Päivi Lampinen

Changes in Intensity of Physical Exercise as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms among Older Adults: An Eight-Year Follow-Up

Abstract Background. Epidemiological research suggests that regular physical activity may be associated with reduced depressive symptoms. The present study examines the predictive value of physical exercise in relation to depressive symptoms among samples of adults aged 65+ during an 8-year period. Methods. The subjects (N = 663) who participated both at the baseline (1988) and the follow-up (1996) interviews were selected for the analyses. The dependent variable depressive symptoms was assessed by the Finnish modified version of Beck's 13-item depression scale. The independent variable was the intensity of physical exercise. Results. The intensity of physical exercise decreased among the o…

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Reduced mobility and physical activity as predictors of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: an eight-year follow-up study.

Background and aims: Epidemiological research suggests that reduced physical activity and mobility may be associated with depressive symptoms. The present study examines the relative roles of mobility status and physical activity as predictors of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: The subjects comprised randomly selected, non-institutionalized residents of the city of Jyvaskyla, central Finland, born in 1904–1923. At baseline, 80% (N=1224) and after the 8-year follow-up period (1996) 88% (N=663) of eligible persons were interviewed. All non-institutionalized men and women (N=384) who participated in both baseline and follow-up interviews, who supplied data o…

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Fyysinen aktiivisuus, harrastustoiminta ja liikkumiskyky iäkkäiden ihmisten psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ennustajina : 65-84-vuotiaiden jyväskyläläisten 8-vuotisseuruututkimus

Päivi Lampinen selvitti fyysisen aktiivisuuden, harrastustoiminnan ja liikkumiskyvyn yhteyksiä 65–84-vuotiaiden jyväskyläläisten kotona asuvien miesten ja naisten psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin kahdeksan vuoden seuruututkimuksen aikana. Lisäksi hän tutki näiden tekijöiden ja niiden välisten yhteyksien taustalla olevia tekijöitä, kuten kroonisia sairauksia, päivittäistä toimintakykyä ja sosiodemografisia tekijöitä. The purpose of this prospective study was to examine the roles of activity and mobility status as associates and predictors of mental well-being among older adults over an 8-year period. In addition, the aim was to explore the individual-related factors underlying the associations betw…

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