Satu Kaski

Reactions to a career-ending sport injury : Pekka Hirvonen, a professional ice hockey player

This chapter presents an end of athletic career case of a professional ice hockey player, Pekka Hirvonen. The chapter presents his case, details of the multi-ligament knee injury he suffered, the role of athletic identity, pre-retirement planning, and coping skills in the process of transitioning out of sport. These factors are then further explained through Taylor and Ogilvie’s (1994) conceptual model of adaptation to career transition. Based on the above, an interprofessonal plan of care was developed, and the case was evaluated from the perspective of those involved: a licenced psychologist, his wife, and coach. The chapter also discusses ethical considerations, and provides an update of…

research product

Profiles of mental well- and ill-being among elite athletes: Associations with sport-related demands and resources

The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of elite athlete mental well- and ill-being and study how the profiles (i.e., subgroups of athletes) differed in sport-related demands and resources. A total of 259 Finnish elite athletes (n = 170 active and n = 89 retired) completed quantitative self-report inventories. Through cluster analysis, four profiles of mental well- and ill-being were identified. Profile 1 was overrepresented by retired, older, and male athletes, and characterized by good mental well-being. Profile 2 consisted mainly of active athletes who reported mild risk for alcohol abuse. Profile 3 consisted mainly of women who displayed possible presence of an eating diso…

research product

Terapeuttinen muutos haitallisesta kilpailujännityksestä kärsivällä urheilijalla: kognitiivis-konstruktivistisen terapian soveltuvuus psyykkiseen valmennukseen

Tutkin terapeuttista muutosta haitallisesta kilpailujännityksestä kärsivällä urheilijalla kognitiivis­-konstruktivistisessa lyhytterapiassa. Tutkimuksessani keskityn kilpailujännitykseen ja siinä tapahtuvaan muutokseen. Lisäksi tutkin urheilijan suhdetta itseen ja muihin, lähinnä valmentajaan, seka näissä suhteissa tapahtuvia muutoksia. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu seitsemästätoista litteroidusta terapiaistunnosta sekä urheilijan ja valmentajan omista arvioinneista. Apuna olivat myös terapeutin omat muistiinpanot. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin Stilesin (1996) assimilaatioanalyysiä, jonka pohjalta arvioin muutosprosessin kulkua. Muutoksen todentamisessa lisätukena käytin myös psyykkisessä valmenn…

research product