R. Sathyaprakash

Broadband X-ray spectral variability of the pulsing ULX NGC 1313 X-2

[Context] It is thought that ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are mainly powered by super-Eddington accreting neutron stars or black holes as shown by the recent discovery of X-ray pulsations and relativistic winds. [Aims] This work presents a follow-up study of the spectral evolution over two decades of the pulsing ULX NGC 1313 X-2 in order to understand the structure of the accretion disc. The primary objective is to determine the shape and nature of the dominant spectral components by investigating their variability with the changes in the source luminosity. [Methods[ We performed a spectral analysis over the canonical 0.3-10.0 keV energy band of all the high signal-to-noise XMM-Newton…

research product

Quasi-periodic dipping in the ultraluminous X-ray source, NGC 247 ULX-1

Most ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are believed to be stellar mass black holes or neutron stars accreting beyond the Eddington limit. Determining the nature of the compact object and the accretion mode from broadband spectroscopy is currently a challenge, but the observed timing properties provide insight into the compact object and details of the geometry and accretion processes. Here we report a timing analysis for an 800 ks XMM-Newton campaign on the supersoft ultraluminous X-ray source, NGC 247 ULX-1. Deep and frequent dips occur in the X-ray light curve, with the amplitude increasing with increasing energy band. Power spectra and coherence analysis reveals the dipping preferential…

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