Laure Saligny
Le logiciel OH_FET pour l’analyse des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée
L’objectif de l’atelier est de proposer aux participants d’utiliser le logiciel OH_FET à partir de leurs jeux de données. Développé comme un logiciel libre, il rend accessible les outils d’analyses correspondant au modèle pour l’étude des villes à partir d’un jeu de données en entrée avec une structuration peu contraignante. Son utilisation est possible pour n’importe quel espace urbain à partir d’un ensemble d’objets historiques décrit par un terme dans un thésaurus, une géométrie et une chronologie sous la forme d’une date d’apparition et d’une date de disparition. Sur cette base, l’application effectue les déconstructions spatiale et temporelle préconisées par le modèle OH_FET et produit…
Les occupations néolithiques des marais de Saint-Gond : prospections
Topographie et habitats fortifiés en Bourgogne du nord : implantation, orientation et surveillance
Quels sont les sites privilégiés d'implantation de l'habitat fortifié ? Intuitivement, on pense aux sites escarpés de hauteur, qui permettent de surveiller les horizons et de dominer les attaquants. Mais les châteaux s'installent également près des cours d'eau, pour bénéficier de la défense d'un fossé inondé. Enfin, d'autres bâtiments ont été bâtis à flanc, voire en pied de coteau, dans des situations qui semblent peu favorables d'un point de vue militaire. Ce choix a pu être dicté par des contraintes agronomiques, ou simplement esthétiques. Enfin, on devine que nombre de bâtisseurs de châteaux et de maisons fortes n'ont guère eu le choix du terrain et se sont installés là où ils avaient de…
Modélisation de l’information spatio-temporelle
International audience
Study of the urban dynamics by a new computer application, OH-FET
International audience; The study of the urban fabric and the spatial dynamics of urban space is based on an understanding of the city as a complex system composed of individual historical objects. The OH_FET model which we developed since 2004, is based on this approach of urban space. It describes the historical urban object as the Cartesian product of three basic dimensions: function (social use), space and time from the works of Donna Peuquet in geomatics and James Allen in artificial intelligence. Although the heuristic potential of the model have already been proven to work on the cities of Tours and , more recently, Vendome in France, the integration constraints, the designing and da…
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 29 mai 2015, Autun
Forte de son concept visant à réunir lesscientifiques et professionnels reconnusde l’archéologie, et les citoyens amateurspassionnés de patrimoine, cette journée estun lieu privilégié d’échanges autour d’unediscipline toujours fascinante, portant un grandcoup de projecteur sur les différents chantiersmenés en région.Cette brochure vous permettra de redécouvrirl’ensemble des interventions de la journée du29 mai 2015, visant à présenter les résultats desprospections et fouilles conduites à Autun eten Bourgogne en 2014.
Documenting carved stones by 3D modelling – Example of Mongolian deer stones
Rock art studies are facing major technical challenges for extensive documentation. Nowadays, recording is essentially obtained from time-consuming tracing and rubbing, techniques that also require a high level of expertise. Recent advances in 3D modelling of natural objects and computational treatment of the modelled surfaces may provide an alternative, and reduce the current documentation bottleneck. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which such treatments can be applied. The case study presented here concerns the famous deer stones erected by ancient Mongolian nomad populations. The 3D acquisition workflow is based on structure-from-motion, a versatile photogrammetric tech…
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 18 avril 2014, Autun
International audience; Cette brochure vous permettra de redécouvrirl’ensemble des interventions visant àprésenter les résultats des prospections,fouilles préventives et programmées à Autunmais également dans de nombreux chantiersréalisés en Bourgogne.
L’analyse exploratoire des données appliquées aux données de peuplement en Sciences Humaines : quelles méthodes pour quelles interrogations ? L’exemple de la fonction du K de Ripley appliquée aux données archéologiques
National audience
Les occupations néolithiques des marais de Saint-Gond : vert-la-Gravelle (Vert6toulon, Marne) "la crayère". Minière de silex et nécropoles d'hypogées
Models and tools for territorial dynamic studies. Spatial dynamics of settlement patterns and natural resources : towards an integrated analysis over a long term, from Prehistory to the Middle Ages
International audience
Les châteaux forts sont-ils toujours bâtis au sommet des montagnes ?
Place: Dijon; International audience
Detection and identification of archaeological features using aerial LIDAR data in a forested environment (Châtillon-sur-Seine, Côte-d’Or, France).
