Erasmo Ferreira
Potentials with SuppressedS-Wave Phase Shift at Low Energies
These results are valid for arbitrary range and depths of the potentials here studied. In spite of the fact that for the general solution we have worked only with a particular radial dependence, for .which an explicit solution for the phase shifts can be written down, it seems plausible that the results have a more general validity. With this generalization in mind, we show that for general shapes of the radial dependence, the phase shifts in Born approximation present the momentum dependence described above. The origin of our results become transparent in this Born approximation treatment. We consider a velocity dependent potential of the form 1 )
Low Energy Behaviour of the Phase Shifts for Velocity-Dependent Potentials
On Scattering and Bound States for a Singular Potential
To understand the origin of the difficulties in the determination of the physical wavefunc tion for an attractive inverse square potential, we study a model in which the singularity at the origin is substituted by a repulsive core. The structure of the spectrum of energy levels is discussed in some detail. The physical interpretation of the solutions of the Schrodinger equation for a potential of the form - (-h 2 /2m) 11/ r 2 presents difficulties, which occur for 11 larger than (l + 1/2)\ where l is the angular momentum. The difficulties are due to the fact that the condition of square integrability usually imposed on the wavefunction is not sufficient in this case to determine phase shif…