Kati Mäkelä
Vanhus kotona omaishoidon turvin : omaishoidettavan kokemuksia kodista, hoivasta ja rooleista
VANHUS KOTONA OMAISHOIDON TURVIN Omaishoidettavan kokemuksia kodista, hoivasta ja rooleista Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan omaishoitoa omaishoidettavan näkökulmasta ja tarkemmin heidän kokemuksiaan kodista, hoivasta ja rooleista. Tutkimus on tärkeä siksi, että omaishoitajuutta on tutkittu paljon omaishoitajan, mutta ei juurikaan omaishoidettavan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelun avulla haastattelemalla seitsemää Alavuden kaupungissa asuvaa omaishoidontuen saajaa. Haastattelut litteroitiin ja analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan nähdä, että kotona oleminen yhdessä läheisen kanssa on vanhukselle tärkeää. Koti nähdään yhteiselon pai…
Adapting a Phage to Combat Phage Resistance
Phage therapy is becoming a widely recognized alternative for fighting pathogenic bacteria due to increasing antibiotic resistance problems. However, one of the common concerns related to the use of phages is the evolution of bacterial resistance against the phages, putatively disabling the treatment. Experimental adaptation of the phage (phage training) to infect a resistant host has been used to combat this problem. Yet, there is very little information on the trade-offs of phage infectivity and host range. Here we co-cultured a myophage FCV-1 with its host, the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare, in lake water and monitored the interaction for a one-month period. Phage resistance was…
Prevalence of genetically similarFlavobacterium columnarephages across aquaculture environments reveals a strong potential for pathogen control
SummaryIntensive aquaculture conditions expose fish to bacterial infections, leading to significant financial losses, extensive antibiotic use and risk of antibiotic resistance in target bacteria.Flavobacterium columnarecauses columnaris disease in aquaculture worldwide. To develop a bacteriophage-based control of columnaris disease, we isolated and characterized 126F. columnarestrains and 63 phages againstF. columnarefrom Finland and Sweden. Bacterial isolates were virulent on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fell into four previously described genetic groups A, C, E and G, with genetic groups C and E being the most virulent. Phage host range studied against a collection of 228 bact…