H. Berghäuser
New determination of theηtransition form factor in the Dalitz decayη→e+e−γwith the Crystal Ball/TAPS detectors at the Mainz Microtron
The Dalitz decay eta -> e(+) e(-) gamma has been measured in the gamma p -> eta p reaction with the Crystal Ball and TAPS multiphoton spectrometers, together with the photon-tagging facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The experimental statistic used in this work is one order of magnitude greater than in any previous measurement of eta -> e(+) e(-) gamma. The value obtained for the slope parameter Lambda(-2) of the eta transition form factor, Lambda(-2) = (1.95 +/- 0.15(stat) +/- 0.10(syst)) GeV-2, is in good agreement with recent measurements conducted in eta -> e(+) e(-) gamma and eta -> mu(+) mu(-) gamma decays, as well as with recent form-factor calculations. The uncertainty obtained i…
Coherent photoproduction of η-mesons off 3He – search for η-mesic nuclei
Coherent photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons off $^3$He, i.e. the reaction $\gamma ^3{He}\rightarrow \eta ^3{He}$, has been investigated in the near-threshold region. The experiment was performed at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the combined Crystal Ball - TAPS detector. Angular distributions and the total cross section were measured using the $\eta\rightarrow \gamma\gamma$ and $\eta\rightarrow 3\pi^0\rightarrow 6\gamma$ decay channels. The observed extremely sharp rise of the cross section at threshold and the behavior of the angular distributions are evidence for a strong $\eta {^3{He}}$ final state interaction, pointing to the existence of a resonant …
Photoproduction of π0-pairs off protons and off neutrons
Total cross sections, angular distributions, and invariant-mass distributions have been measured for the photoproduction of π0π0 pairs off free protons and off nucleons bound in the deuteron. The experiments were performed at the MAMI accelerator facility in Mainz using the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer and the Crystal Ball/TAPS detector. The accelerator delivered electron beams of 1508 and 1557MeV, which produced bremsstrahlung in thin radiator foils. The tagged photon beam covered energies up to 1400MeV. The data from the free proton target are in good agreement with previous measurements and were only used to test the analysis procedures. The results for differential cross sections…
Measurement of theγp→K0Σ+reaction with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detectors at the Mainz Microtron
The gamma p -> K-0 Sigma(+) reaction has been measured from threshold to E-gamma = 1.45 GeV (W-CM = 1.9 GeV) using the Crystal Ball and TAPS multiphoton spectrometers together with the photon tagging facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. In the present experiment, this reaction was searched for in the 3 pi(0)p final state, by assuming K-S(0) -> pi(0)pi(0) and Sigma(+) -> pi(0)p. The experimental results include total and differential cross sections as well as the polarization of the recoil hyperon. The new data significantly improve empirical knowledge about the gamma p -> K-0 Sigma(+) reaction in the measured energy range. The results are compared to previous measurements and model predict…
The isospin structure of photoproduction of πη pairs from the nucleon in the threshold region
Abstract Photoproduction of πη-pairs from nucleons has been investigated from threshold up to incident photon energies of ≈ 1.4 GeV. The quasi-free reactions γ p → p π 0 η , γ n → n π 0 η , γ p → n π + η , and γ n → p π − η were for the first time measured from nucleons bound in the deuteron. The corresponding reactions from a free-proton target were also studied to investigate final-state interaction effects (for neutral pions the free-proton results could be compared to previous measurements; the γ p → n π + η reaction was measured for the first time). For the π 0 η final state coherent production via the γ d → d π 0 η reaction was also investigated. The experiments were performed at the …
Measurement of the $^{1}H$($\vec{\gamma}$, $\vec{p}$)$\pi^{0}$ reaction using a novel nucleon spin polarimeter
We report the first large-acceptance measurement of polarization transfer from a polarized photon beam to a recoiling nucleon, pioneering a novel polarimetry technique with wide application to future nuclear and hadronic physics experiments. The commissioning measurement of polarization transfer in the $^{1}H$($\vec{\gamma}$,$\vec{p}$)$\pi^{0}$ reaction in the range $0.4<E_{\gamma}<1.4$ GeV is highly selective regarding the basic parameterizations used in partial wave analyses to extract the nucleon excitation spectrum. The new data strongly favor the recently proposed Chew-Mandelstam formalism.
