Anastasiia Sheveleva

Langevin’s model for soliton molecules in ultrafast fi ber ring laser cavity: investigating the interplay between noise and inertia

We describe the vibration pattern of a soliton-molecule using the Langevin’s model, i.e. noise source combined with a deterministic model. This simpler model allows investigating the interplay between fl uctuation and dissipation mechanisms at play.

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Accurate fiber-optic emulator of fundamental four-wave mixing theory

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projet FOURIER - Fibre et optique ultra rapide pour l’investigation d’événements rares

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The temporal analogue of diffractive couplers

International audience; Based on the space-time duality of light, we numerically demonstrate that temporal dispersion grating couplers can generate from a single pulse an array of replicas of equal amplitude. The phase-only profile of the temporal grating is optimized by a genetic algorithm that takes into account the optoelectronic bandwidth limitations of the setup.

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Génération de doublets d’impulsions picosecondes à très haut débit

National audience

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All-fibered high-quality 28-GHz to 112 GHz pulse sources based on nonlinear compression of optical temporal besselons

The generation of high quality pulse trains at repetition rates of several tens of GHz remains a crucial step for optical telecommunications, optical sampling or component testing applications. Unfortunately, the current bandwidth limitations of optoelectronic devices do not allow the direct generation of well-defined optical pulse trains with low duty cycles. An attractive solution is based on a direct temporal phase modulation that is then converted into an intensity modulation thanks to a dispersive element that imprints a spectral quadratic phase. Picosecond pulses at repetition rates of several tens of GHz have been successfully demonstrated [1] . However, this approach suffers from a …

research product

Design and control of NxN microphotonics switch array based on non-adiabatic theory

The development of linear programmable nanophotonics processors requires large number of couplers to route light through the photonic chip. This number scales nonlinearly with the number of inputs and outputs [1] , making the device increasingly complex to control, and bulky. Regarding the latter aspects, densely packed array of waveguides would be an elegant solution. In order to couple selectively the different –at first isolated- waveguides, we rely on the analogy between the equations governing the unidirectional propagation in optics and the time evolution in quantum physics [2] . Namely, as seen in fig. 1-a , if each waveguide can be considered as a photonic energy level, then a trans…

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Non-adiabatic control in NxN integrated photonic switch

National audience

research product

Complete measurement of the phase-space topology of fiber four-wave mixing using iterated initial conditions

We experimentally demonstrate an optical fiber testbed enabling the quantitative study of ideal four-wave mixing. We directly measure the complex phase-space topology including features such as the separatrix, Fermi Pasta Ulam recurrence, and stationary waves.

research product

Machine learning for ultrafast nonlinear photonics

Recent years have seen the rapid growth of the field of smart photonics where the deployment of machine-learning strategies is the key to enhance the performance and expand the functionality of optical systems. Here, we review our recent results obtained in collaboration with the University of Aston (S. Boscolo) and the University of Franche-Comté (J.M. Dudley) by providing several examples of advances enabled by machine-learning tools such as neural networks (NNs).We describe the use of a supervised feedforward NN paradigm to solve the direct and inverse problems relating to nonlinear pulse shaping in optical fibres, bypassing the need for direct numerical solution of the governing propaga…

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La tache d’Arago temporelle en optique fibrée non-linéaire

National audience

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Langevin's Model for Soliton Molecules in Ultrafast Fiber Ring Laser Cavity

research product

Temporal analogue of the Fresnel diffraction by a phase plate in linear and nonlinear optical fibers

The analogy existing between spatial and temporal optics has motivated many studies to interpret spatial phenomena in the domain of ultrafast optics [1] . Indeed, dispersion and one-dimensional diffraction may share the same mathematical formalism. Temporal analogues of common optical systems have been proposed such as lenses, imaging systems, diffraction gratings, which opens up a whole range of new possibilities for ultrafast photonics.

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Source optique à très haut débit basée sur la compression non-linéaire de besselons optiques

National audience; Nous démontrons la génération expérimentale de trains d’impulsions ultrabrèves à des taux de répétition allant de 28 à 112 GHz. Notre approche se base sur la compression non-linéaire de besselons dans une fibre optique hautement non-linéaire à dispersion normale. Les impulsions obtenues atteignent des durées subpicosecondes.

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Phase-space topology of fiber four-wave mixing

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Reconstruction of phase-space topology in fiber four-wave mixing

We propose an experimental technique aimed to reveal a fundamental four-wave mixing process resulting in a complete reconstruction of the phase-space topology. The analysis is accompanied by training of a neural network on the experimental data.

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Etude et contrôle des portraits de phase du processus idéal de mélange à quatre ondes dans les fibres optiques

L’équation de Schrödinger non linéaire régit l’évolution des ondes dans de nombreux domaines non linéaires tels que l’hydrodynamique, la physique des plasmas, les condensats de Bose-Einstein et l’optique fibrée. Dans ce dernier cas, l’onde subit des changements dans un milieu dispersif combiné à un déphasage non linéaire dépendant de l’intensité. Le processus clé sous-jacent est le mélange à quatre ondes, qui décrit l’échange d’énergie entre des composantes de fréquence discrètes. En raison de la croissance des bandes latérales additionnelles et des pertes optiques qui limitent la distance d’interaction potentielle, il est notoirement difficile d’observer expérimentalement la dynamique idéa…

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Existence of nested oscillators in soliton molecules revealed by Mode Decomposition

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Reduced set of descriptors for experimental analysis of nonlinear optics phenomena

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Machine learning for ultrafast nonlinear photonics

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Optical besselon waves

International audience; We theoretically describe a new type of an optical waveform, the ‘besselon’, which is synthesised by the line-by-line application of π/2-spectral phase shifts to sinusoidally phase-modulated continuous-wave light.

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