Anne Soini

Lasten ja nuorten liikunta : Suomen tilannekatsaus 2014 ja kansainvälinen vertailu

research product

Tunnelmia ja kuvia sosiaalisen kestävyyden ääreltä

research product

Always on the move? Measured physical activity of 3-year-old preschool children

research product

A comparison of physical activity levels in childcare contexts among Finnish and Dutch three-year-olds

The aim of the current study was to determine Finnish and Dutch three-year-old preschool children's physical activity (PA) levels and how levels vary across gender, location, time of day and social contexts in both countries. A modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children-Preschool (OSRAC-P) was used to measure children's PA levels and contextual variables (e.g. group composition, prompts) of children attending childcare centres in Finland and the Netherlands. In total, 90 Finnish children (46 boys and 44 girls) and 97 Dutch children (46 boys and 51 girls) were observed. Three-level linear regression analyses with cross level interactions were use…

research product

Physical play - How do we inspire and motivate young children to be physically active through play? An international analysis of twelve countries’ national early years curriculum policies and practices for physical activity and physical play

Lifelong movement and physical activity (PA) patterns develop during early childhood. Therefore, educators (teachers and practitioners) in early childhood education and care (ECEC) should provide opportunities to support children’s play, PA, and movement development. The World Health Organization (2019) offers new recommendations for PA, for children under five years. The guidelines do not specify the ways ECEC staff can support PA through play. Therefore, this paper investigates, how physical play (PP) is enacted globally. An international policy and practice analysis of twelve countries, (Australia [Victoria], Belgium [Flanders], Canada [Alberta], China, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal,…

research product

Comparing the physical activity patterns of 3-year-old Finnish and Australian children during childcare and homecare days

AbstractLimited previous research has contrasted physical activity (PA) patterns in preschool children across different hourly patterns or segments of day, or adopted similar methodologies to compare the PA behaviors of children from different countries. The purpose of this study was to examine how the PA levels and patterns differed between 3- year-olds within and between childcare and homecare days in Finland and Australia.ActiGraph GT3X accelerometers were used to monitor 121 (80 Finnish, 41 Australian) children’s PA for five consecutive days.No significant country differences were observed in children’s daily total PA (light-tovigorous PA [LMVPA]), except that during childcare days Finn…

research product

A Comparison of Physical Activity Levels in Childcare Contexts among Finnish and Dutch 3-Year-Olds

The aim of the current study was to determine Finnish and Dutch three-year-old preschool children’s physical activity (PA) levels and how levels vary across gender, location, time of day and social contexts in both countries. A modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children-Preschool (OSRAC-P) was used to measure children’s PA levels and contextual variables (e.g. group composition, prompts) of children attending childcare centres in Finland and the Netherlands. In total, 90 Finnish children (46 boys and 44 girls) and 97 Dutch children (46 boys and 51 girls) were observed. Three-level linear regression analyses with cross level interactions were use…

research product

Perceptions of physical education in early childhood teacher education courses

The engagement in movement skills in early childhood education care is a key component of promoting a healthy lifestyle. However, the literature shows that early childhood teachers' insufficient training and lack of policies to support physical education (PE) negatively impact children's education on movement activities in their early years (Sharma et al., 2014). The aim of this case study was to describe teacher educators’ (TE) perceptions from three different countries regarding the purpose of PE in early childhood teacher education (ECTE) program. One TE from each of Brazil, Finland, and the USA was invited were the participants of this study. Data were collected through interviews and P…

research product

Movement and physical activity in early childhood education and care policies of five nordic countries

The purpose of this study was to examine the values of movement and physical activity (MoPA) using government policy documents (e.g., laws and curricula) on early childhood education and care (ECEC) from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. This descriptive, comparative study was designed based on curriculum theory and used word count and content analyses to identify similarities and differences in the occurrence of MoPA in the ECEC policies of Nordic countries. Seven terms were identified as MoPA-related in Nordic policy documents. These terms occurred in various content contexts: development, environment, expression, health and well-being, learning and play, albeit sparsely. MoP…

research product

Seasonal and daily variation in physical activity among three-year-old Finnish preschool children

