M. Romaguera
Validation of a temperature emissivity separation hybrid method from airborne hyperspectral scanner data and ground measurements in the SEN2FLEX field campaign
This paper presents an assessment of the performance of a hybrid method that allows a simultaneous retrieval of land-surface temperature (LST) and emissivity (LSE) from remotely-sensed data. The proposed method is based on a synergistic usage of the split-window (SW) algorithm and the two-temperature method (TTM) and combines the advantages of both procedures while mitigating their drawbacks. The method was implemented for thermal channels 76 (10.56 µm) and 78 (11.72 µm) of the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS), which was flown over the Barrax test site (Albacete, Spain) in the second week of July 2005, within the framework of the Sentinel-2 and Fluorescence Experiment (SEN2FLEX) field c…
Single-channel and two-channel methods for land surface temperature retrieval from DAIS data and its application to the Barrax site
In this paper, a methodology using a single-channel and a two-channel method is presented to estimate the land surface temperature from the DAIS (Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer) thermal channels 74 (8.747 µm), 75 (9.648 µm), 76 (10.482 µm), 77 (11.266 µm), 78 (11.997 µm) and 79 (12.668 µm). The land surface temperature retrieved with both methods has been validated over the Barrax site (Albacete, Spain) in the framework of the DAISEX (Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Experiment) field campaigns. Prior to the validation an analysis of the DAIS data quality has been performed in order to check the agreement between in situ data and the values extracted from the DAIS images supplie…
Global vegetation monitoring through multitemporal analysis of pathfinder AVHRR land database
We have applied a Land Surface Temperature algorithm to the whole Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) database, aiming at studying the evolution of the vegetation at a global scale. The Land Surface Temperature parameter, along with NDVI, will allow retrieving vegetation changes between July 1981 and September 2001. We have also built a classification which takes into account both vegetation variations and thermal patterns, from NDVI and Air Temperature at 2 meters height data. This classification allows differentiating areas which present close vegetation changes throughout the year, but totally different climates, as for example in mountainous and semiarid regions. The main quality of this classi…
Thermal remote sensing from Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner data in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX projects: an overview
Abstract. The AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner) instrument has 80 spectral bands covering the visible and near infrared (VNIR), short wave infrared (SWIR), mid infrared (MIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) spectral range. The instrument is operated by Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (INTA), and it has been involved in several field campaigns since 2004. This paper presents an overview of the work performed with the AHS thermal imagery provided in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX campaigns, carried out respectively in 2004 and 2005 over an agricultural area in Spain. The data collected in both campaigns allowed for the first time the development and testing of algorithms for …
Thermal remote sensing in the framework of the SEN2FLEX project: field measurements, airborne data and applications
A description of thermal radiometric field measurements carried out in the framework of the European project SENtinel-2 and Fluorescence Experiment (SEN2FLEX) is presented. The field campaign was developed in the region of Barrax (Spain) during June and July 2005. The purpose of the thermal measurements was to retrieve biogeophysical parameters such as land surface emissivity (LSE) and temperature (LST) to validate airborne-based methodologies and to characterize different surfaces. Thermal measurements were carried out using two multiband field radiometers and several broadband field radiometers, pointing at different targets. High-resolution images acquired with the Airborne Hyperspectral…
Land surface emissivity retrieval from different VNIR and TIR sensors
This paper discusses the application and adaptation of two existing operational algorithms for land surface emissivity (epsiv) retrieval from different operational satellite/airborne sensors with bands in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and thermal IR (TIR) regions: (1) the temperature and emissivity separation algorithm, which retrieves epsiv only from TIR data and (2) the normalized-difference vegetation index thresholds method, in which epsiv is retrieved from VNIR data.
Water‐vapour retrieval from Meteosat 8/SEVIRI observations
This paper aims to propose operational algorithms to retrieve the total atmospheric water vapour content (W) using the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on-board Meteosat 8. MODTRAN3.5 was used to obtain simulated data in the thermal infrared channels IR10.8 and IR12.0, in order to determine the numerical values of the coefficients of the algorithms. The algorithm proposed for land pixels takes into account the SEVIRI observation geometry and the radiometric temperatures obtained in the split-window channels at two different times during a day and requires a minimum difference of 10 K in terms of temperature between the two situations. Comprehensive error analyses gave …
Land surface temperature retrieval from MSG1-SEVIRI data
Abstract We have developed a physical-based split-window Land Surface Temperature (LST) algorithm for retrieving the surface temperature from SEVIRI/MSG1 (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager/Meteosat Second Generation1) data in two thermal infrared bands (IR 10.8 and IR 12.0). The proposed algorithm takes into account the SEVIRI angular dependence. The numerical values of the split-window coefficients have been obtained from a statistical regression method, using synthetic data. The look-up tables for atmospheric transmission, path radiance, and downward thermal irradiance are calculated with the MODTRAN3 code. The new LST algorithm has been tested with simulated SEVIRI/MSG1 data …
Estimation of sea surface temperature from SEVIRI data: algorithm testing and comparison with AVHRR products
Three surface temperature (ST) algorithms for Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) data are developed and tested. A general split window algorithm for ST estimation, a sea surface temperature (SST) algorithm and a nonlinear algorithm (NLSST) developed for SEVIRI data. The test was carried out by comparing SEVIRI data with two types of data: (a) in situ and (b) obtained with the NLSST algorithm applied to Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). The field campaign was carried out over sea using a thermal radiometer. The algorithms were applied to SEVIRI images in coincidence with the field campaign and the results show an rms error lower than 0.7 K. The comparison …