Fusulines of the Hoyo Oscuro section, Ándara massif of Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Zone, N Spain). New constraints about the onset of the Variscan deformation
The Hoyo Oscuro section (Andara Massif, southeastern part of Picos de Europa) is a comparatively small exposure of Pennsylvanian syntectonic deposits that shown angular unconformity on the fairly extensive pre-tectonic carbonate platform strata of Pennsylvanian age accumulated in the distalmost realms of the Variscan foreland basin of the Cantabrian Zone. Fusuline-bearing strata from this section yielded species belonging to the genera P seudostaffella, Ozawainella, Fusulinella, Protriticites, Pseudotriticites, Fusulina and Quasifusulinoides ; one of these forms, Protriticites schulzei Villa, is described as a new species from the Cantabrian Mountains. Fusuline assemblages allow us to corre…