Brunella Favilli
Improved T2* assessment in liver iron overload by magnetic resonance imaging.
In the clinical MRI practice, it is common to assess liver iron overload by T2* multi-echo gradient-echo images. However, there is no full consensus about the best image analysis approach for the T2* measurements. The currently used methods involve manual drawing of a region of interest (ROI) within MR images of the liver. Evaluation of a representative liver T2* value is done by fitting an appropriate model to the signal decay within the ROIs vs. the echo time. The resulting T2* value may depend on both ROI placement and choice of the signal decay model. The aim of this study was to understand how the choice of the analysis methodology may affect the accuracy of T2* measurements. A softwar…
Multislice multiecho T2* cardiac magnetic resonance for the detection of heterogeneous myocardial iron distribution in thalassaemia patients
The present study investigated myocardial T2* heterogeneity in thalassaemia major (TM) patients by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), to determine whether is related to inhomogeneous iron overload distribution. A total of 230 TM patients consecutively referred to our laboratory were studied retrospectively. Three short-axis views (basal, medium and apical) of the left ventricle (LV) were obtained by multislice multiecho T2* CMR. T2* segmental distribution was mapped on a 16-segment LV model. The level of heterogeneity of the T2* segmental distribution, evaluated by the coefficient of variation (CoV), was compared with that of a surrogate data set, to determine whether the inhomogeneous segme…
Single region of interest versus multislice T2* MRI approach for the quantification of hepatic iron overload.
Purpose To evaluate the effectiveness of the single ROI approach for the detection of hepatic iron burden in thalassemia major (TM) patients in respect to a whole liver measurement. Materials and Methods Five transverse hepatic slices were acquired by a T2* gradient-echo sequence in 101 TM patients and 20 healthy subjects. The T2* value was calculated in a single region of interest (ROI) defined in the medium-hepatic slice. Moreover, the T2* value was extracted on each of the eight ROIs defined in the functionally independent segments. The mean hepatic T2* value was calculated. Results For patients, the mean T2* values over segments VII and VIII were significantly lower. This pattern was su…
A T2* MRI Prospective Survey on Heart and Liver Iron In Thalassemia Major Patients Treated with Deferasirox Versus Deferiprone and Desferrioxamine In Monotherapy.
Abstract Abstract 4267 Introduction: Most deaths in thalassemia major (TM) result from cardiac complications due to iron overload. In thalassaemia available three iron chelation regimes in monotherapy may achieve different changes in cardiac iron and function and liver iron. No data are available in literature about prospective comparisons on cardiac iron and function and liver iron in TM patients treated with deferasirox (DFX) versus deferiprone (DFP) and desferrioxamine (DFO) in monotherapy. Magnetic Resonance (MR) is the unique non invasive suitable technique to evaluated quantitatively this issue. The aim of this multi-centre study was to assess prospectively in the clinical practice th…
Influence of myocardial fibrosis and blood oxygenation on heart T2* values in thalassemia patients
Purpose To determine whether T2* measurements quantifying myocardial iron overload in thalassemia patients are influenced by myocardial fibrosis and blood oxygenation. Materials and Methods Multislice multiecho T2* was performed in 94 thalassemia patients in order to quantify myocardial iron overload. The left ventricle was automatically segmented into a 16-segment standardized heart model, and the T2* value on each segment as well as the global T2* were calculated. Delayed enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (DE-CMR) images were obtained to detect myocardial fibrosis. The blood oxygenation was assessed by the noninvasive measurement of partial pressure of oxygen (pO2). Results Myoca…
Myocardial scarring by delayed enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance in thalassaemia major
Background: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) by delayed enhancement (DE) enables visualisation of myocardial scarring, but no dedicated studies are available in thalassaemia major. Objective: To investigate the prevalence, extent, clinical and instrumental correlates of myocardial fibrosis or necrosis by DE CMR in patients with thalassaemia major. Patients: 115 Patients with thalassaemia major consecutively examined at an MRI laboratory. Methods: DE images were acquired to quantify myocardial scarring. Myocardial iron overload was determined by multislice multiecho T2*. Cine images were obtained to evaluate biventricular function. Results: DE areas were present in 28/115 patients (24…