Rosanna Di Maggio

Regolazione e conoscenza delle emozioni nell'adattamento in età prescolare

research product

Effetti del clima sul successo riproduttivo del grillaio Falco naumanni

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Lesser kestrel diet and agricultural intensification in the Mediterranean: An unexpected win-win solution?

Abstract Farmland bird species have suffered dramatic declines in recent decades, especially in Mediterranean areas. The intensification of agricultural practices has led to reduced invertebrate prey, which represent the bulk of the diet of many farmland birds. In this study, we investigated the spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) during the breeding season, monitored over a five-year period between 2006 and 2013 in the Gela Plain (Sicily). Our aim was to understand whether, and to what extent, farming practices affected the reproductive outputs of this predominantly insectivore bird in order to find a profitable compromise between conservation …

research product

Habitat- and density-dependent demography of a colonial raptor in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems

Agricultural intensification is considered the major cause of decline in farmland bird populations, especially in the Mediterranean region. Food shortage increased by the interaction between agricultural intensification and density-dependent mechanisms could influence the population dynamics of colonial birds.Weused demographic data on lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni), a key species of Mediterranean pseudo-steppes, to understand the importance of land-use changes and density-dependent mechanisms in the light of its fluctuating conservation status in the Western Palearctic. Our analysis indicated an important influence of land uses (artichokes, arable and grassland fields) and colony size on…

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Nest aggregation and reproductive synchrony promote Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni seasonal fitness

Several factors promote coloniality by enhancing the fitness of colony members. In birds, spatial proximity among nests, breeder abundance and reproductive synchrony have been proposed as primary factors responsible for enhanced colonial defence and foraging success, which, in turn, enhance reproductive success. Whether these factors function synergistically or antagonistically remains, however, an open question due to the absence of an integrated analysis of their effects on fitness. We studied a large population of the Lesser Kestrel, Falco naumanni, a facultative colonial species, breeding in colonies of different sizes in their typical pseudo-steppe habitat. We quantified both the singu…

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Some cultural differences in the meaning of parenting behavior

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La conoscenza delle emozioni in età prescolare: un contributo alla validazione italiana dell’Emotion Matching Task (EMT)

Lo studio presenta i dati relativi alla validità di criterio dell’EMT (Izard et al., 2003), una misura della conoscenza delle emozioni in età prescolare. La validità di criterio è esaminata in relazione alla regolazione emotiva dei bambini, alla loro competenza sociale e alla manifestazione di problemi comportamentali di natura internalizzata ed esternalizzata. I dati sono preliminarmente analizzati in funzione dell’età e delle abilità verbali. Hanno partecipato allo studio 120 bambini, divisi in tre gruppi: 3, 4 e 5 anni. Oltre all’EMT, sono stati somministrati il PPVT (Dunn e Dunn, 1997; Stella, Pizzoli e Tressoldi, 2000), l’ERC (Molina et al., 2014; Shields e Cicchetti, 1997) e l’SCBE (L…

research product

Aggressività e isolamento: il ruolo della reputazione sociale nell'adattamento

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From macro- to micro-climate? 3D Analysis of lesser kestrel Falco naumanni nest attendance

research product

Ethnic prejudice, resilience, and perception of inclusion of immigrant pupils among Italian and Catalan teachers

In the current study we investigated the relationship between ethnic prejudice and resilience and the perception of inclusion of immigrant students among primary and middle school teachers in two different countries (Italy and Spain). Participants were 315 teachers: 75 Catalan women, 25 Catalan men, 202 Italian women, and 13 Italian men. Participants completed the Classical and Modern Racial Prejudice Scale, the Resilience Process Questionnaire, and an ad hoc questionnaire evaluating teachers’ perceptions about immigrant students and their inclusive education process. The results showed two different models: The first one, referring to Italian teachers, suggested that the resilience compone…

research product

Il ruolo dei fattori intra e inter individuali nell’insorgenza dell’inibizione comportamentale

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Cross-Cultural Validity of the Emotion Matching Task

Objectives We aimed to provide evidence of the cross-cultural validity of the Emotion Matching Task (EMT), as a measure of emotion knowledge in preschool children in different cultures, namely, the United States, Italy, and Spain. In particular, we analyzed: (1) the psychometric properties of the scale in each of the three subsamples; (2) the relations between sex, age, verbal ability, and EK, in the overall sample and in the three different cultures; (3) the pattern of acquisition of the various dimensions of emotion knowledge in the overall sample and in the three different countries. Methods Participants were 500 children from Spain (N = 180), the United States (N = 158), and Italy (N = …

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Il significato culturale del parenting: il caso della popolazione italiana.

