P. Otte
Test and Simulation of a LYSO+APD matrix with a tagged Photon Beam from 40 to 300 MeV
Understanding the energy resolution terms for LYSO based calorimeters with APD readout at low energy (< 500 MeV) is relevant both for the completion of the KLOE-2 experiment, at DAΦNE, and for the design of the Mu2e calorimeter. In this work, we present a dedicated comparison between experimental data, taken in 2011 at the MAMI tagged photon beam facility with a crystal matrix prototype, and a full Geant-4 simulation of this detector. The crystal prototype matrix consisted of 9 2×2 × 15 cm3 LYSO crystals read-out by 10×10 mm2 Hamamatsu avalanche photodiodes (APD) surrounded by 8 PbWO4 crystals read-out by Bialkali photomultipliers for outer leakage recovery granting a total transverse cover…
The calorimeter project for the Mu2e experiment
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the charged lepton flavor violating neutrinoless conversion of a negative muon into an electron. The conversion results in a monochromatic electron with an energy slightly below the rest mass of the muon (104.97 MeV). We expect to set a limit of ∼ 6×10^(−17) at 90% CL in three years of running, using an intense and clean pulsed μ^− beam providing ∼10^(18) stopped muons on target in three years of running. The experiment performs a strong suppression of potential background by gating off the prompts and performing precise momentum determination in conjunction with an highly efficient cosmic veto. The calorimeter should confirm that the candidat…
Photoproduction of π0-pairs off protons and off neutrons
Total cross sections, angular distributions, and invariant-mass distributions have been measured for the photoproduction of π0π0 pairs off free protons and off nucleons bound in the deuteron. The experiments were performed at the MAMI accelerator facility in Mainz using the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer and the Crystal Ball/TAPS detector. The accelerator delivered electron beams of 1508 and 1557MeV, which produced bremsstrahlung in thin radiator foils. The tagged photon beam covered energies up to 1400MeV. The data from the free proton target are in good agreement with previous measurements and were only used to test the analysis procedures. The results for differential cross sections…
Single π0 production off neutrons bound in deuteron with linearly polarized photons
The quasifree γ→d→π0n(p) photon beam asymmetry, Σ, has been measured at photon energies, Eγ, from 390 to 610 MeV, corresponding to center of mass energy from 1.271 to 1.424 GeV, for the first time. The data were collected in the A2 hall of the MAMI electron beam facility with the Crystal Ball and TAPS calorimeters covering pion center-of-mass angles from 49∘ to 148∘. In this kinematic region, polarization observables are sensitive to contributions from the Δ(1232) and N(1440) resonances. The extracted values of Σ have been compared to predictions based on partial-wave analyses (PWAs) of the existing pion photoproduction database. Our comparison includes the SAID, MAID and Bonn–Gatchina anal…
Verification of Electromagnetic Calorimeter Concept for the HADES spectrometer
The HADES spectrometer currently operating on the beam of SIS18 accelerator in GSI will be moved to a new position in the CBM cave of the future FAIR complex. Electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) will enable the HADES@FAIR experiment to measure data on neutral meson production in heavy ion collisions at the energy range of 2-10 A GeVon the beam of the new accelerator SIS100. Calorimeter will be based on 978 massive lead glass modules read out by photomultipliers and a novel front-end electronics. Secondary gamma beam with energies ranging from 81 MeV up to 1399 MeV from MAMI-C Mainz facility was used to verify selected technical solutions. Relative energy resolution was measured using modules…