of a Giant Posidonia oceanica Beach Wrack (Banquette): Sizing Biomass, Carbon and Nutrient Stocks by Combining Field Data With High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry

Beach wracks are temporary accumulations of vegetal detritus that can be found along coastlines all over the world. Although beach wracks are often perceived as a nuisance for beach users, they play a crucial ecological role in carbon and nutrient connectivity across ecosystem boundaries, especially when they reach a relevant size, as in the case of the wedge-shaped seagrass accumulations called banquette. In this study, three-dimensional mapping of a giant Posidonia oceanica banquette was carried out for the first time using high-resolution UAV photogrammetry combined with field sampling and compositional and chemical analysis. The combined approach allowed a reliable estimation of the amo…

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Organismi perforatori delle scaglie di Posidonia oceanica nel Mediterraneo sud-occidentale.

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Scuba diver behaviour and its effects on the biota of a Mediterranean marine protected area

The effects of diving activity in different Mediterranean subtidal habitats are scarcely known. This study evaluates diver behaviour (for example time spent in each habitat), use (contacts made with the substrate) and immediate effects of diver contact on benthic species in a marine protected area (MPA) in Sicily. Over a two-year period, intentions of 105 divers were observed within seven subtidal habitats: algae on horizontal substrate, algae on vertical substrate, Posidonia oceanica, encrusted walls, caves, sand and pebbles. Divers selected a habitat in proportion to its availability along the scuba trail. On average, each diver made 2.52 contacts every seven minutes, and no differences w…

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Ecological effects of natural ocean acidification on benthic macroalgal communities

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Resilience of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica following pulse-type disturbance.

Understanding the response of species to disturbance and the ability to recover is crucial for preventing their potential collapse and ecosystem phase shifts. Explosive submarine activity, occurring in shallow volcanic vents, can be considered as a natural pulse disturbance, due to its suddenness and high intensity, potentially affecting nearby species and ecosystems. Here, we present the response of Posidonia oceanica, a long-lived seagrass, to an exceptional submarine volcanic explosion, which occurred in the Aeolian Archipelago (Italy, Mediterranean Sea) in 2002, and evaluate its resilience in terms of time required to recover after such a pulse event. The study was carried out in 2011 i…

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A new multivariate Biotic Index to assess Ecological Quality status of Mediterranean coastal waters

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Modelling the relationship between sexual reproduction and rhizome growth in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

The relationship between flowering and growth performance of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in meadows distributed along the south-eastern coast of Sicily (Italy) was investigated by means of a statistical model (generalized linear mixed model) combined with the lepidochronological analysis. Over a 28-year period, 67 floral stalk remains were observed. The highest flowering index was recorded in lepidochronological year 1998 (10.1%) and the Inflorescence Frequency per age showed a clear decrease corresponding to 15-year-old shoots. The sexual reproductive event had positive effects on rhizome elongation (cm year−1) and leaf production (no. leaves year−1) in the same flowering year, whilst n…

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The community of Cystoseira brachycarpa J. Agardh emend. Giaccone (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in a shallow hydrothermal vent area of the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

A Cystoseira brachycarpa community from a vent area off Panarea Island (Italy) was investigated in two sites at different pH values. At low pH, species richness and coverage were low and the community displayed a reduced reproductive capacity. Conversely, at normal pH, dense canopies of fertile C. brachycarpa were found.

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Reference growth charts for Posidonia oceanica seagrass: An effective tool for assessing growth performance by age and depth

Abstract Growth performance of rhizomes has become among the most used descriptors for monitoring Posidonia oceanica seagrass dynamics and population status. However, ability to detect any change of growth in space or in time is often confounded by natural age-induced decline. To overcome this problem, we have produced reference growth charts, which in other areas are universally recognized as a very powerful tool for comparing growth of living beings during their ontogeny. Reference growth charts involving different P. oceanica growth performance measures (speed of growth and primary production of rhizomes) have been built using proper statistical frameworks (GLMM, Segmented and Quantile R…

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Estimating growth charts via nonparametric quantile regression: a practical framework with application in ecology.

