Egil Karlsbakk

Genetic analysis of goldsinny wrasse reveals evolutionary insights into population connectivity and potentialevidence of inadverent translocationvia aquaculture

The salmon industry is heavily dependent on wrasse for delousing infected fish. The goldsinny wrasse is numerically the most important, and each year, millions are harvested from the wild and transported large distances into fish farms. Population genetic knowledge is required to sustainably exploit this species. Here, 1051 goldsinny wrasses from 16 locations across Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Spain were genotyped with 14 microsatellite and 36 SNP markers. Within-population genetic diversity decreased towards north, and a genetic break was observed across the North Sea. Samples from Northern Norway differed from rest of the Scandinavian samples, and samples from the British Isles di…

research product

Fremmede arter i Norge: resultater fra kvantitative økologiske risikovurderinger

1. Due to globalisation, trade and transport, the spread of alien species is increasing dramatically. Some alien species become ecologically harmful by threatening native biota. This can lead to irreversible changes in local biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and, ultimately, to biotic homogenisation. 2. We risk-assessed all alien plants, animals, fungi and algae, within certain delimitations, that are known to reproduce in Norway. Mainland Norway and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard plus Jan Mayen were treated as separate assessment areas. Assessments followed the Generic Ecological Impact Assessment of Alien Species (GEIAA) protocol, which uses a fully quantitative set of criteria.…

research product

Growth and emigration of third-stage larvae of Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in larval herring Clupea harengus

The growth and emigration of Hystherothylacium aduncum in laboratory-reared herring larvae Clupea harengus was studied. Experimental infections of 36-day-old herring larvae resulted in 126 hosts infected with 306 H. aduncum larvae. Regression analyses showed a significant worm emigration from the rectum to the head of the fish, accompanied by an increase in worm body length. The emigration was independent of worm intensity, which suggests an ontogenetic process. Some worms departed from this pattern by moving posteriorly or by penetrating into the muscle, and in 5 cases, the larvae were observed to leave living fish. This individual variation has not been observed in previous studies and mi…

research product

New data on the early development of Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda, Anisakidae).

This note reports on incidental observations of the early development of the third-stage larvae of Hysterothylacium aduncum from gadid fishes. Gravid H. aduncum females were collected from Pollachius virens, Pollachius pollachius. Gadus morhua, and Molva molva in Norwegian waters. The eggs were incubated at 20 per thousand salinity and 5 C. Spontaneous hatching of third-stage larvae was observed 10-25 days after egg deposition. These larvae were long lived and could infect Acartia tonsa copepods, the infections being maintained for up to 34 days. The morphology of the third-stage larvae in the copepods and some traits of the life cycle were similar to those reported in previous studies. How…

research product

Data from: Ecological impact assessments of alien species in Norway

Due to globalisation, trade and transport, the spread of alien species is increasing dramatically. Some alien species become ecologically harmful by threatening native biota. This can lead to irreversible changes in local biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and, ultimately, to biotic homogenisation. We risk-assessed all alien plants, animals, fungi and algae, within certain delimitations, that are known to reproduce in Norway. Mainland Norway and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard plus Jan Mayen were treated as separate assessment areas. Assessments followed the Generic Ecological Impact Assessment of Alien Species (GEIAA) protocol, which uses a fully quantitative set of criteria. A tot…

research product