Michele Carrara

Valutazione tecnico-agronomica di due diverse tipologie di impianto di origano in funzione della raccolta meccanica

Harvest is one of the most important agronomical techniques of oregano cultivation. Traditionally, oregano is manually harvested but the times of this operation are very long. On the contrary, the mechanical harvest could decrease the harvest times and, therefore, the production costs. Tests of mechanical harvest were carried out between 2003 and 2004 in an experimental field of Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Territoriale of Palermo University, using a reaper-binder made by BCS for cereal and forage crops but specifically modified for harvesting oregano. The working capacity, productivity and efficiency of this machine were evaluated according to the variation of minimum forward spe…

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Response of Origanum vulgare L. to different plant densities and first results of mechanical harvest

Tests for evaluating the agronomical response of Origanum to four plant densities were carried out from 1998 to 2001, on a local biotype of Origanum collected at Monreale (Palermo), in an area having the typical soil and climatic conditions of the Sicilian environment. Data about plant biometric characteristics (height at different growth phases, number of branches per plant, fresh weight yield) and the proportions among inflorescences, leaves and stems were monitored. Moreover, essential oil analyses were carried out for each plant density. The results showed that the plant density influenced the yield but not the plant height. The best results were obtained in the second year, when the hi…

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Analysis of the main critical points in protected crops on risk prevention in Sicily

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Application of hydroseeding for environmental protection in the Mediterranean area

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Potatura meccanica per il Guyot è possibile

In Sicilia, negli ultimi decenni, si è assistito a rapidissime variazioni in merito ai sistemi di gestione della vite da vino. Si è passati dalla forma di allevamento ad alberello degli anni 60’, all’allevamento a spalliera bassa e tendone degli anni 80’- 90’ al sistema a controspalliera medio-alta di oggi. Tutto ciò per un duplice motivo: la richiesta di vini di qualità da parte del consumatore e la meccanizzazione delle principali operazioni colturali al fine di ridurre i costi di gestione. Per quanto riguarda il sistema di potatura, il più diffuso è sempre stato il Guyot. Scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di valutare l’impiego della potatrice meccanica, comunemente impiegata in vi…

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Mapping of penetrometer resistance in relation to tractor traffic using multivariate geostatistics

Abstract The traffic of agricultural machines can cause soil compaction and high variability of soil structure, both along normal lines and along those parallel to the field plane. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of an electronic penetrometer, a GPS, a GIS and geostatistical techniques for mapping soil compaction. In July 2003 soil cone penetrometer resistance was measured using a semi-automatic electronic penetrometer in a sandy-silt soil (Vertic Xerochrept) of inland Sicily where a three-year rotation wheat ( Triticum durum Desf.)–wheat–tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) was practiced. The measurements were carried out along three parallel 3-m long transects, from the…

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Analisi delle modalità di gestione dei suoli di Pantelleria al fine di preservarne la fertilità

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Funzionalità dell’irroratrice ed efficienza dei trattamenti in vigneto

Nel campo dei trattamenti fitosanitari, parecchi sono i fattori che possono avere conseguenze sull’ambiente e sull’uomo. La taratura e la regolazione delle macchine irroratrici sono fattori essenziali per eseguire una corretta pratica fitosanitaria nel rispetto dell’ambiente, della salute degli operatori e dei consumatori, tenendo conto delle problematiche economiche connesse. In quest’ottica, gli autori hanno voluto provare come alcuni accorgimenti adottati possano influenzare l’efficienza di una macchina irroratrice impiegata su vigneto. Le prove di trattamento sono state eseguite presso un’azienda ad indirizzo viticolo. Le prove eseguite confermano che riducendo il volume distribuito, do…

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Mechanical harvest of grapes and quality of wine

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A modern system to control the ambient parameters inside the greenhouse

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Un sistema innovativo applicabile all'agricoltura di precisione

Nowadays manufacturers of agricultural machines produce electronic systems for monitoring field operations which are compatible with GPS systems. Unfortunately, the communication protocols and data link interfaces among the various system components are not standardised. Therefore, each manufacturer produced spare parts, which are compatible only with their own electronic devices. Thus the system components produced by different manufacturers are incompatible with each other and result very expensive. The Dipartimento I.T.A.F. (Department of Engineering and Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry) of Palermo University is developing an electronic system, which is compatible with most GPS i…