We discuss a practical and effective framework to estimate reference growth charts via regression quantiles. Inequality constraints are used to ensure both monotonicity and non-crossing of the estimated quantile curves and penalized splines are employed to model the nonlinear growth patterns with respect to age. A companion R package is presented and relevant code discussed to favour spreading and application of the proposed methods.

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Le fanerogame marine in Sicilia

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Performance Assessment of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Restoration Experiment on Dead matte Twelve Years after Planting—Structural and Functional Meadow Features

Following the restoration of natural conditions by reducing human pressures, reforestation is currently considered a possible option to accelerate the recovery of seagrass habitats. Long-term monitoring programs theoretically represent an ideal solution to assess whether a reforestation plan has produced the desired results. Here, we report on the performance of a 20 m2 patch of Posidonia oceanica transplanted on dead matte twelve years after transplantation in the Gulf of Palermo, northwestern Sicily. Photo mosaic performed in the area allowed us to detect 23 transplanted patches of both regular and irregular shape, ranging from 0.1 to 2.7 m2 and an overall surface close to 19 m2. Meadow d…

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Environmental effects of tourism and its seasonality on Mediterranean islands: the contribution of the Interreg MED BLUEISLANDS project to build up an approach towards sustainable tourism

AbstractThe Mediterranean basin is amongst the world’s main tourist destination, and its islands are a major attraction, being sites of historical, cultural and naturalistic importance. This is beneficial for the local economies, but it may also represent a great burden on the coastal environment, where other human pressures are concentrated. The awareness of detrimental side effects of tourism together with the importance to take into account social and economic facets has led to the concept of sustainable tourism, which, however, represents a goal far from being attained. A good opportunity to promote sustainable tourism was provided by the Interreg MED BLUEISLANDS project, whose main aim…

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Un sistema integrato di telerilevamento e modellistica idrodinamica per il monitoraggio delle praterie a Posidonia oceanica

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Dealing with dependence in retrospective ecological data through longitudinal models

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Eventi riproduttivi sessuati in Posidonia oceanica lungo le coste della Sicilia.

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3H-DA release evoked by low pH medium and internal H+ accumulation in rat hypothalamic synaptosomes

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Flowers and inflorescences of the seagrassPosidonia(Posidoniaceae, Alismatales)

Premise of the study: The predominantly aquatic order Alismatales displays a highly variable fl ower groundplan associated with a diverse range of developmental patterns. We present the fi rst detailed description of fl ower anatomy and development in Posidonia , the sole genus of the seagrass family Posidoniaceae. Existing accounts provide confl icting interpretations of fl oral and infl orescence structure, so this investigation is important in clarifying morphological evolution within this early-divergent monocot order. • Methods: We investigated two species of Posidonia using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations are interpreted in the framework of a recent…

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Spatial variability of bathymetric distribution of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile lower limits

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Curve di crescita di riferimento nel monitoraggio di Posidonia oceanica: alcune stime preliminari

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Effect of different substrata on rhizome growth, leaf biometry and shoot density of Posidonia oceanica

The effects of different substratum typologies on Posidonia oceanica growth and morphology were estimated in four Sicilian meadows using Generalized and Linear Mixed Models combined with retrodating and biometric analyses. Substratum exerted a multiple effect, resulting in different biometric features for P. oceanica shoots settled on rock from those growing on sand and matte. On rock, values for growth rate, leaf length and shoot surface were lower than those on other substrata, with 42%, 23% and 32% the highest degree of difference respectively. The present study may have interesting methodological consequences for the comprehensive understanding of the causative variables potentially aff…

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Root hair anatomy and morphology in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and substratum typology: First observations of a spiral form

