Nora Rogne
How to succeed with volunteers on the basis of commitment and ownership
Organising a multidisciplinary student organisation face challenges in regards to student engagement,ownership and commitment. This article will discuss key factors to create commitmentand ownership in volunteer organisations. The identified factors are 1) an engaged core group ofambassadors who spread motivation, passion and drive, 2) build relations across departments andlevel of responsibility to lower the threshold to share ideas, give feedback and ask for advice, 3)expedient and communicated organisational structure that divides responsibility and ensures collaboration,and 4) clear individual and personal incentive to participate. These factors will increaseyour likelihood of success w…
The culture of product development in student organisations
Product development in a multidisciplinary student organisation brings many challenges; varyingexperience, adaptation and involvement of members. This article will discuss how a multidisciplinarystudent project maintains a learning culture for product development and project management.The identified factors for a learning culture; 1) define product specifications, 2) involvealumnis, 3) facilitate an open minded culture for failure and learning and 4) collect experience andadapt an agile framework suitable for the project. These are factors that should be an implementedpart to increase the chances of maintaining a learning culture.Align Racing UiA, the case of this study, is a student organ…