Thomas Schwetz
Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches
Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…
Global neutrino data and recent reactor fluxes: the status of three-flavour oscillation parameters
We present the results of a global neutrino oscillation data analysis within the three-flavour framework. We include latest results from the MINOS long-baseline experiment (including electron neutrino appearance as well as anti-neutrino data), updating all relevant solar (SK II+III), atmospheric (SK I+II+III) and reactor (KamLAND) data. Furthermore, we include a recent re-calculation of the anti-neutrino fluxes emitted from nuclear reactors. These results have important consequences for the analysis of reactor experiments and in particular for the status of the mixing angle θ13. In our recommended default analysis we find from the global fit that the hint for non-zero θ13 remains weak, at 1…
Status of four-neutrino mass schemes: a global and unified approach to current neutrino oscillation data
We present a unified global analysis of neutrino oscillation data within the framework of the four-neutrino mass schemes (3+1) and (2+2). We include all data from solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments, as well as information from short-baseline experiments including LSND. If we combine only solar and atmospheric neutrino data, (3+1) schemes are clearly preferred, whereas short-baseline data in combination with atmospheric data prefers (2+2) models. When combining all data in a global analysis the (3+1) mass scheme gives a slightly better fit than the (2+2) case, though all four-neutrino schemes are presently acceptable. The LSND result disfavors the three-active neutrino scenario with …
Status of the CPT violating interpretations of the LSND signal
We study the status of the CPT violating neutrino mass spectrum which has been proposed to simultaneously accommodate the oscillation data from LSND, KamLAND, atmospheric and solar neutrino experiments, as well as the non-observation of anti-neutrino disappearance in short-baseline reactor experiments. We perform a three-generation analysis of the global data with the aim of elucidating the viability of this solution. We find no compatibility between the results of the oscillation analysis of LSND and all-but-LSND data sets below 3$\sigma$ CL. Furthermore, the global data without LSND show no evidence for CPT violation: the best fit point of the all-but-LSND analysis occurs very close to a …
Ruling out four-neutrino oscillation interpretations of the LSND
Prompted by recent solar and atmospheric data, we re-analyze the four-neutrino description of current global neutrino oscillation data, including the LSND evidence for oscillations. The higher degree of rejection for non-active solar and atmospheric oscillation solutions implied by the SNO neutral current result as well as by the latest 1489-day Super-K atmospheric neutrino data allows us to rule out (2+2) oscillation schemes proposed to reconcile LSND with the rest of current neutrino oscillation data. Using an improved goodness of fit (gof) method especially sensitive to the combination of data sets we obtain a gof of only 1.6 times 10^{-6} for (2+2) schemes. Further, we re-evaluate the s…
Cornering (3+1) sterile neutrino schemes
Using the most recent atmospheric neutrino data, as well as short-baseline, long-baseline and tritium $\beta$-decay data we show that the joint interpretation of the LSND, solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies in (3+1) sterile neutrino schemes is severely disfavored, in contrast to the theoretically favored (2+2) schemes.
Status of three-neutrino oscillations after the SNO-salt data
We perform a global analysis of neutrino oscillation data in the framework of three neutrinos, including the recent improved measurement of the neutral current events at SNO. In addition to all current solar neutrino data we take into account the reactor neutrino data from KamLAND and CHOOZ, the atmospheric neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande and MACRO, as well as the first spectral data from the K2K long baseline accelerator experiment. The up-to-date best fit values and allowed ranges of the three-flavour oscillation parameters are determined from these data. Furthermore, we discuss in detail the status of the small parameters alpha = Delta_m^2_Sol / Delta_m^2_Atm and sin^2(theta_13), whi…
Three-flavour neutrino oscillation update
We review the present status of three-flavour neutrino oscillations, taking into account the latest available neutrino oscillation data presented at the Neutrino 2008 Conference. This includes the data released this summer by the MINOS collaboration, the data of the neutral current counter phase of the SNO solar neutrino experiment, as well as the latest KamLAND and Borexino data. We give the updated determinations of the leading 'solar' and 'atmospheric' oscillation parameters. We find from global data that the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ is consistent with zero within $0.9\sigma$ and we derive an upper bound of $\sin^2\theta_{13} < 0.035 (0.056)$ at 90% CL (3$\sigma$).
Combining first KamLAND results with solar neutrino data
We consider the impact of the recent KamLAND data on neutrino oscillations, the first terrestrial neutrino experiment that can probe the solar neutrino anomaly. By combining the first 145.1 days of KamLAND data with the full sample of latest solar neutrino data we find an enhanced rejection against non-LMA oscillations, allowed only at more than 4 sigma with respect to LMA. Furthermore, the new data have a strong impact in narrowing down the allowed range of Delta_m^2 inside the LMA region. In contrast, our global analysis indicates that the new data have little impact on the location of the best fit point. In particular the solar neutrino mixing remains significantly non-maximal (3 sigma).