The purposes of this study were to assess seasonal, daily, and gender variations in children’s physical activity (PA). ActiGraph GT3X accelerometers were used to record the three-year-old children’s PA levels for five consecutive days in autumn and winter. Complete data for both seasons were obtained for 47 children. Despite a significant difference in seasonal temperatures (p < .001), differences were only found for weekdays light PA (p = .021). No difference in PA was observed between weekdays and weekend days. Only 20% of the sample had ≥120 minutes light-to-vigorous PA (LMVPA), and 46% of children had ≥60 minutes moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Boys spent more minutes in LMVPA (p = .001…

research product

Nuorten terveystottumukset ja vapaa-aika Sotkamon Verso -projektissa

research product

3-4 -vuotiaiden lasten fyysinen aktiivisuus päiväkodissa eri vuodenaikoina sekä varhaiskasvattajan kannustuksen yhteys lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää 3-4-vuotiaiden lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden intensiteetin eroja päiväkodissa eri vuodenaikoina sekä varhaiskasvattajan kannustuksen yhteyttä lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui päiväkotien vuonna 2007 syntyneistä vapaaehtoisista lapsista. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin havainnoimalla OSRAC-P -havainnointimenetelmän avulla 14 päiväkodissa tammi-helmikuussa (N 94) sekä elo-syyskuussa (N 118) vuonna 2011. Lasten fyysinen aktiivisuus oli pääosan ajasta (noin 60 %) intensiteetiltään erittäin kevyttä. Intensiteetiltään vähintään keskiraskaan fyysisen aktiivisuuden esiintyvyys oli noin 10 %. Vuodenajalla oli erittäin merkitsevä yhtey…

research product

Results from Finland’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth

The Finnish 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity (PA) for Children and Youth is the first assessment of Finland’s efforts in promoting and facilitating PA opportunities for children and youth using the Active Healthy Kids Canada grading system. The Report Card relies primarily on research findings from 6 Research Institutes, coordinated by the University of Jyväskylä. The Research Work Group convened to evaluate the aggregated evidence and assign grades for each of the 9 PA indicators, following the Canadian Report Card protocol. Grades from A (highest) to F (lowest) varied in Finland as follows: 1) Overall physical activity—fulfillment of recommendations (D), 2) Organized sport participat…

research product

Finnish Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Perceived Competence in Early Childhood Physical Education

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) teachers have a central role in supporting young children’s physical activity (PA) and overall development in the early years. However, the value of early childhood education teacher training (ECETT) programmes is not widely understood. This study aimed to investigate pre-service teachers’ perceptions of perceived competence when (1) supporting a child’s PA, (2) teaching PE, and (3) observing and assessing a child’s motor skills and PA. These self-evaluations were compared with a range of individual, educational, and behavioural characteristics. Final-year Bachelor degree pre-service teachers (n = 274

research product

Lisää liikuntaa lapsille : uudet suositukset varhaisvuosien liikkumiseen

research product

Movement and physical activity in early childhood education and care in the Nordic countries

Background The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges the importance of preschool children taking part in comprehensive physical activities supporting, among other things, their motor development, and competencies. A growing number of children attend early childhood education and care (ECEC), and expectations that this will support the development and learning of the youngest children are high. ECEC are governed by different policies embodied in both laws and curricula, and the framework of a curriculum plays a key role in ensuring the quality of ECEC services. The documents represent the content society wants the ECEC institutions to disseminate, and set out the values, objectives, a…

research product

Directly Observed Physical Activity and Fundamental Motor Skills in Four-Year-Old Children in Day Care

Physical activity (PA), its location, social interactions and fundamental motor skills (FMS) were investigated in four-year-old Finnish children in day care. Six skills in the stability, locomotor and manipulative domains were assessed in 53 children (24 boys, 29 girls, normal anthropometry) with the APM-Inventory manual for assessing children’s perceptual and FMS and Total Motor Scores (TMS; 0–6 points) calculated. PA intensity, location, group composition and activity type − sitting, squatting, kneeling − were directly observed with a modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children – Preschool Version (OSRAC – P) during three consecutive days in 14…

research product

Sand Play for 0–8-Year-Old Children’s Health and Development: A Systematic Review Protocol