Determination of the η-transition form factor in the γp→pη→pγe+e− reaction
The Dalitz decay η→γe+e− has been measured using the combined Crystal Ball and TAPS photon detector setup at the electron accelerator MAMI-C. Compared to the most recent transition form-factor measurement in the e+e− channel, statistics have been improved by one order of magnitude. The e+e− invariant mass distribution shows a deviation from the QED prediction for a point-like particle, which can be described by a form-factor. Using the usual monopole transition form-factor parameterization, F(m2)=(1−m2/Λ2)−1, a value of Λ−2=(1.92±0.35(stat)±0.13(syst)) GeV−2 has been determined. This value is in good agreement with a recent measurement of the η Dalitz decay in the μ+μ− channel and with rece…
Accurate Test of Chiral Dynamics in theγ→p→π0pReaction
A precision measurement of the differential cross sections dσ/dΩ and the linearly polarized photon asymmetry Σ≡(dσ⊥-dσ∥)/(dσ⊥+dσ∥) for the γp→π0p reaction in the near-threshold region has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost 4π detector at the Mainz Microtron. The Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility along with the Crystal Ball/TAPS multiphoton detector system and a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target were used. These data allowed for a precise determination of the energy dependence of the real parts of the S- and all three P-wave amplitudes for the first time and provide the most stringent test to date of the predictions of chiral perturbation theory and its energy region of a…
Photoproduction of $ \pi^{0}$ -pairs off protons and off neutrons
Total cross sections, angular distributions, and invariant-mass distributions have been measured for the photoproduction of $\pi^0\pi^0$ pairs off free protons and off nucleons bound in the deuteron. The experiments were performed at the MAMI accelerator facility in Mainz using the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer and the Crystal Ball/TAPS detector. The accelerator delivered electron beams of 1508 and 1557~MeV, which produced bremsstrahlung in thin radiator foils. The tagged photon beam covered energies up to 1400~MeV. The data from the free proton target are in good agreement with previous measurements and were only used to test the analysis procedures. The results for differential cros…
Measurement of the beam-helicity asymmetry I⊙ in the photoproduction of π0-pairs off the proton and off the neutron
Abstract Beam-helicity asymmetries have been measured at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz for the photoproduction of neutral pion pairs in the reactions γ → p → p π 0 π 0 and γ → d → ( n ) p π 0 π 0 , γ → d → ( p ) n π 0 π 0 off free protons and off quasi-free nucleons bound in the deuteron for incident photon energies up to 1.4 GeV. Circularly polarized photons were produced from bremsstrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons and tagged with the Glasgow magnetic spectrometer. Decay photons from the π 0 mesons, recoil protons, and recoil neutrons were detected in the 4π covering electromagnetic calorimeter composed of the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. After kinematic reconstruction of…
First measurement of the helicity dependence of 3He photoreactions in the Δ(1232) resonance region
The first measurement of the helicity dependence of the total inclusive 3He photo-absorption cross section and of the partial cross sections for several reaction channels was carried out at MAMI (Mainz) in the photon energy range between 150 and 500 MeV. The experiment used the large acceptance Crystal Ball spectrometer, complemented by charged particle and vertex detectors, a circularly polarised tagged photon beam and a longitudinally polarised high-pressure 3He gas target. The results obtained give information on the GDH integral on 3He and on the neutron and allow an investigation of the modifications of nucleon properties inside 3He.