On the annual modulation signal in dark matter direct detection
We derive constraints on the annual modulation signal in Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiments in terms of the unmodulated event rate. A general bound independent of the details of DM distribution follows from the assumption that the motion of the earth around the sun is the only source of time variation. The bound is valid for a very general class of particle physics models and also holds in the presence of an unknown unmodulated background. More stringent bounds are obtained, if modest assumptions on symmetry properties of the DM halo are adopted. We illustrate the bounds by applying them to the annual modulation signals reported by the DAMA and CoGeNT experiments in the framework…
Updated global analysis of neutrino oscillations in the presence of eV-scale sterile neutrinos
We discuss the possibility to explain the anomalies in short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments in terms of sterile neutrinos. We work in a 3+1 framework and pay special attention to recent new data from reactor experiments, IceCube and MINOS+. We find that results from the DANSS and NEOS reactor experiments support the sterile neutrino explanation of the reactor anomaly, based on an analysis that relies solely on the relative comparison of measured reactor spectra. Global data from the $\nu_e$ disappearance channel favour sterile neutrino oscillations at the $3\sigma$ level with $\Delta m^2_{41} \approx 1.3$ eV$^2$ and $|U_{e4}| \approx 0.1$, even without any assumptions on predicte…
Confusing non-standard neutrino interactions with oscillations at a neutrino factory
Most neutrino mass theories contain non-standard interactions (NSI) of neutrinos which can be either non-universal (NU) or flavor-changing (FC). We study the impact of such interactions on the determination of neutrino mixing parameters at a neutrino factory using the so-called ``golden channels'' \pnu{e}\to\pnu{\mu} for the measurement of \theta_{13}. We show that a certain combination of FC interactions in neutrino source and earth matter can give exactly the same signal as oscillations arising due to \theta_{13}. This implies that information about \theta_{13} can only be obtained if bounds on NSI are available. Taking into account the existing bounds on FC interactions, this leads to a …
Sterile neutrinos or flux uncertainties? — Status of the reactor anti-neutrino anomaly
The $\sim 3\sigma$ discrepancy between the predicted and observed reactor anti-neutrino flux, known as the reactor anti-neutrino anomaly, continues to intrigue. The recent discovery of an unexpected bump in the reactor anti-neutrino spectrum, as well as indications that the flux deficit is different for different fission isotopes seems to disfavour the explanation of the anomaly in terms of sterile neutrino oscillations. We critically review this conclusion in view of all available data on electron (anti)neutrino disappearance. We find that the sterile neutrino hypothesis cannot be rejected based on global data and is only mildly disfavored compared to an individual rescaling of neutrino fl…
Halo-independent methods for inelastic dark matter scattering
We present halo-independent methods to analyze the results of dark matter direct detection experiments assuming inelastic scattering. We focus on the annual modulation signal reported by DAMA/LIBRA and present three different halo-independent tests. First, we compare it to the upper limit on the unmodulated rate from XENON100 using (a) the trivial requirement that the amplitude of the annual modulation has to be smaller than the bound on the unmodulated rate, and (b) a bound on the annual modulation amplitude based on an expansion in the Earth's velocity. The third test uses the special predictions of the signal shape for inelastic scattering and allows for an internal consistency check of …
How sensitive is a neutrino factory to the angle Theta(13)?
We consider the impact of non-standard interactions of neutrinos (NSI) on the determination of neutrino mixing parameters at a neutrino factory using $\pnu{e}\to\pnu{\mu}$ ``golden channels'' for the measurement of $\theta_{13}$. We show how a small residual NSI leads to a drastic loss in sensitivity in $\theta_{13}$, of up to two orders of magnitude. This can be somewhat overcome if two baselines are combined.
Where we are onθ13: addendum to ‘Global neutrino data and recent reactor fluxes: status of three-flavor oscillation parameters’
In this addendum to arXiv:1103.0734 we consider the recent results from long-baseline $\nu_\mu\to\nu_e$ searches at the T2K and MINOS experiments and investigate their implications for the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ and the leptonic Dirac CP phase $\delta$. By combining the $2.5\sigma$ indication for a non-zero value of $\theta_{13}$ coming from T2K data with global neutrino oscillation data we obtain a significance for $\theta_{13} > 0$ of about $3\sigma$ with best fit points $\sin^2\theta_{13} = 0.013(0.016)$ for normal (inverted) neutrino mass ordering. These results depend somewhat on assumptions concerning the analysis of reactor neutrino data.