Does Car Sharing Contribute to Urban Sustainability from User-Motivation Perspectives?
Mobility, its current state and development perspectives in the future creates challenges with respect to sustainability, the first of which is the uncontrolled increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the last few decades, while road transport is one of the “sinners” creating long-term negative impact. The second is the dominance of car travel and car usage in the passenger transportation segment before the latest COVID-19 pandemic accelerated environmental problems. Although recent trends show new, greener patterns in consumption, there is still a relatively low share of consumers acknowledging the importance of sustainable and green preferences. This research study aims to investigate car…
The economies of the Baltic Sea Region in relation to green economics, with particular focus on Latvia: environmental sustainability and well-being
Economic activity has an impact on the environment, but the potential degree of this impact will depend on several factors which are mainly determined by the technology used. This paper analyses the potential environmental impact the economies of the Baltic Sea Region have on their respective countries. The Baltic Sea Region countries are characterised by two economic development scenarios, namely, market and transition economies. Income levels, applied technologies and environmental management practices in these countries differ considerably, and affect a variety of complex indices. These are used to evaluate a country's overall environmental situation and the well being of its inhabitants…
Raising environmental awareness through education
This paper presents a method for involving learners in awareness-raising and real changes in consumption. The described method is a teaching assignment comprising a self-audit of household chemicals' consumption, system thinking to find the main causes and consequences, finding solutions and taking action. Findings about students' household chemicals consumption patterns and their reactions one month and six months after the assignment are presented and analysed. We found that the students' households use considerable amounts of chemicals and in most cases do not pay attention to their health and environmental impacts when making purchasing decisions. When doing this, students were able to …
Consumer behaviour change through education for sustainable development: case of Latvia
More sustainability and sustainable development are major challenges faced by society today. Consumer's choices and the use of products and services have important impacts on the environment; consequently, consumer behaviour is crucial. Education and pedagogics help select real sustainable living attitudes of students, their families and friends. This case study describes the mid-term results of a teaching assignment and survey in three Latvian higher education organisations which involve system thinking and students' action on consumer choices of household chemicals. The multilayer results provide insight into the consumption of these chemicals and show that one year after the assignment, …
Impact of COVID-19 on a Sustainable Work Environment in the Context of Decent Work
The aim of the study is to analyse decent work as a value stemming from human dignity. The key factors include a safe and healthy work environment and working conditions, social protection, compliance with employment law, stability of a workplace, opportunities for development, training and self-fulfilment, mutual respect, contacts with colleagues, etc. The impact of the pandemic has changed employees’ views on “perfect job”. Remote work is only one of the new forms of employment created by digitalization, which will increasingly enter and strengthen the labour market. However, not all employers are equally prepared for change. The study will illustrate how the concept of decent work has ch…