Sand play may be a significant determinant of health and development in early childhood, but systematically synthesised evidence is absent in the literature. The main objective of this study was to present a planned methodology to systematically review, and synthesise, the evidence regarding sand play and its associations with 0–8-year-old children’s health and development. The systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols statement was registered to PROSPERO (CRD42021253852). Literature searches will be conducted using information from eight electronic databases. Studies will be included when participating children were aged 0–…

research product

Kolmevuotiaiden päiväkotilasten mitattu fyysinen aktiivisuus

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kolmevuotiaiden lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrä ja intensiteetti sekä selvittää täyttyvätkö alle kouluikäisten Varhaiskasvatuksen liikunnan suositukset (2005) kahden tunnin reippaasta päivittäisestä liikunnasta tutkimukseen osallistuvilla lapsilla. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin myös poikien ja tyttöjen sekä arki- ja viikonlopun päivien välisiä eroja. Aineisto kerättiin 14 vapaaehtoisesta päiväkodista elokuusta lokakuuhun 2010. Lasten fyysinen aktiivisuus mitattiin ActiGraph GT3Xkiihtyvyysmittareilla viiden peräkkäisen päivän ajan. Hyväksyttävä aineisto, vähintään kahdeksan tuntia mittausta kolmena arkipäivänä ja yhtenä viikonlopun päivänä, saati…

research product

Physical education in Finnish early childhood teacher education-curricula and preservice teachers' perceptions

Physical education (PE) course curricula in Finnish universities were reviewed and compared, and 274 preservice teachers' perceptions of their PE studies in Finnish early childhood teacher education (ECTE) programmes were investigated using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the inductive content analysis revealed both knowledge- and skill-based learning outcomes, with teaching skills receiving the most emphasis. One-way ANOVAs revealed that the preservice teachers were relatively satisfied with their PE studies. They reported being prepared for teaching PE and provided detailed information on the policies regulating early childhood education and care (ECEC). However, they…

research product

The effect of the cluster randomized HIPPA intervention on childcare children’s overall physical activity

Background The effect of the cluster randomized Home- and childcare-based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity (HIPPA) intervention on the everyday physical activity (PA) of children between the ages of 4 to 5 years was evaluated. Material/Methods Fourteen childcare centers with 102 children born in 2007 and their families participated in the study. HIPPA was implemented over a single preschool year in seven childcare centers while seven other centers continued their normal care (control group, CG). The PA levels of children were assessed by accelerometers six times every six months during two and a half years of research. Valid PA data were obtained from 69 children at baseline and an…

research product

Directly Observed Physical Activity among 3-Year-Olds in Finnish Childcare

The main purpose of the study was to determine 3-year-olds’ physical activity levels and how these vary across season, gender, time of day, location, and the physical and social environment in childcare settings in Finland. A modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children-Preschool (OSRAC-P) was used to measure physical activity levels and contextual variables (e.g., group composition, prompts) of children attending childcare centres. In total, 81 children (42 boys and 39 girls) were observed in autumn and in winter. Three-level linear regression analyses were used to assess differences between the seasons in the association between the context vari…

research product

The effectiveness of the HIPPA intervention in the sociocultural environment of ECEC physical activity

Studies have shown that, on average, children’s physical activity (PA) levels in early childhood education and care (ECEC) environments are low, thus opening up the possibility of interventions. We examined the effect of the teacher-implemented one-year long ‘home-and-childcare-based intervention to promote physical activity’ (HIPPA) study on children’s PA in ECEC settings in Finland. Participating four-year-old children (N = 128) were cluster-randomised into two groups, intervention (seven childcare centres) and control (seven childcare centres), in autumn 2011. The children were observed directly during their ECEC times. Multilevel linear analysis was used to test the PA differences betwe…

research product

Varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten unen määrän yhteys motorisiin taitoihin ja liikkumiseen

Unen tiedetään olevan yhteydessä lasten fyysiseen, kognitiiviseen ja emotionaaliseen kehitykseen sekä oppimiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten unen määrän yhteyttä liikkumis- ja pallonkäsittelytaitoihin, motoriseen koordinaatioon sekä koettuun motoriseen pätevyyteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin unen määrän yhteyttä fyysisen aktiivisuuden, paikallaan olon sekä ruutuajan määrään. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös mahdollisia iästä ja sukupuolesta johtuvia eroja kyseisissä muuttujissa. Tutkimus oli osa Taitavat tenavat –tutkimushanketta, jonka aikana lapset olivat 3–7-vuotiaita (N = 1234, 624 tyttöä ja 610 poikaa, ikä 5,0 v. ± 1,1). Unen määrää, fyysistä aktii…

research product