Anti-Anisakis sp. antibodies in serum of healthy subjects. Relationship with αβ and γδ T cells
Anisakiosis is nowadays one of the nematodoses more prevalent in Spain, with rates that oscillate between 0.43% in Galicia (N.W. Spain), and 15.7% and 22.1% in inland and southern regions, respectively. Likewise, it has been proved that Anisakis larvae have developed mechanisms to modulate the dichotomy of the host immune response for their own benefit. The experimental hypothesis of the present study was that Anisakis sp. larval products can be mediators of immune suppression and induce changes on the populations of αβ+ and γδ+ T cells. In the present study we determined the levels of anti-Anisakis antibodies in the serum of healthy people, and their relationship with the B and T cell subs…