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A system for the oxygen continuous monitoring inside the malaxation machine to enhance the Sicilian extra virgin olive oil typicality

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Introduzione di moderne macchine e tecniche per il mantenimento ed il recupero della viticoltura di Pantelleria

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A system for spatially variable rate fertiliser application

The crop yield can be spatially variable within the same field, because of spatially variable soil characteristics (slope, texture, pH, etc.), influencing the soil nutrient content (of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). Because of this within-field spatial variability, in the precision agriculture cycle, the targeted fertiliser spreading can be highly profitable for both environment protection and cost saving. For this aim the yield and, then, the soil nutrient content must be measured on a localised basis and, therefore, mapped. Relying on the yield map and on the map of each nutrient available in the field it is possible to produce the fertiliser application map, which must be stored…

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The aim of this study was to monitor the micro-climate of the grapevine in order to detect the adversities of the spring period (especially April and May), while reducing the operating costs of the vineyard, and increasing the overall quality of grapes. For this purpose a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) was used. Furthermore, a comparison was performed between data measured by the wireless sensors and data provided by the fixed meteorological station of the Regione Siciliana (SIAS).

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First tests of mechanical harvest of Origanum vulgare L.

In Italy Origanum vulgare L. is cultivated only in few areas and its production does not even satisfy the national market demand. Until now the interest on this crop has been very low because of the high cost of manual harvest and bunch binding. The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of a reaper-binder (made for harvesting cereal crops) for harvesting and bunch binding Origanum vulgare L. The tests were carried out in Sicily, in the summer of 2001. The mechanical harvest was carried out using the reaper-binder unmodified, but the results were not satisfactory. The machine was then modified reducing its forward speed and cutting height, in order to improve its working productivity and h…

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Valutazione dei fattori di rischio chimico-fisico nelle serre

Anali delle componenti di rischio per i lavoratori in ambiente protetto.

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Primi risultati sull’impiego della tecnica dell’idrosemina in ambiente mediterraneo

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Effects of plant density on Rosmarinus officinalis L. and first tests of mechanical transplanting

Tests for evaluating the agronomical response of Rosmarinus to four plant densities were carried out from 1998 to 2001, on a local ecotype of Rosmarinus, in an area having the typical soil and climatic conditions of the Sicilian inland hilly environment. Data about biometric characteristics (plant height, number of stems per plant, fresh and dry yield), the ratio between leaf weight and dry weight and the ratio between stem weight and dry weight, both expressed as percent, were monitored. Moreover, essential oil analyses were carried out for each plant density. The results showed that the plant density positively influenced the fresh and dry yield, while it negatively affects the number of …

research product

Mapping soil compaction measuring cone penetrometer resistance

The quickest way for monitoring soil compaction differences in a field is measuring cone penetrometer resistance. Soil compaction can be significantly spatially variable, depending on the amount and distribution of the traffic of agricultural machines in the field. Therefore, it could be useful to measure soil compaction on a localised basis, in order to produce maps of the damages caused by the traffic of agricultural machines and/or the action of tillage implements. Aim of this paper is to present a system developed by the Department I.T.A.F. for the geo-referenced measurement of cone penetrometer resistance and for mapping soil compaction. This system was built fitting a minitransporter …

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Confronto fra due cantieri di raccolta delle olive in Sicilia

Vengono analizzati diversi cantieri per la raccolta delle olive. I risultati valutano i consumi energetici e le capacità di lavoro.

