Johann Helmut Brandstätter
Peripherin-2 differentially interacts with cone opsins in outer segments of cone photoreceptors
Peripherin-2 is a glycomembrane protein exclusively expressed in the light-sensing compartments of rod and cone photoreceptors designated as outer segments (OS). Mutations in peripherin-2 are associated with degenerative retinal diseases either affecting rod or cone photoreceptors. While peripherin-2 has been extensively studied in rods, there is only little information on its supramolecular organization and function in cones. Recently, we have demonstrated that peripherin-2 interacts with the light detector rhodopsin in OS of rods. It remains unclear, however, if peripherin-2 also binds to cone opsins. Here, using a combination of co-immunoprecipitation analyses, transmission electron micr…
Effects of Presynaptic Mutations on a Postsynaptic Cacna1s Calcium Channel Colocalized with mGluR6 at Mouse Photoreceptor Ribbon Synapses
Purpose Photoreceptor ribbon synapses translate light-dependent changes of membrane potential into graded transmitter release via L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) activity. Functional abnormalities (e.g., a reduced electroretinogram b-wave), arising from mutations of presynaptic proteins, such as Bassoon and the VDCCalpha1 subunit Cacna1f, have been shown to altered transmitter release. L-type VDCCalpha1 subtype expression in wild-type and mutant mice was examined, to investigate the underlying pathologic mechanism. Methods Two antisera against Cacna1f, and a Cacna1f mouse mutant (Cacna1fDeltaEx14-17) were generated. Immunocytochemistry for L-type VDCCalpha1 subunits and addi…