R. Wigand
Complete functional C1q deficiency associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
SUMMARY A complete functional deficiency of Clq is described in a patient suffering from SLE. From reduced plasma C1 activity of the parents a hereditary trait was assumed. The defective C1q molecule was haemolytically inactive, did not bind to immune complexes, and was not recognized by the monocyte C1q receptor. C1 activity in the patient's serum could be restored by the addition of purified C1q. Analysis by gelfiltration and ultracentrifugation experiments revealed an immunoreactive molecule of about 150 kD mol. wt, corresponding to one structural subunit of the C1q macromolccule, containing two A chain-B chain dimers and a C-C chain dimer. Applying Southern blot analysis with cDNA clone…
Blutgruppen und Partnerwahl
Auf Grund von 786 Zweimanngutachten wurden die Blut- und Serumfaktoren der beiden mannlichen Partner einer Kindesmutter mittels desx2-Tests daraufhin gepruft, ob — haufiger als nach dem Zufall zu erwarten — eine Ubereinstimmung bestimmter Merkmale bei beiden Partnern vorkommt. Bei keinem der untersuchten Merkmale fand sich eine solche Abweichung, d.h. die Ergebnisse stehen nicht im Widerspruch zu der Annahme, das Partnerwahl und Blutgruppenzugehorigkeit voneinander unabhangig sind. Die Voraussetzung fur die Anwendung positiver Vaterschaftsberechnungen ist also von dieser Seite her nicht anfechtbar.
A mother-child combination analysis for AB0-Hp interaction
Tests for interaction between AB0 and Hp were performed in 1824 mother-child pairs. There was no significant difference in the Hp distribution between mothers and children. When the children were divided into AB0-compatible and AB0-incompatible with their mothers there was an excess of the Hp1 gene in the incompatible group. The results are discussed.