Claire Grosjean
.) Clone-dependent expression of grapevine esca disease.
International audience; The occurrence of grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) increases gradually within vineyards, leading to important economic losses. Several factors could affect grapevine susceptibility to GTDs, especially climate, vine age, soil fertilization, and also rootstock, cultivar and clone. For a cultivar, the level of disease expression can vary with region and from year to year. In this context, our objective was to assess if the expression of esca disease, one of the most widespread GTDs, was also clone-dependent. Two clones (76 and 95) of the “Chardonnay” cultivar, grown in the same plot, were compared according to their developmental and physiological traits, metabolome, and…
Clone-Dependent Expression of Esca Disease Revealed by Leaf Metabolite Analysis
International audience; Grapevine trutk diseases, especially Esca, are of major concern since they gradually alter vineyards worldwide and cause heavy economic losses. The expression of Esca disease symptoms depends on several factors, including the grapevine cultivar. In this context, a possible clone-dependent expression of the Esca disease was studied. Two clones of 'Chardonnay' grown in the same plot were compared according to their developmental and physiological traits, metabolome, and foliar symptom expression. Analysis of their leaf metabolome highlighted differences related to symptom expression. Interestingly, the content of a few specific metabolites exhibited opposite variations…
L’holobionte vigne, un levier biologique pour lutter contre les dépérissements ?
National audience
L’holobionte « vigne » face au dépérissement ou quand le « vivre ensemble » n’est plus à l’équilibre
Prod 2019-165 SPE EA IPM BIOmE GenoSol INRA UB; National audience
Expression clone-dépendante de l’Esca chez la vigne
National audience; L’incidence des maladies du bois de la vigne (MDB) augmente graduellement au sein des vignobles, causant d’importantes pertes économiques. Le coût mondial du remplacement de vignes malades est estimé à plus d’1,5 milliards de dollars par an [1]. En France, presque 13% du vignoble est affecté [2]. Plusieurs facteurs pourraient influencer la sensibilité aux MDB, notamment le climat, l’âge de la vigne, la fertilisation du sol, le porte-greffe ainsi que le cépage [3]. Actuellement, aucun cépage tolérant aux MDB n’a pu être identifié et le niveau de l’expression des MDB pour un cépage donné peut varier en fonction de la région et d’une année à l’autre [3], et probablement selo…
The holobiont, a biological lever to manage some declines of grapevine
International audience; The concept of a multicellular organism to describe complex organisms composed of groups of analogous cells called tissues and organs with specific functions, shows currently some limitations. An organism such as a plant does not live alone, but closely associated with different microbial communities making up its microbiomes. The microbiomes, specific to a tissue, interact with the plant and modulate some of its functions, including physiology and immunity. The host and the associated microbiomes define a holobiont, whose function is influenced by the spatio-temporal dynamics of their interactions. Thus, a dysfunction of the grapevine holobiont (linked for example t…
Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseases disorders
Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) are devastating diseases involving xylem-inhabiting fungi. Among them, Esca and Botryosphaeria dieback affect vineyards in major worldwide grape-producing areas. The causal fungi alter the woody issues and could produce toxins that disturb the plant physiology, leading to chronic or apolectic leaf symptoms. The unique effective fungicide against these diseases, sodium arsenite, is now prohibited because of toxicity. As GTDs are complex and still partly unknown, the identification of protection strategies remain a deadlock. Global and targeted approaches were therefore conducted to get new information on the impact of the diseases and sodium arsenite treatment…
Membre du comité d'organisation
National audience
Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseaeses disorders
National audience