József Cseh
Exotic shapes and clusterization of atomic nuclei
Shape isomers, including superdeformed and hyperderformed states can be determined from the quasi-dynamical SU(3) symmetry based on the Nilsson-model. We investigate the possible binary clusterizations of these shape isomers. The allowed cluster-configurations give a hint for the favourable reaction channels for populating these states. Our semimicroscopic approach is largely based on symmetry considerations, combined with energetic preference calculations. As illustrative examples some results for the 36Ar, 40Ca and 56Ni nuclei are shown.
Cluster studies have predicted both the existence of a hyperdeformed state in 36 Ar ,1 and the favorite reaction channels 24 Mg +12 C , 20 Ne +16 O for its population.1,2 Recent experimental data seem to justify these predictions,3 and Nilsson-calculations give the same shape.4 According to structure-considerations it could also be built up in alpha-emitting reactions.
Clusterization in the shape isomers of the 56Ni nucleus
The interrelation of the quadrupole deformation and clusterization is investigated in the example of the ${}^{56}$Ni nucleus. The shape isomers, including superdeformed and hyperdeformed states, are obtained as stability regions of the quasidynamical U(3) symmetry based on a Nilsson calculation. Their possible binary clusterizations are investigated by considering both the consequences of the Pauli exclusion principle and the energetic preference.
Clusters and the quasi-dynamical symmetry
The possible role of the quasi-dynamical symmetry in nuclear clusterization is discussed. Two particular examples are considered: i) the phases and phase-transitions of some algebraic cluster models, and ii) the clusterization in heavy nuclei. The interrelation of exotic (superdeformed, hyperdeformed) nuclear shapes and cluster-configurations are also investigated both for light, and for heavy nuclei, based on the dynamical and quasi-dynamical SU(3) symmetries, respectively.