A. Jover Carrillo
Conoropatia rotuliana : tratamiento mediante la técnica emslie- trillat modificada
Twenty-six eases of Patella ehondromalacia operated with Emslie- Trillat's teehnique to which a modifieation of the T T A elevation is associated using a graft taken from the tibia are presented. The results were satisfactory and the technique easy to perform.
Profilaxis antibiotica en la fractura subcapital del anciano
A doubJe blind study of antibiotic prophyllaxls in fractures of rhe neck uf rhe íernur in elderly patients, was made for the following reasons: - the high incidence in this hospital. - the great riske of infection in elderly patients with their associatcd pruhlerns IIf general health, nutrition... - slnce it is an example of replacement surgery, these results may be applied ro total arthroplasty of the hipo After study of the literature, and consideration of the pharmacokinetics IIf the cephalosporins most frequently used, together with the epidemiology IIf the Trauma and Orthopaedics ward of this Hospital (with computerized antibiograms), «cefaznlin» was chosen for prophyllaxis. The treate…