Nicole Victoria Zurita-round
Shared learning process among students of the Health Sciences and Electronic Engineering Department and students of professional training in the area of Technology and Health. A proposal for educational innovation.
[EN] The objective of this proposal for educational innovation is to facilitate the learning of complex concepts and their relationship with reality, through peer-to-peer training, in where two scenarios will be shared: university and professional training. We propose an experience in which University students in the area of Electronic Technology and Health, specifically from the degrees of Industrial Electronics Engineering, Physiotherapy and Nursing, previously trained in the concepts of radiation and its types, infrared radiation, its use in health in both treatment and diagnosis, thermoregulation and thermography with the visual thinking tool, can transversally share a teaching scenario…
Shared learning between health sciences university students. Teaching-learning process of hand hygiene
El objetivo principal del proyecto ha sido el uso de metodologías de enseñanza activa para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de la higiene de manos en la atención médica. Metodología: El proyecto de innovación docente ha puesto en práctica el aprendizaje compartido de conocimientos y habilidades entre iguales. 11 estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería, con un trabajo cooperativo e individual previo, participan en un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sobre higiene de manos con 82 estudiantes de Grado de Fisioterapia, utilizando Tics, talleres sobre desinfección de manos con autoevaluación, evaluación de conocimiento previo y posterior y evaluación de La satisfacción con la actividad. Resultad…