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La sicurezza nel settore delle colture protette: stato attuale nella sicilia occidentale

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Mechanical harvest of grapes: assessment of the physical-mechanical characteristics of the berry in order to improve the quality of wines

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Potatura meccanica su guyot in vigneto a controspalliera. Risultati di un biennio di sperimentazione

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Analysis of the leaf deposit in chemical distribution on vineyard in different wind conditions

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Indagine sulla sicurezza ambientale, alimentare e del lavoro nel settore delle colture protette in Sicilia

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Evaluation of the efficiency of different harvesting methods of olives

This paper reports the results of experimental tests carried out in Sicily about the harvesting of olives. Three varieties were selected (Biancolilla, Cerasuola and Nocellara del Belice); the tests were performed in three different periods with three different harvesting systems: manual, manual with pneumatic combs and mechanical harvesting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the work capacity and productivity of the three harvesting systems and the period maximising the mechanical harvesting efficiency. The damages caused to the trees after mechanical harvesting with a variable frequency shaker were also evaluated. Naturally fallen olives, Jean’s maturity index, detachment force, harves…

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Misurare la resa con precisione

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Adjustment time and offset of a system for spatially variable rate fertilisation

The aim of this research is to measure the adjustment time and offset of a cheap system for spatially variable rate fertilisation, designed, developed and set up by the Mechanics Section of I.T.A.F. Department. In order to test the system, a centrifugal fertiliser spreader, working by gravity, was modified connecting an actuator with the two hopper shutter slides. Two different actuator types were tested, in order to measure the accordingly variable adjustment time and offset. The adjustment offset of the centrifugal spreader increases with increasing machine average forward speed and decreases with increasing fertiliser rate, considering the same rate variation. The main components of the …

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Pantelleria, in vigna operazioni più efficienti con le macchine

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Confronto tra un sistema laser e due sistemi GPS per il trapianto meccanizzato di barbatelle

The transplanters of grafted vines at present on the market are equipped with laser transmitters and receivers, which ensure the parallelism among the vineyard rows. These high cost instruments cause some operational problems: not operational return way of the machine, the need for more than one surveyed point when the soil shape is irregularar, the need of two operators, besides the machine driver, etc. The aim of this work is to assess the accuracy of GPS systems in order to use them in place of the laser systems. The distances among the grafted vines and the distances among the vineyard rows were measured using two positioning systems (a differentially corrected GPS system - DGPS) and a …

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Le condizioni dei dispositivi di sicurezza delle macchine operatrici in alcune aziende agricole siciliane

The agricultural machines available in a sample of farms in the Central and Western Sicily were surveyed, in order to evaluate the compliance of their safety conditions with the related laws. Often the regulations of these laws resulted partially or totally not applied. Among the machines moved by p.t.o. the crop protection machines showed the best overall conditions while the harvesting and baling machines showed the worst ones; among the machines not moved by p.t.o. the trailers showed the best overall conditions while the ploughs showed the worst ones. These results are generally caused by an insufficient maintenance and/or the lack of protection and safety devices and/or the year of man…

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Meccanizzazione di vigneti in territori a forte declività: soluzioni a ridotto impatto ambientale per l’isola di Pantelleria

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Greenhouse climate control using wireless sensors

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Spatially variable rate herbicide application on durum wheat in Sicily

Using the conventional farming system, durum wheat requires high rates of herbicide spraying. Herbicide residues can cause pollution of soil and ground water and, therefore, of the entire environment. In order to minimise the environmental impact of herbicides, a home made system for spatially variable rate crop input application was designed, developed and set up by the Department of Engineering and Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry (I.T.A.F.). This system consists of a DGPS, a portable computer, a specifically developed software and a device for applying rates proportionally related to the machine forward speed (DPA). Tests of spatially variable rate herbicide application were carr…

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Influence of greenhouse different coverings on chemical and physical risk factors

Crop production in greenhouses needs the use of chemicals and requires high levels of temperature and relative humidity to assure the increasing of crop production. This can cause risks for the health of the operators, especially if they are not equipped with protection devices. The risks may also vary with the type and/or size and/or shape of the protected structures. In order to determine the influence of different coverings on type and amount of risks, chemical and physical risk factors were measured inside greenhouses with different cladding materials (glass panels and plastic films) after crop management. In these two different greenhouses typologies, that were similar for location and…

research product

A system to monitor the main ambient parameters in the vineyard with wireless sensors

Wireless technologies have been under rapid development during recent years but applications of wireless sensors in agriculture and food industry are still rare. The aim of this study is to monitor the micro-climate of the grapevine in order to monitor the adversities of the spring period reducing the operating costs of the vineyard and increasing the quality of grapes. At this purpose a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) was used. Furthermore, a comparison was performed between the data measured by the wireless sensors and the data provided by the fixed meteorological station of the Regione Siciliana (SIAS).

