D Petruso
I popolamenti faunistici pleistocenici della Sicilia.
Human influence on faunal turnover during Early Holocene in Sicily
Session: Environment, climate and human impact: the archaeological evidence AIQUA CONGRESS 2012 February 15-17 Pisa, Italy 71 HUMAN INFLUENCE ON FAUNAL TURNOVER DURING EARLY HOLOCENE IN SICILY Petruso D., Sineo L. Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale e Biodiversità, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi, 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy The faunistic analysis at the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Sicily allows to understand the ecologic and/or human role in the faunal turn over of the island. Following the work of Petruso et al. (in press) we assessed that at the Pleniglacial-Late Glacial interval, in supposed absence of human occurrence, were already extinct the last endemites (the middle s…