Unravelling the modus operandi of phytosiderophores during zinc uptake in rice: the importance of geochemical gradients and accurate stability constants
Abstract Micronutrient deficiencies threaten global food production. Attempts to biofortify crops rely on a clear understanding of micronutrient uptake processes. Zinc deficiency in rice is a serious problem. One of the pathways proposed for the transfer of zinc from soils into rice plants involves deoxymugineic acid (DMA), a phytosiderophore. The idea that phytosiderophores play a wider role in nutrition of Poaceae beyond iron is well established. However, key mechanistic details of the DMA-assisted zinc uptake pathway in rice remain uncertain. In particular, questions surround the form in which zinc from DMA is taken up [i.e. as free aqueous Zn(II) or as Zn(II)–DMA complexes] and the role…
Isotope fractionation of zinc in the paddy rice soil-water environment and the role of 2’deoxymugineic acid (DMA) as zincophore under Zn limiting conditions
Non-traditional stable isotope systems are increasingly used to study micronutrient cycling and acquisition in terrestrial ecosystems. We previously proposed for zinc (Zn) a conceptual model linking observed isotope signatures and fractionations to biogeochemical processes occurring in the rice soil environment and we suggested that 2’deoxymugineic acid (DMA) could play an important role for rice during the acquisition of Zn when grown under Zn limiting conditions. This proposition was sustained by the extent and direction of isotope fractionation observed during the complexation of Zn with DMA synthesised in our laboratory. Here we report a new set of experimental data from field and labor…