E Bagnato
New evidences on mercury emissions from Earth volcanism
The 2010 Eyjafiallajokull volcanic summit eruption: evidences from ash-leachates analysis and ground deposition fluxes
The Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption was an extraordinary event in that it led to widespread over Europe. Volcanic processes which lead to eruptions can be investigated by monitoring a variety of parameters, including the composition of ash leachates. Fine-grained tephra erupted from active vents, and transported through volcanic plumes, can adsorbs, and therefore rapidly scavenge, volatile elements such as S, halogens, and metal species in the form of soluble salts adhering to ash surfaces. Analysis of such water-soluble phases is a suitable complement for the remote sensing of volcanic gases at inaccessible volcanoes, like Eyjafjallajökull. The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption developed in fo…
Leachate Analyses of volcanic ashes from the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption
Volcanic processes which lead to eruptions can be investigated by monitoring a variety of parameters, including the composition of ash leachates. Fine-grained tephra erupted from active vents, and transported through volcanic plumes, can adsorb, and therefore rapidly scavenge, volatile elements such as sulphur, halogens, and metal species in the form of soluble salts adhering to ash surfaces. Analysis of such water-soluble surface materials is a suitable complement for the remote sensing of volcanic gases at inaccessible volcanoes. The April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption has been characterised by several distinct phases, with an initial effusion of alkali basalt on the volcano's northeast …
Flussi di evasione marina del mercurio elementare gassoso (Hg0) nell’atmosfera della Rada di Augusta
Il mercurio (Ilg) è uno dei principali inquinanti emessi in atmosfera. La sua complessità geochimica, unitamente alla tossicità c agli effetti persistenti della sua presenza nell’ecosistema terrestre, lo hanno inserito nella lista delle priorità di un numero sempre crescente di accordi internazionali rivolti alla tutela ambientale e della stiline umana (The Arctic- Monitoring and Assessment Program, AMAR, United Nations - Economie Commission for Europe: Ileavy Metals Protocol, UN- ECE, The Helsinki Commission, IIELCOM, la convenzione OSPAR). I progressi raggiunti neH’ullimo decennio sullo studio del Hg come ‘global poi Intani '(Pirrone et al.. 2001; Hedgecock et al, 2000: Paeyna et al, 2006…
Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury (Hg) in polluted marine environments
Mercury (Hg) is emitted in the atmosphere by anthropogenic and natural sources, these last accounting for one third of the total emissions. Since the pre-industrial age, the atmospheric deposition of mercury have increased notably, while ocean emissions have doubled owing to the re-emission of anthropogenic mercury. Exchange between the atmosphere and ocean plays an important role in cycling and transport of mercury. We present the preliminary results from a study on the distribution and evasion flux of mercury at the atmosphere/sea interface in the Augusta basin (SE Sicily, southern Italy), a semi-enclosed marine area affected by a high degree of contamination (heavy metals and PHA) due to…
Impact of Volcanic Emissions on Trace Elements Contents Measured in Endemic Plants at Mt. Etna (Italy)
Do Volcanic Eruptions Solve Global Atmospheric Mercury Pollution?
Besides human activities, volcanoes also introduce significant quantities of potentially harmful chemical compounds into the environment, mainly in the forms of gases and particles. High-temperature emissions from persistently degassing volcanoes are a known source of trace metal emissions to the atmosphere which may have important environmental consequences. Among these metals, mercury (Hg) is of particular interest since it is a toxic volatile metal found at elevated concentrations in remote regions of the world. Many natural Hg pathways include a recycled component of anthropogenic material. The anthropogenic contribution to the global atmospheric Hg budget is now well constrained, with …
The cycle of major and trace elements in a volcanic environment
The Eyjafjallajokull volcanic summit eruption: evidences from ash-leachates analysis and ground deposition fluxes
The Eyjafjallajokull 2010 eruption was an extraordinary event in that it led to widespread over Europe. Volcanic processes which lead to eruptions can be investigated by monitoring a variety of parameters, including the composition of ash leachates. Fine-grained tephra erupted from active vents, and transported through volcanic plumes, can adsorbs, and therefore rapidly scavenge, volatile elements such as S, halogens, and metal species in the form of soluble salts adhering to ash surfaces. Analysis of such water-soluble phases is a suitable complement for the remote sensing of volcanic gases at inaccessible volcanoes, like Eyjafjallajokull. The 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption developed in fo…