Abstract The morpho-anatomical root hair features of P. oceanica ramets collected in meadows settled on different substrata (sand, matte and rock) were analysed. On each substratum, nine plagiothropic rhizomes each one composed by 3–6 interconnected short shoots were collected between April and May 2016 at 10 m of depth. On sand and on rock, the adventitious roots showed two distinct tubular and spiral-shaped hairs, clustered in yellowish-gray gelatinous pads. Tubular root hair tips were dactiliform and generally attached to grains of rock fragments. Moreover, a sub-circular swelling zone occurred. On matte , root hairs did not form gelatinous pads, were very short and had a simple distal p…

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Tecnica di reimpianto mediante griglie metalliche

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Recupero dei fondali degradati del Golfo di Palermo: studio preliminare di riforestazione con Posidonia oceanica

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Analisi dei pattern di distribuzione di Posidonia oceanica lungo gradienti batimetrici

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WebGIS Implementation for Dynamic Mapping and Visualization of Coastal Geospatial Data: A Case Study of BESS Project

Within an E.U.-funded project, BESS (Pocket Beach Management and Remote Surveillance System), the notion of a geographic information system is an indispensable tool for managing the dynamics of georeferenced data and information for any form of territorial planning. This notion was further explored with the creation of a WebGIS portal that will allow local and regional stakeholders/authorities obtain an easy remote access tool to monitor the status of pocket beaches (PB) in the Maltese Archipelago and Sicily. In this paper, we provide a methodological approach for the implementation of a WebGIS necessary for very detailed dynamic mapping and visualization of geospatial coastal data

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Genetic isolation of Posidonia oceanica in a western Sicily coastal lagoon

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Area marina Protetta Capo Gallo – Isola delle Femmine: percorsi naturalistici.

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Analisi della ripartizione batimetria del limite inferiore delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile lungo le coste siciliane

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Confondimento dell’età nell’analisi degli effetti di perturbazioni antropiche su variabili biometriche di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Cambiamenti climatici e declino della prateria di Posidonia oceanica in una laguna costiera mediterranea.

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Multibeam Sonar System for Detecting Seabed Features

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Selezione di aree per il reimpianto di Posidonia oceanica mediante modello multicriteriale ed impianti pilota

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Guida alla natura di Pantelleria.

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Effetti dell’impatto antropico su Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile lungo le coste tirreniche della Sicilia.

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Compatibilità ambientale delle attività inerenti il completamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Isola delle Femmine ai sensi dell’art. 5 della l.r. 21/98.

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Distribuzione dei borers nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica della Sicilia

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Shoot age as a confounding factor on detecting the effect of human-induced disturbance on Posidonia oceanica growth performance

Abstract The response of orthotropic rhizome elongation and primary production of Posidonia oceanica to anthropogenic perturbations and potential confounding effects of shoot age were assessed using a Linear Multilevel Model (LMM). This model examined the confounding effect of age by comparing the estimates of impact and variance components obtained by excluding and including Age as an explanatory variable. Age had a negative effect on rhizome elongation and primary production with an annual decrease of 0.6 mm y − 1 and 7 mg dw y − 1 respectively. According to the LMM when age effect was omitted, the differences between disturbed and control locations in rhizome elongation and primary produ…

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Stagnone di Marsala Lagoon, western Sicily.

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δ15N in deployed macroalgae as a tool to monitor nutrient input driven by tourism activities in Mediterranean islands

Abstract Mediterranean Sea is among the world's leading tourist destinations; however, the sharp increase in tourists during the high season may affect coastal seawater. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and temporal variation of anthropogenic nutrients in coastal seawater in relation to tourist flows in three Mediterranean islands (Cyprus, Sicily and Rhodes), through short-term macroalgae deployments, coupled with δ15N analysis and GIS mapping. In all islands, an overall increase in macroalgae δ15N occurred over the deployment carried out in August in the tourist sites, suggesting the presence of anthropogenic nutrients. Decreasing δ15N values occurred at increasing…

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Estimating Posidonia oceanica shoot length by using Multibeam Sonar System

research product

Impatto dell’urbanizzazione costiera sulla distribuzione batimetrica di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.

research product

Registration of past submarine massive outgassing events in Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) through stable carbon isotopes

research product

Marine Protected Area Capo Gallo – Isola delle Femmine: Nature diving guide.

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