C. Brochhausen

Chronisches Lidödem assoziiert mit Rosazea (Morbus Morbihan): Differenzialdiagnostische Schwierigkeiten und Therapieoptionen

Background Morbus Morbihan is a rare complication of rosacea, consisting of a persistent lymphoedema of the upper part of the face. It has typically a chronic course, unspecific histopathological findings and an extreme refractoriness to therapy. Patients and methods Between February 2008 and January 2010, 5 patients with Morbus Morbihan were observed at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Medical Centre Mainz. In the present cohort study, we describe the clinical, laboratory and histological findings that led to the diagnosis. The course of the affection and the results of different therapeutic options are also reported. Results Each patient underwent a complete ophthalmologi…

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Klinische Studien in der P�diatrie

Klinische Studien stellen ein entscheidendes Werkzeug fur eine rationale und wissenschaftlich valide Pharmakotherapie dar. Gerade in der Arzneimittelforschung bestehen seit jeher intensive Interaktionen zwischen universitarer und industrieller Forschung. Dabei besteht das Ziel der universitaren Forschung darin, valide Daten zu generieren, welche die Grundlage einer evidenzbasierten Medizin bilden. Die pharmazeutische Industrie als Kooperationspartner unterliegt dagegen marktwirtschaftlichen Sachzwangen, sodass dort ein entscheidendes Interesse darin besteht, neue, innovative Arzneimittel in Verkehr zu bringen. Zurzeit wird ein erheblicher Anteil samtlicher Arzneimittelstudien durch die phar…

research product

Production of superoxide by human malignant melanoma cells.

Metastasis is a complicated multi-step process involving interactions between tumour cells, the extracellular matrix and the vessel walls. Experimental observations suggest that leucocyte migration and function could be a suitable model in order to understand tumour cell dissemination. In the present report we show and quantify the production of free radicals by human malignant melanoma cells (St-ml12) by means of a spectrophotometrical method, using an enzyme immunoassay reader. Endothelial cells and activated polymorphonuclear leucocytes were used as controls. Melanoma cells without stimulants produced large amounts of superoxide anion at an increasing rate in relation to time, which coul…

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