Complementarity of reaction force and electron localization function analyses of asynchronicity in bond formation in diels-alder reactions
We have computationally compared three Diels-Alder cycloadditions involving cyclopentadiene and substituted ethylenes; one of the reactions is synchronous, while the others are slightly or highly asynchronous. Synchronicity and weak asynchronicity are characterized by the reaction force constant κ(ξ) having just a single minimum in the transition region along the intrinsic reaction coordinate ξ, while for high asynchronicity κ(ξ) has a negative maximum with minima on both sides. The electron localization function (ELF) shows that the features of κ(ξ) can be directly related to the formation of the new C-C bonds between the diene and the dienophile. There is thus a striking complementarity b…
A computational and conceptual DFT study on the mechanism of hydrogen activation by novel frustrated Lewis pairs.
A computational and conceptual density functional theory (DFT) study on the mechanism of molecular hydrogen activation by a set of three frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) was performed at the ωB97X-D/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. A reduced model and other two prototypes derived from experimental data, based on the donor nitrogen and acceptor boron atoms, were used. Analysis based on the energy results, geometries and the global electron density transfer at the TSs made it possible to obtain some interesting conclusions: (i) despite the well-known very low reactivity of molecular hydrogen, the catalytic effectiveness of the three FLPs produces reactions with almost unappreciable activation energi…