International audience; In the field of archaeology, a range of processing techniques has been developed this last decade for the visualization and analysis of LIDAR elevation data. Traditional processing methods are based on illumination techniques (e.g. hill-shading, Sky View Factor, topographic openness…) or on morphometric analysis (e.g. slope, profile curvature, aspect, local relief model…). All these techniques have shown their potential for identifying archeological features, especially in forested environment where photo interpretation is not usable. In this work, such techniques have been applied to detect archeological features from the processing of LIDAR data that were acquired …
The role of fire within Neolithic collective burials: Spatial analyses of cremains from the site of La Truie Pendue, France
International audience; The use of collective graves is one of the main features of the western European Late Neolithic. A single gravesite received the successive deposition of dozens or sometimes hundreds of individuals. While cremations or even full-fired inhumation layers are often found within these funerary deposits, the actual role of fire is still poorly understood. Recently discovered within the important archaeological complex of Passy (Yonne, France), the burned collective grave of La Truie-Pendue provides an outstanding case study to examine the use of fire within Neolithic funerary rites. In this study, we develop a new contextual approach to bone alterations in order to recons…
ToToPI (Topographie de Tours Pré-Industriel), a GIS for understanding urban dynamics based on the OH_FET model (Social Use, Space and Time)
http://proceedings.caaconference.org/files/2009/41_Rodier_et_al_CAA2009.pdf; International audience; ToToPI, for Topography of Tours Pre-Industrial, is a GIS for studying of the city of Tours (France) in large time span. The concepts for understanding the urban dynamic is based on considering the town as a set of complex objects, taking a systemic approach. The town system used to study the urban fabric over large time spans is composed of three sub-systems relating to historical objects from the level of the excavation to that of the former urban space: function (social use), space (location, surface area and morphology) and time (dating, duration and chronology). The historical object is …
Expertise et suivi d'une acquisition Lidar pour l'archéologie : l'exemple d'Autun
National audience; Présentation de l'expertise mise en œuvre pour vérifier et valider une campagne d'acquisition de données LiDAR pour des objectifs archéologiques
ArchaeDyn. Dynamique spatiale du peuplement et ressources naturelles : vers une analyse intégrée dans le long terme, de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge,. ACI Espaces et territoires (contrat ET28, 2005-2007)
Rapport de fin de contrat d'ACI
Information spatiale et archéologie, note d'information
National audience
Dynamisme et espaces culturels. De la notion de mobilité au sein des populations du Bronze moyen à l'étape initiale du Bronze final en France orientale (XVe-XIIIe siècles av. J.-C.)
International audience
Information Spatiale et Archéologie
L'information archéologique est spatiale par nature. Quels que soient l'échelle (fouille, habitat, ville, région), le contexte (urbain, rural), le thème (peuplement, territoires, matières premières, réseaux d'échanges, culture matérielle...) ou la démarche (terrain, documentation), la localisation est une donnée fondamentale et la production de documents (carto) graphiques est une constante. Pour autant, si le positionnement dans l'espace est un préliminaire indispensable, il ne constitue pas à lui seul une réflexion sur la dimension spatiale des questions archéologiques. L'application des méthodes de l'analyse spatiale est intervenue en archéologie dès les années 1970. Elle est maintenant …
How to talk about stones from Antiquity to the present day: the digital and mutual platform on the use of Burgundian stone
Entités fonctionnelles, entités spatiales et dynamique urbaine dans la longue durée
Functional Features, spatial Features and the urban Dynamic across a long Lapse of Time. Heterogeneous data from different sources are to be formalised as functional and spatial features in order to study the spatial evolution of preindustrial cities in the « longue durée ». The aim is to establish a distinction between historically relevant functional features and geographically relevant spatial features in order to produce information better adjusted to study spatial dynamics. The elements of a methodology are brought up.
Utilisation du GPS en prospection
National audience
OH_FET: a computer application for analysing urban dynamics over long time spans
International audience; OH_FET formalism has been designed to analyse urban fabric over long time spans (Lefebvre et al., 2008; Rodier and Saligny, 2010; Rodier et al., 2010). The conceptual model is founded on the idea of historical object (OH – objet historique) which is defined as the Cartesian product of three elementary dimensions: social use (what), space (where) and time (when). Processes are performed in Python programming language and data are stored in various kinds of spatial database. With a minimum of required data from archaeologists’ observations, the application allows users to automate the calculation of standardised indicators about urban transformations and to generate gr…
Lidar : traitement avancé des données et interprétation archéologique - cours 2016
La modélisation de l'information spatio-temporelle
L'apport des technologies LIDAR et de positionnement par satellites pour la recherche en archéologie
International audience
Observations of land use transformations during the Neolithic using exploratory spatial data analysis: contributions and limitations
International audience; The settlement pattern analysis in archaeology implies some methodological questions. In this paper, we question some issues about the use of geostatistical methods for the observation of land use transformations during the Neolithic. We have developed two examples in Burgundy (France): the first one on a regional scale and the second one on a micro-regional scale. Using different ESDA approaches (Ripley’K function, Nearest Neighbour Distance, Kernel Density Estimation), we would like to underline what the methodological and archaeological contributions and their limits are. Both experiences point out that the results obtained depend not only on the analytical scale,…
Etude de la côte viticole par laser aéroporté (Lidar)
International audience
Le Néolithique du Morvan : état des connaissances
The region of Morvan, in particular the granitic massif, forms a very large geographic area of which the prehistoric remains largely unknown. The situation regarding the zone lying between Morvan massif and the adjacent Serein, Arroux, A leine and Yonne valleys is very different. The lithic industry of several sites in Upper Morvan has demonstrated a first inhabitation during the Mesolithic and several hill sites occupied from the Middle Neolithic and during the Final Neolithic, including a probable enclosure on Mont Beuvray. Complementary studies in the A rroux Valley confirm a large expansion of the habitat and the erection of menhirs during the Middle Neolithic. Discoveries relating to t…
Modélisation des objets urbains pour l'étude des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée
The use of GIS to study the spatial evolution of pre-industrial cities over the "longue durée" requires rigorously formalising heterogeneous data from different sources into robust entities. An initial model using the HBDS (Hypergraph Based Data Structure) method enabled us to distinguish social and spatial features. In this paper we develop a specific model for the temporal dimension. The definition of urban objects using social, spatial and temporal features enhances the study of urban dynamics of change over the "longue durée".
