Vincenzo Porgi
A Simulation Analysis for Assessing the Reliability of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids - Part I: Underground Station and Car Parking
This paper reports the results of a simulation study with the aim of evaluating the capability of two portions of a hybrid AC/DC MV/LV network of maintaining their operation in off-grid mode during the loss of the main AC grid due to a failure. In particular, the study aims to verify, in the case of islanded operation of the two microgrids, the continuity of the electricity service by exploiting the local generation plants, Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), and other flexible resources managed by suitable algorithms in different energy scenarios. The analysis was carried out considering two microgrids: an underground station and a car parking with Electric Vehicles (EVs). For assessing the per…
Dynamic Control of Static Converters for the Transition from Grid-on to Grid-off Operation of AC/DC Microgrids
In this paper, specific control logics defined for generators, controllable loads and electric energy storage systems are illustrated in order to improve the reliability of AC/DC hybrid microgrids in their grid-off operation following failure events such as short-circuits, line breaks, sudden disconnections of generating units or loads, etc. After defining specific control schemes, these were modelled in a digital environment and finally tested with dynamic simulations. Finally, the paper highlights the role of virtual synchronous machine control for the self-healing capacity of islanded hybrid microgrids.
On the Impact of Heat Pumps Electric Load on the Power Consumption of Lampedusa
The present paper reports the results of a simulation study regarding the impact of the adoption of heat pumps for domestic hot water production in the island of Lampedusa (Italy). In the study, it has been assumed to replace electric storage water heaters with heat pumps at every dwelling of the about four thousand domestic end-users of the island and, in addition, to control the heat pump operation in order to enhance some parameters that characterize the quality of the generation and distribution system of the island (power peak, energy losses and voltage drop). According to the results of the simulations, while the replacement of electric storage water heaters with heat pumps is able to…
A Simulation Analysis for Assessing the Reliability of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids - Part II: Port Area and Residential Area
This paper reports the second part of a simulation study with the aim of evaluating the ability of two portions of a hybrid AC/DC MV/LV network in maintaining their operation in off-grid mode during the loss of the main AC grid due to a failure. In particular, this paper follows a dual purpose: first, it analysis two microgrids in a residential area and a port zone capability of operating in islanded mode, applying a probabilistic approach, while there is different energy use cases, and second is to evaluate some reliability indicators.