K+Λ and K+Σ0 photoproduction with fine center-of-mass energy resolution
Measurements of γp→K+Λγp→K+Λ and γp→K+Σ0γp→K+Σ0 cross-sections have been obtained with the photon tagging facility and the Crystal Ball calorimeter at MAMI-C. The measurement uses a novel K+K+ meson identification technique in which the weak decay products are characterized using the energy and timing characteristics of the energy deposit in the calorimeter, a method that has the potential to be applied at many other facilities. The fine center-of-mass energy (W) resolution and statistical accuracy of the new data results in a significant impact on partial wave analyses aiming to better establish the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. The new analyses disfavor a strong role for quark–diqua…
Experimental study of theγp→ηpreaction with the Crystal Ball detector at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI-C)
The gamma p - = W >= 1.87 GeV). Bremsstrahlung photons produced by the 1.5-GeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI-C and momentum analyzed by the Glasgow tagging spectrometer were used for the eta-meson production. Our accumulation of 3.8 x 10(6) gamma p -< eta p -< 3 pi(0) p -< 6 gamma p events allows a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. The gamma p -< eta p differential cross sections were determined for 120 energy bins and the full range of the production angles. Our data show a dip near W = 1680 MeV in the total cross section caused by a substantial dip in eta production at forward angles. The data are compared to predictions of previous SAID and MAID partial-wave analyses a…
Photoproduction of theωmeson on the proton near threshold
An experimental study of omega photoproduction on the proton was conducted by using the Crystal Ball and TAPS multiphoton spectrometers together with the photon tagging facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The gamma p -> omega p differential cross sections are measured from threshold to the incident-photon energy E-gamma = 1.40 GeV (W = 1.87 GeV for the center-of-mass energy) with 15-MeV binning in E-gamma and full production-angle coverage. The quality of the present data near threshold gives access to a variety of interesting physics aspects. As an example, an estimation of the omega N scattering length alpha(omega p) is provided.
Measurement of the π0→e+e−γ Dalitz decay at the Mainz Microtron
The Dalitz decay π0→e+e−γ has been measured in the γp→π0p reaction with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The value obtained for the slope parameter of the π0 electromagnetic transition form factor, aπ=0.030±0.010tot, is in agreement with existing measurements of this decay and with recent theoretical calculations. The uncertainty obtained in the value of aπ is lower than in previous results based on the π0→e+e−γ decay.
Measurement of theH1(γ⃗, p⃗)π0Reaction Using a Novel Nucleon Spin Polarimeter
We report the first large-acceptance measurement of polarization transfer from a polarized photon beam to a recoiling nucleon. The measurement pioneers a novel polarimetry technique, which can be applied to many other nuclear and hadron physics experiments. The commissioning reaction of $^{1}H(\mathrm{\ensuremath{\gamma}P\vec},\text{ }\mathrm{pP\vec}){\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ in the range $0.4l{E}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}l1.4\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}$ validates the technique and provides essential new data to constrain the excitation spectrum of the nucleon.
First measurement of the circular beam asymmetry in the γ→p→π0ηp reaction
Abstract The circular photon asymmetry for π 0 η photoproduction on the proton was measured for the first time at the tagged photon facility of the MAMI C accelerator using the Crystal Ball/TAPS photon spectrometer. The experimental results are interpreted within a phenomenological isobar model that confirms the dominant role of the Δ ( 1700 ) D 33 resonance. The measured asymmetry allows us to identify small contributions from positive-parity resonances via interference terms with the dominant D 33 amplitude.
"dcs09" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7891 GeV
"dcs02" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7319 GeV
"dcs13" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8192 GeV
"dcs04" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7490 GeV
"dcs05" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7568 GeV
"dcs19" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8657 GeV
"dcs06" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7645 GeV
"dcs11" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8045 GeV
"dcs12" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8119 GeV
"tcs" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
"dcs17" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8504 GeV
"dcs01" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7245 GeV
"dcs20" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8720 GeV
"dcs18" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8581 GeV
"dcs16" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8424 GeV
"dcs07" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7729 GeV
"dcs03" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7401 GeV
"dcs14" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8269 GeV
"dcs10" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7968 GeV
"dcs08" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.7811 GeV
"dcs15" of "Photoproduction of the omega meson off the proton near threshold"
Differential cross section at W= 1.8348 GeV