La structuration, la représentation et l'analyse spatiale des sites archéologiques forestiers du Châtillonnais
The use of Burgundy stone from ancient times to the present day
International audience; Burgundy stone is widely reputed for its quality and diversity. Because it is suitable for the various requirements of construction and sculpture, it has been used continuously since ancient times. Inventories drawn up so far by researchers have been piecemeal. A new comprehensive inventory has now been undertaken with a view to renewing the involvement of various academic disciplines (archaeology and history of architecture, socio-economic history and history of art). A partnership has been formed among various laboratories at the University of Burgundy in order to ensure the validity of archaeological and historical data, develop an open platform in the form of a W…
Etude de l’évolution des territoires d’AOC vitivinicoles de la Bourgogne à travers la mise en place d’un système d’information géographique (SIG)
International audience
La méthode HBDS : Hypergraph-Based Data Structure
Présentation de la méthode pour de la modélisation géographique
Avant-propos. Hors-série n° 9 | 2016 : Géolocalisation et sources anciennes ?
En lien avec les préoccupations actuelles de notre société, le géoréférencement et la géolocalisation des individus, des faits et des objets constituent aujourd’hui des variables incontournables et un paramètre principal de toute information.
The CArGOS application: A catalog of geographical data in the community of human and social sciences for non-experts in Geomatics
International audience
The Evolution of Territorial Occupation:
International audience; The analysis of territorial changes over time raises many methodological questions. Despite a very frequent use of spatial analysis methods, few works underline their methodological shortcomings. This paper considers a comparison and discussion of exploratory statistical methods (notably Ripley's K function and its derivatives). It is worth noting three parameters in archaeological spatial analysis: scale, quality and quantity of input data. Archaeological data are intrinsically heterogeneous. Therefore, our approach proposes a multiscalar process integrating heterogeneous data. We describe a range of methods for the description and analysis of heterogeneous spatial …
Models and tools for territorial dynamic studies (chapter 1)
As part of the ArchaeDyn project, a workgroup was formed to coordinate the development, implementation and application of methods and tools for spatial analysis. The workgroup's activities were directed at various problems. The first was to construct a grid common to all the workgroups and to homogenize the study areas used by the different workgroups in their databases. The 'confidence maps' method was suggested for assessing the quality and quantity of information inventoried in the databases. Confidence maps are produced from representation and reliability maps by simple map algebra and they can be considered as 'masks' for interpreting spatial analysis results. Finally, the research tea…
Structures en pierre du plateau du Châtillonnais (Côte-d'Or) : du Hallstatt à l'Antiquité tardive : l'apport de l'archéologie forestière
International audience
Formalization of scientific process and conceptual modelling for the study of territorial and products distribution dynamics (ArchaeDyn II programme)
International audience; The ArchaeDyn team has investigated territorial dynamics by comparing areas over long time spans between the Neolithic and Modern times. Datasets on various themes have been shared and indicators and analytical models produced. This paper presents both the formalization of the scientific process used in the ArchaeDyn programme and a conceptual model of the systems and components so that synchronic and diachronic comparisons can be made. The aim is to clarify the transition from an archaeological feature (a site or an artefact) or a recording unit (survey area) as the input, to the characterization of spaces describing a system as the output. The approach is described…
La circulation des objets métalliques à l'âge du Bronze entre Rhône et Saône: utilisation d'une transformation cartographique linéaire
In order to gain a better understanding of circulation flows of metal objects during the Bronze Age, and move beyond traditional distribution maps of archaeological discoveries, the authors propose a more quantitative and concise method of graphic representation, namely cartographic linear transformation. The value of the method was tested on the Saône-Rhône axis. Bronze axes, swords and daggers were recorded along a 50 km strip either side of the river axis, in order to estimate the frequency and mass of objects in “circulation”.
L’archéologie forestière dans le Châtillonnais de la prospection pédestre aux relevés LiDAR
National audience
La circulation des objets métalliques à l’âge du Bronze entre Rhône et Saône: utilisation d’une transformation cartographique linéaire.
Afin de comprendre les flux de circulation des matériaux métalliques pour la période de l’Age du Bronze, et aller au-delà des cartes de répartition classiques des découvertes archéologiques, on propose un mode de représentation graphique plus quantitatif et synthétique, la transformation cartographique linéaire. On a testé sur l'axe Saône-Rhône la pertinence de cette méthode. Haches, épées et poignards de bronze, ont été répertoriés sur une bande de 50 km de part et d'autre de l'axe fluvial, afin d'estimer la fréquence et les masses d'objet en «circulation».