Stjepan Orhanović

Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines

Western blotting of (a) p53, (b) hsp70 and (c) TNF proteins detected in normal fibroblast HS-68 cell lines after 48 h exposure to a 0.1% concentration of Anisakis excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products: Lane 1: control; Lane 2: ES exposure; Lane 3: EC exposure, Std, mix of standard proteins as molecular markers. *P 

research product

Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines

Western blotting of (a) p53, (b) hsp70 and (c) TNF proteins detected in normal fibroblast HS-68 cell lines after 48 h exposure to a 0.1% concentration of Anisakis excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products: Lane 1: control; Lane 2: ES exposure; Lane 3: EC exposure, Std, mix of standard proteins as molecular markers. *P 

research product

Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines

Background In countries with elevated prevalence of zoonotic anisakiasis and high awareness of this parasitosis, a considerable number of cases that associate Anisakis sp. (Nematoda, Anisakidae) and different bowel carcinomas have been described. Although neoplasia and embedded larvae were observed sharing the common site affected by chronic inflammation, no association between the nematode and malignancy were directly proved. Similarly, no data are available about the effect of secretory and excretory products of infecting larvae at the host’s cellular level, except in respect to allergenic interaction. Methods To test the mechanisms by which human non-immune cells respond to the larvae, w…

research product

Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines

Regression analysis between cells vitality and ROS production at 48 h in control cells (CO) and after treatment with excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products (n = 9 for each treatment). (TIF 179 kb)

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