Tuomas Sormunen

Publisher Correction: X-Ray Nanotomography of Individual Pulp Fibre Bonds Reveals the Effect of Wall Thickness on Contact Area

Fibre bonds play an essential role in various properties of paper. Much research has focused on their strength, but the determination of the actual contact area also provides a challenge. Many of the research methods rely on optical tools, which are restricted by the wavelength of light that is utilised. Novel X-ray computed tomography devices utilise X-rays in studying the inner structure of materials, and surpass the optical methods in terms of resolution, allowing detection of even smaller details and variations in distance between the fibres in the bond intersection area. X-ray nanotomography was used to image 26 individual cellulose fibre bonds made of springwood and summerwood fibres …

research product

Improving methods in X-ray nanotomography of fibre bonds

X-ray nanotomography has proven to be a useful yet challenging method in the study of cellulose fibre bonds. The challenges encountered in previous researches are related to lengthy imaging times and low success rate per sample. To counter these obstacles, fibre staining in order to enhance contrast in radiographic images and an alternative method for marker particle placement were examined in this study. Cesium iodide proved to be a suitable staining material, and the alternative method for particle placement may increase success rate by reducing microfibril structure fracturing during the marker placement process.

research product

Measuring the contact area in cellulose fibre bonds using X-ray nanotomography

Paperi on stokastinen verkosto toisiinsa eri vuorovaikutusten, tärkeimpänä vetysidosten, avulla sitoutuneita sellukuituja. Paperin lujuus riippuu yksittäisten kuitusidosten lujuudesta ja sidospinta-alasta. Todellista sidospinta-alaa on vaikea määrittää tarkasti, sillä sitoutuminen tapahtuu molekulaarisessa mittakaavassa. Maantieteellisillä alueilla, joilla havaitaan selkeitä vuodenaikojen muutoksia, puun sellukuiduilla on erilaisia ominaisuuksia riippuen siitä, syntyvätkö kuidut kasvukauden alku- vai loppuvaiheessa. Kuidut jaetaan yleensä kahteen luokkaan: kesä- ja kevätpuukuituihin. Näin ollen voidaan muodostaa kolmea erilaista sidostyyppiä: kevätpuukuidut, kesäpuukuidut sekä kevät-kesäpuu…

research product