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Sistemi per la valutazione del compattamento dei terreni agrari

The traffic of agricultural machines can cause soil compaction, reducing, above all, its porosity. The measurement of soil cone penetrometer resistance is the easiest and quickest method for monitoring and assessing soil compaction. The aim of this research is to test two mechanised systems for the geo-referenced measurement and, therefore, producing maps of soil cone penetrometer resistance. The first system was developed mounting an electronic penetrometer and a DGPS mobile receiver on a tracked minitransporter. The second system was built mounting, on a frame fixed to the front part of a tractor: four load cells; a system for signal conditioning and data acquisition; four rods and penetr…

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Studio dell’indice di ammostamento nella vendemmia meccanica in funzione dei parametri ambientali e delle caratteristiche meccaniche dell’acino

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Assessment of the pedicel detaching and crashing forces of grape berries to determine the right mechanical harvesting period

During the mechanical harvesting the shakers cause the detachment of the grape berries from the grape stalk but also the breaking of the grape berries peel with the consequent production of must that influences the quality of the harvested grapes. This one is higher in the varieties having grape berries more resistant to the crushing and, at the same time, an easier detachment of the pedicel. The aim of this work is to evaluate, for three different varieties of grape (Chardonnay, Catarratto comune and Nero d’Avola), the crushing strength of the berry, that represents the cause of the production of must during the mechanical harvesting, and the resistance of the berry-pedicel system that inf…

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Un sistema per la concimazione spazialmente variabile

Lo scopo del lavoro è quello di misurare il tempo e la distanza di regolazione di un sistema per l’applicazione di fattori produttivi a dosi spazialmente variabili, progettato, sviluppato, messo a punto e già sperimentato positivamente per il diserbo dalla Sezione Meccanica del Dipartimento I.T.A.F. Tale sistema è stato sperimentato per la concimazione spazialmente variabile, installando, su uno spandiconcime ad azione centrifuga a due dischi di distribuzione opportunamente modificato, due diversi tipi di attuatori, collegati al sistema di regolazione delle luci di caduta del concime. E’ risultato che, a parità di variazione di dose, la distanza di regolazione del sistema, con entrambi gli …

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Valutazione delle principali criticita’ nel settore delle colture protette in materia di prevenzione delle malattie professionali in un campione di aziende della sicilia occidentale

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Facilitated harvest tests in the vineyards of the island of Pantelleria

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First tests of spatially variable rate herbicide application on Durum wheat in Sicily

Using the conventional farming system, durum wheat requires the spraying of high herbicide rates. Herbicide residues can cause pollution of soil and ground water. This paper refers to first tests of spatially variable rate herbicide application on durum wheat. The tests showed the effectiveness of the variable rate herbicide application, which allowed an almost even grain yield over the entire field and a saving of 27% of herbicide mixture.

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Crop production in greenhouses needs the use of chemicals and requires high levels of temperature and relative humidity to assure the increasing of crop production. This can cause risks for the health of the operators, especially if they are not equipped with protection devices. The risks may also vary with the type and/or size and/or shape of the protected structures. In order to determine the influence of different coverings on type and amount of risks, chemical and physical risk factors were measured inside greenhouses with different cladding materials (glass panels and plastic films) after crop management. In these two different greenhouses typologies, that were similar for location and…

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L'ergonomia e la sicurezza delle macchine operatrici nelle aziende agricole siciliane

The agricultural machines available in a meaningful sample of farms in the Eastern and Central Sicily were surveyed with particular reference to the laws concerning with ergonomics and safety. The agricultural machines examined showed poor ergonomics and safety conditions. These results are caused by an insufficient maintenance or lack of protection and safety devices, depending also on the year of manufacture of the agricultural machines.

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Indagine sulla sicurezza d'uso delle irroratrici su un campione di aziende siciliane

La sicurezza delle macchine agricole è un obiettivo fondamentale anche per il rispetto dell ambiente

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Influenza delle condizioni climatiche sulla qualità dei trattamenti fitosanitari su vigneto

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Harvest of Olives with Portable Shakers

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