Sylvia Anton
Signal transformation from olfactory receptor neurons to central neurons
International audience
Olfactory receptor neurons: A comparative analysis of their response properties with diverse stimuli in different species
International audience
Physiological responses and central nervous projections of antennal olfactory receptor neurons in the adult desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera : Acrididae)
Olfactory receptor neurons present in two morphological sensillum types on the male Schistocerca gregaria antenna were for the first time investigated physiologically when stimulated with behaviourally relevant odours. Neurons present in trichoid/basiconic sensilla showed clear excitatory responses to compounds present in the male-produced aggregation pheromone and also to a plant produced compound. Sensilla could be categorised physiologically according to the responses of their receptor neurons to the tested stimuli. Also receptor neurons present in sensilla coeloconica responded to aggregation pheromone components, but always in an inhibitory fashion. These neurons could, however, be exc…