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Aggressività, isolamento e adattamento: il ruolo della reputazione sociale

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Educare alla conoscenza e alla regolazione delle emozioni. Manuale per educatori e insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia

research product

The Role of Intra and Inter-Individual Characteristics on the Onset of Behavioral

research product

The mediating role of perceived peer support in the relation between quality of attachment and internalizing problems in adolescence: a longitudinal perspective

The study was aimed to verify, from a longitudinal perspective, whether perceived peer support would mediate the relationship between attachment and internalizing problems. Longitudinal participants included 482 adolescents (245 boys) aged 14–15 years in Wave 1 and 17–18 years in Wave 2. Participants in Wave 1 completed the Relationship Questionnaire, and those in Wave 2 completed the Social Support Questionnaire and the Youth Self-Report. Results showed that secure attachment positively predicted high levels of 15 perceived peer support and negatively predicted internalizing problems, whereas fearful and preoccupied attachment negatively predicted perceived peer support and positively pred…

research product

Adopting the Emotions Course in the Italian context: A pilot study to test effects on social-emotional competence in preschool children.

The purpose of this study was to adopt the Emotions Course (EC) in the Italian context and to examine preliminarily its effectiveness in accelerating the social-emotional competence and reducing maladaptive behaviors in preschool children. The study involved 143 children (73 males and 70 females) aged 3–5 years (M = 4.4 years, SD = .74), divided into two groups: 1) an experimental group (N = 69; 34 males and 35 females), consisting of classes in which teachers realized the EC, integrating it in their usual educational plan; 2) a control group (N = 74; 39 males and 35 females), consisting of classes in which teachers exclusively followed their usual educational plan that did not include the …

research product

Mothering, fathering, and Italian adolescents' problem behaviors and life satisfaction: Dimensional and typological approach

In this study, we explored the relationship between mothering, fathering and Italian adolescents’ problem behaviors and life satisfaction by using both typological and dimensional approaches. From a typological perspective, we examined variations in adolescent adjustment as a function of maternal and paternal parenting styles. From a dimensional perspective, we examined the relationships between crucial dimensions of perceived mothering and fathering (acceptance and strictness) and their contribution to adolescents’ adjustment, for girls and boys separately. A total of 213 adolescents (99 boys and 114 girls), aged from 14 to 16 years of age, completed self-report measures on perceived paren…

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Aggressive and boasting young adolescents: a comparison of their friendship

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Internet addiction, temperament, and the moderator role of family emotional involvement

This study examined the relationship between internet addiction, temperament, and family functioning focusing on the unique and common contribution that temperament and family functioning made to internet addiction. A total of 320 adolescents (164 boys and 156 girls), from 15 to 17 years (M = 16.06, SD = 0.59), completed measures of internet addiction, temperament, and family functioning. Data showed that salience, as the ability of internet to change negatively person’s life, was predicted positively by temperament linked to lack of control and by the perception of low level of familial emotional involvement. Results also revealed that family affective involvement played a moderating role …

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Correlati e predittori della qualità del parenting.

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La valutazione del temperamento nel primo anno di vita: un approccio multi-metodo

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Il ruolo del temperamento nell’insorgenza dell’isolamento sociale

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Zealous fathers and lazy mothers? Role of coloniality in biparental care of Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni)

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Inibizione comportamentale in bambini italiani, canadesi e cinesi: uno studio cross-culturale.

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Qualità degli stili di attaccamento e comportamento a rischio nella prima infanzia.

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Effects of microclimate on nest site selection and breeding success of lesser kestrel Falco naumanni in the Gela Plain (Sicily)

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Planning conservation actions by investigating nest preferences and biotic and abiotic factors within lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) colonies

The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) was until recently classified as a Vulnerable species. It is a cavity nester species finding proper nest sites in natural cliff holes or, as more frequently today, cavities found within rural buildings. These are often abandoned and therefore, with no maintenance, the main structures of kestrel colonies have been collapsing across years. To counterbalance the reduced availability of nesting sites for kestrels, and because of their unfavorable conservation status, artificial nest boxes have been placed in several areas of their breeding range. On our study site, the Gela Plain in Sicily, as on other Mediterranean breeding areas, high temperatures may reach…

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Behavioral inhibition in Italian toddlers: the role of child temperament and parenting style.

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Il ruolo del funzionamento familiare nella propensione al gioco d'azzardo in adolescenza. Uno studio longitudinale.

research product

La relazione tra stili parentali e adattamento in adolescenza: approccio tipologico e approccio dimensionale.

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Inibizione comportamentale e stile di parenting in un’ottica cross-culturale: un confronto tra Italia, Canada e Cina.

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